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~.'°' <br />not extend or !aostpone the due date of tfzc monthly iustallnrents referred to in !aaragraphs 1 and S hereof or <br />change the amount of such installments. <br />Ifb Borrower Not Released. Extension of the time for pacnzent or modification of amortization of the sums <br />secured lay-ties lLfortgage granted by Lender is any successor iri interest of Borrower shall not operate to reiesee, <br />in any manner, Elte liability ;if L4:e original Borrower and I3arrazvm's successors in interest.. Lender shall not- be <br />required to eottriueneeliroceeditigs against such-successor orsefuse to extend Lima for payment ar otherx-ise modify <br />amortization of the szinis secured by this _llortgage by reason of any demand made by the original Borrower and <br />Bfli'roast=,r's sueveesora in interest. <br />bt ~~;~-~ ~,-d ~-?,~.dn i~3t~'4~n~vgr= any foioaaianeo by I.:,±adAr in cxereising any right or rely - <br />hereunder; br otherwise afforded by app3ieable laze;-shah riot tae s waiver of or preclude the exercise of any right <br />or semeily-hereunder. The procurement of insurance. or the payment of taxes or other liens or charges by Lender <br />shalt not bs a waiesr of Lender's right to accelerate the maturity of the indebtedness secured by this Ivlortgage. <br />,,,,i 12. Rsr.~bdass'Cu~ti2atav$. ill remediea prac=ided in this Mortgage-are distinct and eumnlative to any other <br />~ right oi• remedy zlnder-this Mortgage o:• afforded Iay laze ar equity, and-may be exercised concurrently, independ- <br />~ti,, a-rrtly or successively: <br />~ IS, Bnc¢essors gad-Assigns Bqund: Toint and.°3averal Liability: Captions. The covenants and agreeinenb,;s <br />herein vbntained shall bind, and=the rights hereunder slzali-inure io, the respective successors and assigns of Lender <br />aria HotTawer, eirlajeet to the provisions of paragrapl_ 17 hereof. All covenants and agreements. of Harrower shall <br />be joint and several. The captions and !readings of the paragraphs of th*.s Mortgage are for com~enience only and <br />~r are-not to Eie trsett to interpret or define the provisions hereof. <br />Ig, NoYce. -Any notice to Borrower proz~d,~ci for in this Ztertgage shah be given by mailing such notice by <br />certified- mail- addressed to Borrower at ttre Property Address staffed hetocv, except. for any notice required under <br />paragraph 18 hereof to be-given to Borrower in fire manner prescribed by applicahle laze. Ary notice provided <br />for in this Mortgage shall he deemed to have been given to Borrower when given in the manner designated herein. <br />15. {3nifozm IKortgt+rge; Governing Law; Severabiiity. This farm of marigage combings unifotxn covenants <br />for national-use end non-uniform covenants with limited variations by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform secu- <br />rity instrument covering real property. finis _lfortgage shs!I l;e governed by the law of the jurisdiction in wisich <br />the Property is located: In the event. that any provision or clause o± this :Mortgage or fhe Note conflicts with <br />applicahle Iaw, such conflict sha!f not affect. other provisions of this jlartgage or the \Tote which a;an be given <br />effect without the conflicting provision, and to this end the provisions of the tilortgage and the i~rote are declared <br />to be severable. <br />18, R,orrcrwrei a Copy, Borrower shall be furnished a conformed cnpy of this Mortgage at the time of exeen- <br />tion crafter resordatidn hereof- <br />ly. Praaefer a# the 3?re~rty; A~rmp'don If all ar any part atone Properly ar an interest therein is sold. <br />or transferred by Borrower without Lender's , riaa• written consent, exctudirg (aj the creation of a lien ar encum- <br />brance subordinate to this l+Iortgage, fb) the creation of a purchase money seczrritc interest for hoasehatd appli- <br />anees, ie) a transfer by devise, descent or by operation of law upon the death of a joint tetrant or (d} the grant of <br />any le~sehald interest of ttsree years or less not. containing an option to nurch3 e, bender zrzayr at Letrdvr`s option; <br />declare sli Lhe sums secured by ~ ibfartgage to be imtnediate!r due and payable. Lender shall have waived-snch <br />option to accelerate if, prior to the sale or transfer, Lender anti the person to whom the Property is to be sold or <br />trs~zsfarr>_d rexr_.h agt+eement ~ writing that the.eredit of such Iterson is satisfacton= to Lender end that the.intarest <br />payable on the sums secured by thisltlortgage shall Ize of sueiz rate as Lender slrali request. If Lender has waived <br />the option to accelerate-provided in this paragraph I' and if Borrower's successor in interest has esevut$d a wr:t- <br />tear assumption agreerr°x` aeeeptzd in-irriting by-Lender, Lender snail release Borrower from all obiigatiotts larder <br />this h#ortgage and the Note. <br />If Lender e,cercises such option to accelerate, Lender shalt rush Borrower notice of acceleration in aceorsiatree <br />eritdr garsgrapiz 24 hereof. Suctt notice shall provide a period of not less than 3Q days from the date the native is <br />mailed within which $oraower may pay ttae sums declared due. If Borrower faits i4 pay such sums prior tra the <br />exlairation of such period, Lender may: ivittraut further notice or demand on Borrower, invoke any remedies per- <br />mitted by garagcaph 18 hereof. <br />:4av-t7xr~oxu Caveue*t~. $orrolver and Lender ft.arther covenant and agree ss fallow5: <br />1@- A~alerat•:aat Rertredies, Except ac prodded in paragraph I i trereof, upon Borrower's breach of am <br />~v~-Want. ar agreement of Borrower in dais ~forKgsgc. including the cas•enantz to pay when due any sums seeur~l <br />by this afartgage, i,ender prior to acce!eratiwr hal! nail notSee to.Bcrro:vcr se provided in paragraph 14 hereof <br />spseifying: ti) the breach; (2> the anion requirezi to bore sash breaeie; tai a date, not less 'than thirty days <br />Irony tine date fhe notice is mailed to Borrower, 1»- whic!z cooly breach roust be cured; and t41 that failure to cure <br />c•tzvlz breach on ar before the date specified itt tree notice ursy result in acceleration of the sums secured by this <br />fartgagr atsd solo ~+f th$ Property. If tl?a br~aeh is neat cured on or before the date specified in tree notice, Lender <br />ai. Ixnder's option may declatr all of the sums secured by this hlortgsge to lie immediately due and payable <br />without further demand and may fareelose this \-lartgage tzy judicial proceeding. Lendet slzait he entitled to colkei <br />irz such proceeding all expenses of farecl~urc, inelu<ling, but not limited to, costs of documentary Evidence, <br />abstrscUs and true report. <br />l$, ~`a filgitt to Reia~.state. otnzthstanding Lender's acceleration of the sums secured by this <br />1~~, rrrrrver shall have :he girt to harp any proceedings laegun by Lender to enforce this. Ziortgage dis- <br />contititaed s-t gay time priiir tta antrp of a judgment enfol•cing this '~lortgsge if: (s) Borrower pegs Lendei-all <br />corns which would be then due under this 1'lortgagc, tlac foie and notes securing Future Advsnves, if any, had iro <br />aeexleratiGn oce;.rrred; (b} Borrower cures all breaches of airy. other vacenants or a#treeti2ents of Borrower vbu- <br />ta=nom? i;'-i~'t~r-_st'p; Fc? BF~r_=ewer pay= stt re~~?onabi< espen`w:. rne;:~rz;: -hy i_pnder in.enforcing t~ ~~b-~~r#~ <br />gad agents of 33tsrrower vatrtainadm this 3lortgage aml in enforcing Lenders remedies as provided in para- <br />grsglt IS Irratsf, i~lvdirrg; Iatrt-trot limited to, reasanalzle attorney`s. fees; and'(d3 Borrower takes such action ss <br />Lendor'rosy reeaaaably require to assure drat ttre.lirt of this'litattgage; Tender's- interest:-in -the Property and <br />irsrrorrer's okiietitittn to pay t srtsns severed by tlrit~ ~~Iottga~ge shall continue itnimpsirect."T;l?nn .such payment; <br />snu ooze by:I3orrower, iris iaiort~age and tine- obligsioirs seethed hereby: shall remarn in -full #o=ce and effect as if <br />tirsa+a_celeratia'l i~d_i~cnx~cl. <br />1R3, l4~igami-a! of 8ezgts: Apptsanat QI Receiver; I.entier in Pb~essioa, A~ additional severity here- <br />:tender, Borrri;ver hereby atgsigrrs to I,errder the rents of i!re ProperHy. i,rovidcrl tltai Borrower shall;-prior to arceler- <br />n under , ar;n aph i>3 he>eef er abanda:::nert of the. P;-alrty, have the nigh+. to collect std-retsinsueh itnts <br />as~i?rey becam^ due and F~syaSlc. <br />Upon a^celeratiar: under 1zsaBgeaph I8 hereof or yhandotzment of-the 1'ro{ierty, LendEr,'in person, by agent <br />or Sy judieinfly appointed receiver shall be entitled to cater tgicsrt,-fake possession of and manage the Property <br />ear:. to cgliect the re;tts a~f the F'toperty; ineirulir}g_firoae -due. All rents eoliected by Lender or the .receiver <br />aliall be applicx! first t4 payment cif t6ejcosts o: tnanagemanL csf the,Property end collection of rents, including, but <br />eat limited. tu, receiver's-fees; premiums on receiver's bonds and reasonable attorney's fees, end thep to the sums <br />secured by this i4lortgage: Tender and the reeeivee shall to tialale to account only for 'those rents actus!ly received. <br />