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• ~~~ <br />not extend or pasi.pane the due date of the manihly instal}mEnis referred fa in paragraphs I and 2 hereof or <br />change the amount of such installmen~=. ' <br />Ill. Batrcwer Not IBei$ased. $xtension of tlse titrse for lacy anent ar madifieation of amortisation of the sums <br />seethed by this-~Iartgage granted ,by Le;sder to asy successor in interest: of Borrower slsall not operate to aelease, <br />iti sn~ n:anue.°, ,t,e :lability of Lhe original' $arrtix£er sad Horrawer's suceessas's in .ititsrest. Lender shall- not fie <br />required to curtrr+ence proceedings against sitalT snceessor ar refuso to extenr# time-for pspment or othei•a-ise niadify <br />atriartizatiaz~ of tree sums seeitied by this i•lortgage ray reason o-f any deia~aad made by the orsginat Barsawer and <br />BoraParrer's successors its interest. - <br />If. rot#>s«ssmrce by 1`.esder--rPot a Div®r. any #ardcaemrtcs ray LenclEr in aaxreising any rig:st ar ray <br />h~ttndar, of ~t~rwise-affo-rded by Gpp!ieabl€ law, shall not-be a xsai:>Qr-nf or preclude the exercise of -any ritght <br />isr reitxedy ltereuads>T: The proctitemes>t, of insurance ei. the p:ii°rtaent df taxes or other liens or charges by Lender <br />_~ alas]]-not be ~ waiver of bender's right to aeceI~rate tht; rststnrity of ttie`indebtedness secured by this Mortgage. <br />°^ 13. Remedies Csmuiative. ,~ ll remedies provided iu this Mortgage are distinct and cumutatide to any oilier' <br />~'~., right ar rc:n^„y i ~ r *l:is ~ fortgags or afforded lay la'T•: or equi}ti'. end iisay lie-exercised eancursetstly, indepetid- <br />jam. • aatl~ or sucseeasive}y: <br />_/ 1~. Beteespsars_and Assigns Bonmd; joint atsd Several Liability; Captioa>5. The covenants atsd agreements <br />~ hereizs contained shall hind and tree rights hereunder shall inure to, the respective successors and assigns of Leode=,r <br />and Borrowsr,'subjee;, to:tlse nre~-isians of paragralale t7 hereof. ill cavenants and agreetnents of Borrower-shall. <br />- be joint and several. The captions and headings of rho paragraphs of this Mortgage are for convenience only and <br />~` ere net ta'~ tiled to interpret ttr define the provisions hereo-f. <br />l4. Nctiee. Any'isotice to Bai•rawer provided far in thisllortgage shall be given by mailing-such notice tsy <br />certitied snail addressed to Borrower at the Property Address stated below, except for any notice required under <br />paraL*taph l8 hereof to be given to Borrower in tlse manner prescribed by spp}icablc law. Any notice pro~~ided <br />for in tiers Mortgage shall be deemed ta.lsavc Iseea given to Harrower when given in the manner designated ,herein. <br />15, fjn~+ rza Mortgage; Governing Law; Sevstabslity. This form of naartgage unifornt cavenants _ <br />for natiataaE use and non-uniform cavenants with limited variatian€ by jurisdiction La constitute a uniform seen- <br />- city instrument covering real property. This Alortgsge shall be governed by the law of the jurisdiction in vihieh <br />the Property is located. Ir. the event 'that say provision or clause of this Mortgage or the Nato stanfliets with <br />applicable law, such conflict shall mat affect atlser laravisions of this _lIorfgage or the Note which can be.givers- <br />effe~ u•ithauE the conflicting provision, and to this end the provisions of i he ~#ortgage and the Note are dectared <br />tta be severable. <br />16. BosrAwez's Dopy. Barsmver slsalt be furnished a conformed copy of this ~•£ortgage at the time of execu- <br />tion or after s•~oxiatian hereof. <br />l7, "tran+~r cvf Prxty; l4s~suxptian. ?f all a, a..y-part of the Property or an itterest therein is cord <br />or tsansfer~ed by Borrower without Lender's prior written caasent, exelstdine {aj the creation of a 1-nets or encutici- <br />larance suhatYlinat+• to this Afattgage, {bj the creation of a purchase nsoney security interest for househvtd' appli- <br />ance~, {ej a transfer by devise, descent ar by operation of ]stir upon the death of a joint tenant or (dj the, grant of <br />any leasehold inierc::t of three years or leas not containing an option to purchase, Lender mag, at lender's- aptioiat <br />declareatl the sums secured by this itifattgag~ to be immnediately due anti payable. Lender shalt have vrsi~red st:eh <br />t» ac~i.tE ii, prior w tae sate er trasisfet•, Lender asst th9 laersan to wham the ~'roperty is La tae or <br />transferred reach agrc~ment in writirsg that the credit of such person is sa#isfaEt:,rS• to Lender end tl-,at rho itterest <br />payah:a an Ilse sums secured lay this'3artgagee shall lee at suds rate as ],code-r 3ttali request. if %.ender tree waived <br />the aptson is aecelara~.. provided in t:si. paragraph I7 and if Borrower's sttcczssor in interest has execntetl s writ <br />ten assumgGian; agreement secepted its writing by Leader, Lender shall release Borrower from all nbligatsoss-under <br />this ?t~artgage and the Nate. <br />If Lender exercises such option to secet~sate, Lender shall :stall $arrower notice it# acceleration is aecortlessce <br />write paragrsph_l~ hereof, ~,.ch notice. shall pras;de a period o[ not toss than 3Q days fracas the date the notice i. <br />srsaiteit within-which $orrovser may pay the n-tense ds~laretii due. Ii Borrower fails to pay such sums pt•ior to the <br />expiration of such period, Leader may. without further notice ar demand an Borrower, invoke- any remedies per- <br />tnittecl by paragraph I$ lsereaf. <br />ion-L's~~oxa~ Go>.~na:~~. ~Sorrowea• and Lender further covenant anti agree as follows. <br />l8: Acse~ratitns: Remedies.. Ex~rlxt ss nrevidect in s,as•agraph IT hereof,. upon Borrower's breach of-any.. <br />~vctsaat or agreement of Bartavrer in trail 3lartgagc, inrluc3ing the covenants to pay when itue any enrol Eeeured <br />by ibis :tfartgage, Lender larior to acre}e:ratiorr sisal! Haar] ss~.atice to Borrower as provided in paragraph i4 Hereof <br />specifying: {tj the tiseac•h; {~) tlse actiazs rt~sltsirE~ci to cure such ]ttearh; t~} a date,.not-less -than thirty daps <br />from the date the native is availed to Harroxa~er, i;~~ wl:sch such lareaels must be lever];. oiler {4j that failure to cure <br />stzeh breach on ar before the date sperifieel in tlse Horror sway result in aceeles~tiois of the aunts sectyred by L1tis <br />;Zfartgage and sale of tlse Property. If rise breach is not cured on ar Esefare the date specified in the notice, Lender <br />at Lei hr's p~.t;^^ ntay d~.s~,;.s, all ° ts*€ ~1~ rzru='~d l,y ti~is Mortgage to (se immediately due assd parable <br />wittiaut fui~tlserdematsd a=hd may farerlose tlsis :ilortgat„e lay udiriai proceeding: Lender shall be entitled to collect <br />in such proceeding all expenses of fareclsryum. including, lout not limited ta, costs of doeuinentasv evideitce. ;. <br />alastraets and title reports. <br />I9. garrovrsr'a Rig3tt itr ~at~it}tst.anding l.etsdr,'s atrceleraiian of the sums secures by this <br />Mcrt~gaga, Eos•nawer shill have the right to liaa•e any psrores'diags laegun hY ].ender to eefore•. this ia,fortgage di~- <br />trontirsuPCt at any time prifar ~ entt~- of a juu4 -erat {•nfsttring this Mortgage if: {ar $orrower pays Lender nl# <br />srasxas rvhich wos±ld be tltea d`smder tiers [artgsgc, rise Ntste atatf-notes geestting Future. AdYannces, i[ srly, ta;td no <br />! scarred: tbj r3arro4ver °.•.:.~ oil breai=`,~ of any other axavenants or agreemen€s of $orroaver s:cauF <br />a..vy s:: ti±is :tfortgag€; (ts},larrawe€ prays all rea-sorsalile citl~szses itaestrt~ed by Ixnder in enforcing the covenants- <br />, a~a zg*p~'n~n*.s }f Bnr=•t;cr~* #.,air in tktoa ~lartgage aunt hr rnfor~ing I~sder'a renaarlies as pro~idc•ti in pz#ra- <br />graph iS li•~teai, ancluditag, trot limit, to; reastsrsatxle stt~^tacs r :`~: amd sr~l Btrrrowor £n~es stieh setiaa-oar <br />~ ,~ ~•. I;s. 'ar=.g~~c. L@rafgT's *~:•ehL in t2:s F'rtslieity arid: <br />Lr~~„z ,U~ rzas~ ,ably cirP' tv av~ flier of _#3si~ t, <br />BErraa,ex's obligation to pav tl+e sieves srecus•mi by ship tfrrttg:+ge shaFltir.~imio ua•s»#3a3re;i. ~l:sit such pa}mart . <br />assd pure oy Harmiser, rills fsfongage and the oblig5tion. sc-cured hereby sisal] t~e~rtain in.fvll feat~e sad effee~t ~ if <br />nu ac+ielr~o%:+aii hntl :H:~'ilrtiCii. <br />~0. Ple~ignm+snt of'R~ds; fsgAuefbvnatt of Receivaer; Lgrtder in Pnsceasioa. ,ls aiiditinntvl eeeut9ty hoiia- <br />un•3ts, Borrawrz hereby, s~igas tie ienerei• the remit of the l'ropert:}~, prox•ider} that. Borrower ahteil, prior to saceler- <br />atien aiiltfa-r prr.ragrajxL 28 herLeof or abandonment of the Property. havE• t1e rigt;t ±o collect and retain such.- rends <br />Pa {~t1~ b2Ca~>' dtsP Reid pRVR VIP. - <br />--L'pan a.~ce!era±iva r:e3er Issr:.i*,r-aph i6 1 e -~i o:` a!aandancnent ~sC Eh~~ 1'ra}ierty. Lrn,3er. in arson: l5y a¢,mnt <br />or fay judiaaally appoitstcK3 receiver shnli he entitle4t fci enter. uiwn, tska ;ao~esion of rend sswizagc -tlte Property <br />and to cgllacL the rents of the Property, including ttro3c {>asr due. Alt rent:. collected hy`I.,endon ar'tke receiver <br />altrikl be applied fist to pnc•men4 of the cants of suss?agesnent of fhe .Pcepo4tJ anti enllaoLiop of rents, inelssdsag, buE <br />no£ ]united to, receiver's fees, premiums ern rePrive±'s son+lh and seasonable attfsrnev's fees. and then to the sums <br />secttrecl Icy this s~fprtgage, Lender and the reeesver nhali be Ii:.l,le tb ~icenunt. only for those rents actually received. <br />