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<br />Ta 3invE au» Ta 7laL.A the same unto the Moxtgagee, as herein pravided. Mortgagor represents ta, <br />and cavenan#s with, the Mortgagee: that the lVIartgagar has good right. to sell and convey said premises; <br />that they are free from encumbrance, except as`hereinatherwis~> recited ;that the Mortgagor will warrant <br />r; and defend the same a'gaiustthe Iaw.uI cl~iin:s of alipersons ethomsoever. ~lortgagar hereby relinquishes <br />`t : :313" rig'r,ts of homestead, :311 r.*arital ~ igh ta, eiihez~ in fart ter fa eglaity, and ail other eaatingent interests of <br />~ (~-tne "i3iorigagor in and tr; the above-described prarrsises. <br />'--' i,, ;.s,a;, ~~v:.'~ ~ ~, and i ~'~e.C f,~ea~iics are etectrtntl and aefiverssd upon the following eaaiilitiansr to <br />wit : ' <br />~; :~la~°t~'sgr±r agrees to pay to the E3ortgagee, or order, the aforesaid principal sum with interest from date <br />at the rate of Nice aZSd Qa3 e 32&2~r eentuns (~< ~~i'a) per-annum on the unpaid balance until paid. <br />~ '1'ue saidpx~ncipal and %nterest shall be payable at the office of Mortgage Fins Incorporated <br />~ in E31~r,1$~t+ood, Ga2or&do , ar at such atherplace ~ t e holder of the note may designate in <br />writing delivered or mailed to the Mortgagor, in monthly installments of pne-Hundred ~~ hty-Two sold <br />~~~ 1 ~~ Dollars {$ t 82.08 ), commencing on the first day aE Jarnaary 1979 , and can~umg on <br />the iirstday of each month thereafter until said ante it fully paid, except that, if nut sooner paid, the final <br />payment of principal and interest shalt be due and payable on the first day of Ae cember 2008 ; atl <br />aeca;ding to the terms of a certain promissory note of even date herewith executed by the said Mortgagor. <br />the 1t3artgagar further agrees <br />1. 13e will pay the indeb#ednesa, as hereinbefore pravided. Privilege is reserved tea prepay at any <br />:. time, without premium or fee, the entire indebtedness or any part thereof not leas thantlae amount of one <br />installment, or one hnndaed dollars ($It1fl.00), whichever is leas. Prepayment in fail shalt be ereslited on <br />the-date received. Paatial prepayment, other-than on an installment due date, need not be credited-uaatii <br />ttae next following installment due date ar thirty days after such prepayment, whichever is eazlier. <br />2. Together with, and in addition ta, the monthly payments of principal and interest payable-under <br />''.Tm terms cif the note secured hereby, Mortgagor wilt pay to i~iortgagee, as trustee, {under the terns of this <br />trust as hereinafter stated} as the first day of each month until said note is fully pail; <br />(~} A sum equal to the,ground rents, if any, next due, plus the premiums that will' next he_ coafe dtie <br />-and dyable on policies of fire and other hazard in, uranee caveriusg tlse mortgaged property, <br />:plus taxes and assessments next -due on the mortgaged property { all as estimated lay the 84ort- <br />' gages, and of ahieh the Mortgagor is notified} less alt sums already paid therefor divided: ~y <br />the number of months to elapse before one month prior to the date when such ground .amts, <br />premiums, taxes and assessments ~c~iIt became delinquent, such sums to be-held by Mortgagee <br />is trmt th-pay said groisiad rents, presaaiurs; coxes and .ial nssessasaeitts.` , <br />(ls) 3'he aggre~*u of the amounts payable pursuant to subparagraph {rr) and-those payable on the= <br />*+n+.e swurnd hereby, sha33 be paid i a sirgln ~x.~,Gbt eaoh ,cant h, to ba z~pliad td rise f~rlTow- <br />ing items in the order stated <br />(a) ground-rents, taxes, assessments, fire and other hazard insuranee.premiumx; <br />{II) -interest on the note secured hereby ~ and <br />(tts) .amortization of the principal of said note. <br />any deficiency in the amau_ nt of any such aggregate mantlafy payment shall, unless made good <br />by the' ?Mortgagor prior to tfse due date of the next such payment, constitute an eueait of default <br />aiader tr7is mortgage. lit Mortgagee`s option, ~lartgagar will-pay a "late ehsa" cot exceed- <br />ing €aur per centusn (4~0 } of any install went when paid mare than fifteen {i5) dayaafter the <br />due date thereof to coyer-the extra exgenae involved in hand;ingdelinquentpayments, but-each <br />"fate charge" shalt not be payable out of the proceeds of any sale made to satisfy the isadeblad- <br />siess secured hereby, unless such proceeds are sufficient to discharge the entire indebtedness and <br />ail proper -costs and expenses secured thereby. <br />3. Tf rite-torsi of the ppgriaents made by the f~artgagoz -under {m} of paaagraph 2 preceding shall <br />-exceed the suipunt of pa~nen#a actually made by the 3£ortgag~, as trustee, far ground units; taxes and <br />asaesan'ients ar insearatisx premiums, $s the case array be, such excess shall be credited by the ~'rirtgugpe ., <br />on sulaeequent paysaeata t€a be made by the Mortgagor faP sash items ar, at ;~ortgagex's option; oat trustee, <br />-shall be rofsuaded tta IKvs•kgag~: If, however, such monthly payments shall not be sul2'icfent to-pay such <br />items when flee scare sfsali bsscame due and payable, thew the Mortgagor shelf pay to the Mortgagee; as <br />truatae, any ~aouat aasary tar nee up the defaeieney within thirty {3tl} days after written notice €rom <br />the Mortgages sFai+iag the ema}arat of ~ defcier#oy, which notice may 6e gives by snail,. If at an3~ timE <br />the shall mutter tar the B+Icrtgagee, in a~ordanee with the provisions of the Hate secszred <br />heresy, full, p~stent of t3ae entire indebtedness repa°e~nted ttsereisy, the Mortgagee, as trustee, shall;- - ' <br />in the aa#ararst rat soh iaddn, cxadit #n i~ae account of the M€artgagor any credit balar-c~ <br />acs~smulate~d ursder• t3ess pa+x=isiona of (a} of paragraph 2 hereof. If-there shalt be a default under any <br />of the_p3roviffiona of t~s ~ rersuftirrg irr a pubfie s 'x.e of she pr^,..;~_ coveroci liareliy: ar i{'t~se <br />Ma*taan+ee ire ! '~ otlri9e aft t~fautt, t~ ;2£„°sgu~-- aw ~sst.~, ahaR applb> at_ <br />trace of the- ai` egg, oast idtie the property ia' otherwise acquired, the <br />artnuaat ;.`,~ ' 4iaa for under {a.) of pas•aa 2 precediiCg, ass a credit oa #2se <br />interest accrued and tsnpsAisi and the bafanee to the principal rhea rernsiniag usrptaid:an said- . <br />4,. 'one. lc@n ni'fhsa irL tr,~me~tt chgil rnrnaia in f~fl f'~a8d e~feCtd~.~n~ pQatppgg,~~s~~-, <br />area of the. time of.payraert of the indebtedness c~ any parttheraFtfseeureci hes+eiay. <br />B. I3e will pay al} ground renia, taxes, assestvnerts, water rates; artd other goveramentaf or annular- <br />pal cl~rges, saes, ar impaaitions, levied upon slid pzrtmises and that he wig pay all taxes levied upon this <br />mart age, ar the deiai secured f~rez~>ry, together. with any other taxesar as~sasnents-which may be;fevied <br />under the laws of ldebrsska:againstthe b4or•tgagee,'ar the legal hoiden of-said principal note, oa account of <br />tills irislEY~tednesx, except when -psryraient for all such itesna has theretofore been mace under {ss) of para- <br />,graph ~ hereof, and he will promptly delipex the ctRciai recs!ipta therefor to the Ii4artgsgee. In default <br />thereof the Mortgageemaypayrhe same. <br />