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<br />Uur>FOaut Covaxntvrs. Borrower and Lander wvenant and agree as follows: <br />i. $symrat art Prlnseipal sad daitrest. Borrowtr shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the <br />indebttdness evidene:ed by the Nate; prepayrue~t acid late charges as provided in the Ntite, and the principal of and interest <br />on say Future Advattres arcttreti by this Mortgagt. <br />'B F ~ T ~ r~ °> w ~ to agglica>,le law or to a written! waiver by Lr-nder, Barrawcr shall pay <br />tta Lents oa t~ day manthip installments of principal and interESt are payable ender the-Note; until the Plate is paid in full, <br />a stmt ;beiein "L»unds"j equal to one-twdifth df the peari~ xazss slid asses~rsents which may attain priority over the <br />Mortgage, and $mundtiutte oathe.Piiipeatg; if-arty, plus eme,tweifth.of,yesrn' premium-installments for hazard insurance, -_ <br />- phrstwslftltia€ yearly Pmmit~ metal(meets-far maitgage-i~rrance, if any, spas-reasotrattly satimatsd initially sect-from <br />time to time by LEncler at the basis of assessments and bills. and reasonable estimates thereof. <br />-The Funds strait be herd is 2n iasiitution. the deposits os aecotrnis- of wtticlr -ace insured or guaranteed by a Federal or <br />star agency (iaclttsfiing Lender if Lender is such an-iraeitettiAn`- Lender shall apply-the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments, <br />insura~e picariums and ground rents.. Leatdet may sot charge-for sv holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account, <br />or verifying and compiling said assesismectTa and bills, unless Leader pays Barrawer interest on the Funds and applicable law <br />permits Y;eader to make such a cltai~s. Borrower and Lender slay agree in writing at the time of execttSon of this ,--- <br />Mortgage drat iniet'eaf tm the Funds shall be paid to Borttmer, and unless such agreement is- made or appliwbiC law - <br />- rsquiFea Stich i stteieat to tae mid; Ltitder shall rsot bts-required- to -tray Borrotres any interest su earnings as the Fu l+nst . Lenckr <br />shall give tv Borrower,- without [:barge, an annual aceaunting of the Funds showing credits and debits. to the Funds and rite <br />purpt>se €or which seal[ debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are Pledged as additional security far the soma. secured <br />by this-Mortgage. <br />If the smoemt of the Funds heHI by Lender, together with the future monthly installments of Funds payable prior to <br />the dtre dates of taxes, assessments, insurance premiums sad ground rents, shall excced the amottrrt required to pay said taxes, <br />asseasrtetnts, insurance premiums and ground. rants as they fart due, such excess shat) be, at Borrower's option, either <br />promptly repaid m Borrawet or credited to Borrower on monthly installrrrents of Funds. if the amount`af the Funds <br />held ltq Letu3er shall sot be suf$cimt to pay taxes. assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents as they-fall data, <br />Bortawer shall Pay to Lender any amount necessary to make up the deficiency within 34 days from the date notice is mailed <br />by Leger to Borrower zequestin8 payment thereof. <br />Upon payment is full of ail sums secured by this Mortgage, Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds <br />held by Lender. if under paragraph I$ hereof the Property is said or the Property is otherwise acquired by Lender, Lender <br />ai~;l apPlp, .".' tate~ than :m;::.a:~.ely prier to dte °,a.,r° of t: ` Pr~},...~~ - a, y B:,s nun., nay Fu°s~ 1:°,td <br />Lender at the time of application as a credit against the sums sectored by this~Martgage.~• <br />3. Apit6ir~doa of Payments. Unless applicable law provides otherwise, all payments received. by Lender -under-the: <br />Note and pazagtaPhs I attd 2 hetsrof shall be applied by Leader fast in payment of amounts payable to Lender by Borrower <br />under paragraph ~ hereof, then to interest payable on the Note, then to the principal of the-Note, and [lien to intstest and: <br />principal oa any Future Advances. <br />4. C~gea; Laterre9. Borrower shall pay all taxes, assessments and other charges, fines and impositions attributable to - <br />the Property which may attain a priority aver this Mortgage:, and Ieasehald payments or ground rents, if say, in the man~nti` <br />grovidetl under paragraph 2 hereof or, if not paid in such manner, by Borrawtr making payment, whet[ due; directly to the' <br />Payee: thereof. Borrower shall promptly furnish to Leader all notices of amounts -due under this Paragraph, and iii theevent <br />Borrower shall make paymeutt directly, Harrower shall promptly ittrnish to Lender receipts evidencing such payments. <br />Borrower shall protnpdp dischazge any Lien which has priority over this Mo aQage; Provided, drat Borriwer shall not <br />required to discharge anq such lien so long as Borrower shall agree: in writing to the payment of theobligatian scented by <br />such Been in a rrtaaner acceptable to Lender, or shalt in good faith contest such lies ray, or defend enforcement of suit lien hz: <br />legal praceetlings whis;tt operate to prevem tht enforcanent of the lien ar forfeiture of the Property or any part thetixsf.. <br />5. Airraaral Issuanesee. Bortxatve€ Mall kelp rte improvements now ~>4i_sting or hereafter erected aaihe Property iasur~ <br />agaicast lass by fire, hazards iaclurled within the term "extended coverage", and such other hazards as Lender may require. <br />sad in such amounns and for such Periods as Lender may require; provided, that Lender shaft not require that the amount of <br />such: coverage exceed that amount of coverage required to pay the sums ststrred by this Mortgage. E <br />The issstuatue carrier providing dre ittsttrance shall be chaste by Btarnowe:r subject to approval by Lender, grovidetl, <br />_ that such apPraval shall eat be'unreasonably withheld. All premiums on insnrance policies shall be paid in the manner- <br />pravidsxt ostler paragraph 2 hereof at, if eat paid in such manner, by Borrower making payment, when due, directly to tbs. <br />insurance carrier. <br />Al! iustrxaace gulicies and reneewals thereof shall be in farm acceptable to Lender sad shad include a standard mortgage s <br />clauses in 5,tvor of and in form acceptable to Lender. Lent~r shall have the right to bald the policies and renewals [[,erect, <br />.and Borrower. shall promptly furnish to Lender ati rerxwai notices and all receipts of paid premiums. Ln the event of loss, <br />Ba:rowe<r a ve prompt nabs" to the insurance ca~~ a:+~ Lender. Lander may make great of lose if not made pramPdy <br />hySarrawer. <br /> Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, instrranee prxeeds shall be applied to restoration of repair of <br />the' Prcrpertp damaged, provided such restoration ar repair is xonomically €easible and the security of this Mortgage is <br />eat thereby impaired. If such restoration or repair is eat economically feasible or if the security of this Mortgage would ' <br />be ir3apairexi, tae insurance proceceds shall be applied to the sums secured ray this Mortgage, with the excess, if say, paid <br />to Borrower.. if tht Property is abandoned by Barrotvsx, or if Borrower fails to rt~pond to Leader within 34 days from [lie- <br />- date entice is mas7ed by Lender to Borrower tLtat the insurance carrier offers to setae a claim (tar insurance benefits, Lender <br />is authorized to coti~x and apply the iffiurance-proceeds at Lender's option either to restiration or repair of the Property. <br />or ro the aix:trreal ray this Mortgage. <br />Ualesa Lander and Borrower otlretwise agme in writing, any such application of proceedsaa principal shall-not extend <br />ar ptastporre the due date of the tttotrthly instalhnents referred to in paragraphs t and 2 herm€ of chatrge the amount. of <br />such iaststttntuts. 1£ uttdtx Paragraph i8 hct~af the Propam' is required by bender, all right, title and interest of Btarroivtr <br />in and to any insurartee Policita asst is and. to dte proceeds thereof resnitirtg from damage to She Property prier to [fie salt. <br />or acrtrtisition shall pass to Lender ;rs [tie cutest[ of the some sec,tred by this Mortgage immediately prier to such sate: or <br />4. Ptexarai[sm sad. erf Property; Lmasthoii~; Caadamialems; Planned IItvt IiereIeptne:nts:- Bartrowei - <br />~'~.1- l- [fin Proper[}! iu goad repair sad-strait: eat commit waste ar permit iinpairmtntt or deteriotsiion csf iht Prapert}~ <br />steal[ coy wit ?~ pr+svlsioss of ~g if this Morr~age is rrn a lgascltold If this Moetg~e ia- on a nail in -a <br />uaaaittiutu or a.Plaaaed-unit developtr3e3tt; Sorrawer shall taerform all of Btnt+pwer's obligations utrder-.the deelaratian <br />cr sov;.a9^rs erect^e::ss get'e-r.;re tl~ ao~cmiStiirm nr planned tiitit tleveftrptnsnt; the by-laws aml're~uEatiims of [le.- <br />consfominiusrr of planted u~ develttpittsnt.; arttl. constituent documents. if a scnrdoriti$iutn or- planner unit development <br />- - cuter ^_*_ec~iEaet by Bomotver and recor3dtege[her with this Mortgage, the-r~°°^t°-and agrer'tnenta.of such ritieY.._ - <br />shaU be incoranrated into and shah amch:d and supplement the coi~enants and agreaneafa-af. this Moargsge ~ if the rider <br />- were n part heteaF. <br />7. Prtrtectioa d Leader's Seetvltq. if Barower fails to perform the covenants a~_-agr~menta contained- in this- - <br />:vtartga$s;. az grey action qt Pracstding is commenced. which materially affeMS Lenders interest- in the- Ptapcrty, <br />iitcFstsl3ag, taut rust lunited tc, eminent daraain, inaotvsncy, code enforee~tenL or artangtrriP.6~ or pmii•es~gs_iitvalaEing-a <br />`_^kttit,, or :Ic,t, the e Lender sL L.~,ler's option, u~r, entice :? :8arrat^er; rna}s make,suctt appesranccs, disburse such- <br />svtx and take sttcta action ~ is ne~eary to protect Lender's interest, inciudutg, brit not:-limited- m, disbursemectt of <br />reasanahlc sttamcy's tees and entry-upon the Property W maSce repairs. if Lenttaz rtquiied mortgage insurance as a <br />contlitian of malddg the IUan aacustd -bY .this X4or/gages Hssrrawei site![ paq- the premiums req~tit~l to maintain sneh <br />Iattu'at~t fa eft until Such once as tlte..inquiretgaxrt foe stash insurauae terminates in acaattiance with Borrower's and <br />