_ -
<br />not extend or postpone the date date of the txtanthly instnllanents ret'erred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or
<br />change the amount. of such mstallme:ais.
<br />10. Borrower Plot Released. Extension of the time far Irnyxuent or tnodificaiion o{ amortization of the sums
<br />secured by this Mortgage granted by Lender to any successor in interest°of Borraa•er shall not operate to release,
<br />im aay manner, the liability of the original Borrower and Borrotcer:s surcessors in interest. Lender shall not be
<br />req `red tcrcammeneelrroeeed%ngs against scclt sttecesser or refuse to extend time far payment or athet•wise modify
<br />am tartan rrf tits-sums secured 6y this 3ortgage ity reason of any cierriand made by the original Harrower and
<br />Ba:rimer°s s~a€c~=or€ i-t interest.
<br />11. Forbe~carce by 1.endoz Pibt a Wttyver: Any tarbearance by Lender in exercising any r}ght ar remedy
<br />hereunder, er Qtherwise afforde~' by applicable Iaw, shall net bo a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any right
<br />or remedy hereunder. The procurement of iasuranee or the payment of taxes or other liens or charges by Lender
<br />shall riot be a waiver cif Lender`s i•iglit to aeelerate the maturity,- of the indebtedness secured. by this Mortgage.
<br />~ i2: 8etuediea srubrrrlative. Ali rertiedies provided in finis 3lartgage are distinct slid cumulative: to any other
<br />4 right or remedy-under this Mortgage or anorded by iae• or equic}*, and may he exercised eanc_urrentIy, indepeitd-
<br />entIy or suceeasrvely.
<br />~ 19, 3ucce~grs sad Assigrta Barmd: -faint mmd Several Liability: Captions. The covenants and .agreements
<br />hereto contained shall bind, and the rights hereunder shalt inure ta, the respective successors and assigns of Leader
<br />~ and Harrower, subject to the provisions of paragraph 17 3tereof.:~i1 vorensnt~ and agreements of Borrower shalt
<br />-~ be joint and several. The captions and liesdings of the paragraph, of this Mortgage are far convenience only and
<br />'' are net to be used to interpret or define ttte provtaions hereof.
<br />40 14. PloBee. 9ny notice to Borrower provided for in this _tiortgage shall he given by mailing such notice by
<br />~`' certified mail addressed to Borrower at the Property Address stated beia:e, except {or any notice required under
<br />paragraph 1S hereof to be given to Borrower in the manner prescribe:i b}• applicable iaw_ Any notice provided
<br />for in This Mortgage shalt ire deemed to have been given to Borrower when given in the manner designated herein.
<br />ib. I,Iniform Mortgage; Governing Lau.: Severabifity. This farm o{ utorigage combines uniform covenants
<br />far national use and non-uniform covenants with limited variations by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform secu-
<br />rity instrument covering real property. This _1ortgage shall be governed by the law of the jurisdiction in which
<br />the Property is lovated. In the event that any provision ar eIause of this lortgage ar the Nate conifiats with
<br />applicable Iaw, such conflict sha}1 not affect. other provisions of this \Sortgage or the Note which can be given
<br />efi'ec~ u-ithout the conRicting provision, and to this end the provisions of the Mortgage and the Note are declared
<br />to be severable.
<br />IS, Borrower's Copp. Borrower shah be Earn+shed a can{ormed cagy of this hiartgage at the Limo of execu-
<br />tion ox after recordation hereof.
<br />13^. Transfer of the Property; eSssamption. If all m• any part of the Property or an intere~-t therein is said-
<br />or transferred by Borrower without Lenders prier writter. consent.. excluding (aj the creation of a lien or enenm-
<br />branae subordinate to this Mortgage, ib) the creation of a purchase mares security interest far hausehoId appli-
<br />ances: {c) s tratufer by devise, descent or by operation of law upon. the death of a joint tenant ar {d} the-grant of
<br />any Ieasehald interest of three year or Iess net vantairing an eptionta purchase, Lender r.-.ay, at Lender's option,
<br />declare alt the sums secured by this Rortgage to Ire imtnedistely due and payable. Lender shall have.wai~ed such-
<br />option itt accelerate if, prior to the sale or transfer, Lender and the Iversen to w•hant the Property is to he sold ar
<br />transfcrrid reavh agreerrer,t in writing that the credit of such l~ersan is satisfactorr-ta Lender and that the interest
<br />payable on the sums secured by this lortgage shall be at such rate as Lender snail request. If bender has waived
<br />the option to accelerate provided i~ this paragraph I ~ and if Borrower's sueces.-ar in interest has executed awrit-
<br />ten assumption agreement accepted in writing by Ixnder, Lender shall relea.~e Borrower from alt abligatiors under
<br />this vlortgage and the Note.
<br />Iz Lender exarvises n,.ah option to avicelerate, Lender snsli atoll Borrower Halite of aece}eratioa in avrirdanve
<br />witFi paragraph 14 hereof. Such notice shall provide a period of not 1~ than 30 days from the date the notice is
<br />nraileri within wY,icli Borrower may pay the sums declared due. If Borrower fails to pay such runts prier to the
<br />expiration ~f sreh period, Lender may, u-itltau+_ furtizer nati~ or rSe=irand art Borrower, irvake atrr remedies per-
<br />mitted by paragraph 1$ hereof.
<br />Nro~-Liattrctriar E,av~.tra.~T~. ;3arratver and Lender further caaeuant ants agree as falia~c=s:
<br />1(i, Acceleration; Remedies. Except .ts provided in paragraph l7 hereof, upon Borrower's breach of any
<br />covenant or agreement of $arrower in this ~Sortgage, utctuding the covenants fa-tiny when due any sums secured
<br />by this :uiartgaga, Lender prior to aceeleration .hall maul notice to Borratiz•er as prapidcd in paragraph 14 hereof
<br />specifying: ilI the breach; i'2] the notion required to cure such breach: iii a date, not-less than thirty ilsys
<br />from the date the notice is mails:} to Borra::-er, by :.hick curb hrearh must he cured; and t4l that failure to cure
<br />such breach an ar before the dale specified in the notice may result in avice}eration of the stuns secured by this
<br />14Sorigage and sate of the Property. If the trreae}t is not cured or. ar before rite date specified in the native, Lander
<br />at Lender's option tttxy declare alt of the Burns secured lty this 1-lortgage to be immediately due and psya6lQ
<br />without further demand and may foreclose this Mortgage by judicial proceeding. Lender shat} be entitled to cnlieet
<br />in such Irraeeeding alt expenses of fareelosure, inehaiing, but Hat .limited to, costs of documentary evidence,
<br />ahsiracts and title reports.
<br />I9s Bttrroereta Iiig$t to Reinstate. .Notwithstanding Lender`s acceleration of the sutras secured by this
<br />Ivlorge, Borrower shall trove the right to have any proceedings begun by Lender to enforce thhs Mortgage di~-
<br />vc+atiitl st any tiFnie-prier io enix•y of a judgtnenr. enfrrxeiug this Sortgage if: ls't $orrower pays Lender all-
<br />- corns x€hialr mould Ire then-due under this_tlartgagc, the i`ote and notes securing F'uiura Advances, if any, had nu
<br />aceeieration imatii~i; t}i) Borrower cures al} htcat•}tcs of any other covenants ar agreements of $ai~•ower con-
<br />#$}Heil tit the Mortgage; {vI-Borrower gays aII ressonstrlc eat ensue urea-red b~ t ender m enfarctng the- eovenant~
<br />and ag.aemertt-s of $orra>ver rorrtsined _n #Itis ilo~*gre ;mod u, end r_.~g L-ends: a re-m~i:es ~s provided in pare-
<br />granh 18 hereof,. inciudiss~; brit nc~ liiaited to, reasonable attorney's fee:: avid td) Barrawer fakes such ar.Siictn a~~
<br />3.ender may reasonablN requite to gs~surs that the lien of this ~Iartgage, Lenderae interest in the Property aml
<br />$or;ou•er Q e!,a,'~t_„ to ._~r i-svss se~~zeil }~• rl_is ~re*+~.m~ t_.at! cantle,., an,.,:~,,,::wit-, f,on. r;uvh laa;.-nteut
<br />attd cn.re 1 no,-r~,~ +~ ~ t.,~~ sn<i ~t,a:eEi~. _: a~ ~•r~d isA*sv} s}tsi€ rezusin i^ s;r}I €ht~:and effect _s if
<br />no scceleratiou had occurred. Q
<br />3Q. Atsig[umarst of Aezrfa: l~lppoiatza~nt of Receiver, Lender.ur.Pw°°sar,,,,- As adtlitiaaal security ;s~_-
<br />under, Borrower hereby aeaigvs to Lender the ren[5 a{ tie Prcperc}•, prot7ded that Harfawer shall, prio-r to accel_er-
<br />ation uridcz paragraph I$ ±terea{ or abandon=non- ni the P:.,~crty, brave the right to c+?tiect atzci retain sucF rents
<br />as they became due end payable.
<br />L1pan acceler~tiou under paragFaph 18 hereof or rthandaumerst of the Pragerty, Lender, in rsan, by-agent
<br />car by jtidieially apdcd rer:etve~_~ia1! he emit-leci to enter upon; take jtztss~csion-'af anal 3itana~athe- Property-
<br />. - at,d to collect +,~-rents of the Pr!rizer#y, invludtn~ ih~?sc past clue. All rt:nfs rollevted by l.en€#er or the reveivzr
<br />airaiP-be'$pplied-first'ta°paytgenY:n€ tlia ~asts-af tYtartag6rJQrri of t}ie Property and ~allecfian of tents, htaluding, but
<br />not Iirniteii to,receivera zees, Itremiums_an re:ceiver's-bands anll reasonable attorney's fee:. and then to the sums
<br />secured by tltisMaltgage. Leitdei and the receiver shall ire liab}e to account Dilly far those rents actually received.
<br />