<br />~~:y
<br />sat extend or pastgone the due date of the monthly insta{hnent, reterred to in paragraphs 7 sad 2 hereof or
<br />change the atnaunt of sucL installments.
<br />i0. )iarro€xer Tdat I4eletrsetl: Extension of-the time foi° payment or moth&ca#.ion of amortization of the awns
<br />secured:hy`tlris Tortgage granted liy-Z.end~r to soy uceessor in interest of Borrower shalt not .operate to release,
<br />in any manner, lire liability of the original Borrower and Borrowers successors an interest. Lender shall not be
<br />r~uired to eommt'nee proceedings against-such sacsc~sor or refuse to extend time for payment of oth8rrrise ms>dify
<br />amortizaiiori of-the runts secured by this .Mortgage }iy ceases of env de`r,tand ri.,ade by -the original Bor;o :er and
<br />Be*roa.A~a cea«!*s i_e, intp~•e,t. -
<br />l1. ~arhectraruce by Lsttder Mt~t a tNidver: _~ny farbearanee by Lander in exercising an j right or remedy
<br />.hereunder, or otherwise afforded by applicable iarv; shat{ not he a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any right
<br />or remedy hereunder. Tlie procurement of insurance or the ;iayment of taxes or other liens or chaiges by Lender
<br />shall hot be a waiver of 7 endar's right to aeeelerata 4he mutnritq of the indebtedness secu>•ed by fTria Mortgage.
<br />!2. aedlesCumulattve. All re*nrdies provided in this ~4ortgage are distinct and cumulative to-any ether
<br />eight or remedy under-this Mortgage or afforded by lair nr equity, and may he rxereised concurrently, independ-
<br />entiv or successively.
<br />- #3. Sirecesstsrs 9md Assigns Sound; #aint ttrrei $everal I.iabifity; Captions, The covenants and agreements
<br />hereineantairreiT shall bind; and site rights hereunder stial# inure to, the res}~ectiva successors and assigns-o€Lender
<br />and $tirmweF, subject td -the pravisious of paragraph I7 hereof. All covenants and agreements of Borrower shall'
<br />be joint and several. 'T'he captions and: headings ot` the paragraphs of this _lortgage are for convenienco only and
<br />ar., scat trr be used to interpret ar define the previsions hereof.
<br />!4. Native. Any rotiee fo Borrower provided for in this \fongage shall bc+ given by mailing such notice by
<br />certified mai# addressed to Borrower at the Property address state€f befew, except for any mrtiee regau~d under
<br />paragraph IS hereof to be given to $orzower in the manner prescribed by applicable lets. t4ny notice- provided
<br />for in this tortgage shah he deemed to have Lees given to Borrower v.~hen given in the manner designated herein,
<br />T$. ETailarm Mortgage; Gaverniag Iaw: Severability. This farm of mortgage caml~ines uniform covenants
<br />for national use and non-uniform covenants with limited variations by jurisd#ction-to constitute a uniform secu-
<br />rity itastrrrrrrent Covering resI property. This Mortgage shall he governed by the -taw of the jurisdiction in which
<br />the Pmperty is located. Ir. the event t-hat any pmrision ar c{ease of this Jvlortgage ar-the Note conflicts with
<br />ap~rliCal le law, such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this 1ortgage or the Note which can be given
<br />effect without the conflicting provision, and to This end the previsions of the Aortgage and the Kota ar'e declared
<br />to be severable.
<br />;:$. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be furnished a conformed copy of this Mortgage at the time of exeeu-
<br />tion ar after :~cordatfon hereof.
<br />ii. Trwra#sr of Else Prop~aty; Assumptitm. Tf all or any part of the Property or an interest therein is Bald:
<br />or transferred by Borrower withoui .Lender's prior written consent, excluding (a} the creation of a lien or enCem- ,
<br />branee subordinate to this tiiortgage, }b} the, creation of a purchase money security interest far ho:is,-hoTei ri~pli-
<br />ances, {e} a transfer by devise, descent ar by operation of :aw upon the death of a faint tenant or td} the; grant jrT`
<br />any leasehok3 interest of tlrr€+2 ye=.rs o.• ~ n;;t sontvi ;ing an option to purchase, I~nder may; at Lender's aptton,
<br />declare all the sums secured by this ~.?rtgage to ~ immediately due and payable. Lender shall have waived such
<br />option ttr accelerate if, prior to the i , or transfer, Lender and the person tD whom the Property is to be strld or .
<br />transferred reach agreement in writi_ d the?.the credit of such per: on is satisfsetary to Lender and That the inte~st
<br />payable on the siims.secuted by this 1•iortgage shall be at such rate as Lender shall request. If Lender has vsaieed
<br />theoptionto aeaelerate provided in this paragraph !7 and if Borrower's sure~cr in interest has executed a writ-
<br />ten sssump~ien agreement acCept~l fir writing by bender, Lender shall relea~ Harrower from all- obligations usi.3E: "
<br />the 24tortgage and the Hats.
<br />If I_.ender ex?rs€_v.. s+aeL= option tc axele tt:, Lender shall alai} Borrower notice of seceteratisn in rdaux
<br />wi+h paragraph ?4 her~_~. Such notice shall provide a lneriod of not less than 3tf days from the date the noi'iis° is
<br />mailed within which Borrower may pay. the sums dee#ared due. Tf Borrower fails to pay such sums pror tb the
<br />expiration u# such period, Lender may. ^,•i*,-h^ut f;:rtl.er nati?e ar dem2rtd an llormwer, invoke any remedies per-
<br />mitted by paragraph IS hei^eo#.
<br />~Torr-Lrxrr<oaht Covsrrrxx~. $orrower and Lender further cor-enant and agree- as fo214vas:
<br />18. At:ceier: ;rt; Ifstneditrs. Except as parovicled in paragraph f 7 hereof, ulwn 33orrtiwer's breach of any
<br />ea~nant. ar agrnement of Borrower fir. this ~tartgage, including lire covenants to pay when due any sums secraxed
<br />6y this ~Tortgage,-Lender prior to ace~leration shat# snail notice-ttr BermrvCN as;provided in paragraph -f4 hereof
<br />specifying: fl} the breach; (2j the aciion required io cure suci!'~ ea4l:;_Z3} adata, not-less than thirty-days
<br />from the date the natiee Ts trrailed to Harrower, by vr#ticti -rich Tit~ach iuust be Cured; and (4t that failure to cure
<br />sttelr breach on or frefore the date specified in lire voiice wag- result in aeeeleration of site sums secured icy this
<br />~iartgage,and sale of the Property. If the breac#t is 'sot. cured on or before the date specified in the notice,. Lender
<br />at lenders option-?nay declare all of the sums secured by this Liortgage to- be immediately due -and payable -
<br />witTiaut furtht:r dematici and may foreclose ±lris liartgagc l., y.:=,ic:al praeeerling. I<endar shal# he entiiled to tulTeet
<br />in sash proceeding all expenses irf foreclosure, in~lutling, lrut not Invited to, costs of documentary evidence,
<br />abstracts slid title reports.
<br />!$ ^~zes': aglit ice rste..`~lotwitTrstand`mg I:endor's .ticeeleration of the sums seeurecl by this
<br />itt<arkgage, Borrower shell eisve the right to have any lzroeeedings begun by Leader to enfoire-this iinrtgagos dia-
<br />etimtaaned at::any cure-pri€ir to-eritrq irf a jadgment enforcing this 1'fortgage if: (ai Borrower pays Leader-all
<br />suttna-which vaould he sties due-under this _l4oatgage,-the ?dote and notes securing >" utl!re 9dvances, if one, h°.•d na
<br />aeeeTei~*itin taeurred; {b]-Botrower cares all breaches of env atlwr covenants or agreements of Borrower cpn-
<br />tain~ in the 14Iga; {s}-$orroeer_pa}s all re:awnabfe exfxms~ incurred by Tender in enforcing the rovena~s
<br />..nd agrc~:nvpts a; Berr¢~er eetetain~d in this ~la~nanc and nr enforeirrg _Leixler`s re~etlf~ as provided in pars-
<br />graph 18 hereof, including; 1>ut r+trt limited to, re8sanahlc attorney's €~; and (d} Borrower takes such aetiari as
<br />i.ciruc~ finny rea~nak+ly req+lir8 'k,6-. tlr@_tl~t the li8n-af 7~3is. ~~~. _.~Ynr~er"e:iytt'~~e~t,:in thR Pr.~-mod , -
<br />abligs;naa a;, rQy t +s: t,` €rred Erg tills _ .;.rgage s#=a#! ~,ntinrre uniinpair€d. _i,pon st~h payrsmrt
<br />ar:sl cure by Borrower, this ?.4asfgege. and-the nlaligatians secured herelay steal{ rensnin in full force. and effect-as i#
<br />nn seceler9tian hall ceeurred.
<br />2D. 15amfyaaaranY aE $ard5r Fipptewtmerat oill<~adver Lancer in' I"assssrsioa. as ~rdditional security-here:
<br />under: Burrawc-r hereby assiens w Leader rt:e rents of'tt~e Property. provider{ iFat I3crrower_eha€l, price tti aeeeler-
<br />atio~; under psragranii l8 hereof or alutndonmen+ of the I'rapert r, have. the- rigisz to collect-and retaip. such rents
<br />as :,hey k~eeL!e due and gayabie.
<br />fJfian ncceierxtion under garagraph l$ hereof or ai~andss4iaieut. of the ,Property, Leiidei-, in person, by agent
<br />or by judicially appoiuted .receiver shall !~ esititled to ~rter upcu}, fake passxssian of and manage the Pro~rty
<br />and tp`collect the rents r~f.the Prope°rtg; ineluding,tha~. due. All rents collected by Lender or fhe receiver
<br />sirafl l?e aPplicd first tv pavxnecrtof tire.eosts oZ mattrtgement of Else ~?roperty and collection of rents, including, teat
<br />not lirriited tu, r~ii*er's-fees, premiums ors river`s-lxinds and reasonable attorney's fees, acrd then to the sums
<br />s~rtr~~'Try this h+ioiEgage. Lender anti the receiver slcall be liatsle to account on{y for those rents actually received.
<br />