<br />E?UE ON 3Al.E
<br />aP7'YCJN14L Ft)TtJR~ A[2AlANCES
<br />" SeAYlNGS i=[8NL7
<br />FaRtd Ma. T2a - -
<br />Loan Number--34575 __-~ ~$$ __ _e.a~eh
<br />~'FI~IS lbiQRTGAGE; taade and eseeuted thrs . ~.--.-------.. day of ..'`.`~~*"~`~'`-. --- A.D:;
<br />1II.:L., between the Martgagor, -.. ~~el•~e..Ia_:. FIO,Ie}er„ann- Colleets;_ 5.,..hopex~-,_.1JUSba?asl..~tmd....._...
<br />" ~----~~ifgs:..3,vif- iy:;aix€~ -each.-i-t, ttl~ir atira rig-ht,-- --....--- --°-•--- ------------------------- - --
<br />' of .- Grand:_ islantl.----._.., County. of ---... Mall :............. State of .. NebraJ~ka.,=,:,-, hereinafter refeJ~d
<br />tt, as the. Bomiwer, and- the Mortgagee, FIIIST FEDERAL SATE-INGS AND LdAN ASSOCIATI471~7'QF
<br />LINCL?LN, T23$ "N" Street, Lincoln, Nebraska S850I, its successors and assigns, hereinafter referred ,i;a
<br />as Lender.
<br />Wa~rx~ss~rx: That the said Borrower for and in consideration of the sum of .-. T€ifRTY-Qi~~._-----,---
<br />_THOETSAND_SIX-_fil)i3DR_EB-AND.NO/100-------~.---._------.-~-Do2',ars (LF_$$-.-.~Y_,bb0-z.R9----__°--,--._.-)
<br />paid by ssid Lender, does hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Lender, its successors and assigns;. -the
<br />" foL'owing described property located in the County of .-..-.-._..~1-------------------...; State of Nebraska:
<br />- :.ot-Eight jg} Block Three (3) in Joha Voitle's Addition to the City of Grand Island
<br />Ball Coua~y, Nebraska
<br />Toc~rxisx with: all the improvemeatc now or hereafter erected on the property, and all easements;
<br />.rights, appurtenances, rents, royalties, mineral, ail and gas rights and profits, water, water sights; .and
<br />water sttrcm, and all fixtures haw or hereafter attached to the property, all. of which; including" rep~e~-
<br />menus and Jadt_litions thereto, shall he deemed to be and remain a part of the property- covered- by :#:fiis
<br />Mortgage; and sll of the foregoing. together- with said property (ar the leasehold estate is the ei+ent tlJi
<br />Mortgage is on a leasehold} are herein referred t4 as the "Property"•
<br />Hormwer covenants that. Borrower is lawfully seised of the estate hereby conveyed and.has the rigat
<br />tts mortgage, grant and convey the Property, that the Property is unencumbered,-and-that Borrower-will
<br />warrant and-defend geaer._ily the tatie to the Property against all claims-and. demands, subject to -say --
<br />easements and restrictions listsxl in a schedule of eaceptians to coverage in any iiitle ins.,ran~ pc~cY ~-
<br />suring Leader's interest in the Property, ar (2} attorney's opinion of title froth abstract of title ~;zrtified
<br />by bonded abstracter.
<br />Peovitsao Ar<wArs, and these pae~ats are executed and delivered upon the foUawing conditions, agree-
<br />atients xnd obligations of the Hormsrer, to-wit:
<br />The Harrower a tees to ppgay to the Lender, or order, the principal sum of ,~YiIRTY:-t!1't$..~4~8..-..
<br />-----~~X tlb'l~t Nt)(1c~t0--••____~.___~._w___°-~_____ , rt
<br />:.............°-°--°-°-------------------------- -........Doham (~S ~_..3136f1t?.CtfJ-....----------- t
<br />payable as provided is a Jmte eaeeuted and aelivered, concurrently herewith, the final payment of principal,
<br />if not sooner paid, on the ......~-'"~4._.-..-..- day of .._DeceJaber .-...._., ~2(?©~
<br />Urrtga~a CovJJrJ. Borrower and Leader covenant and agree as faIlows:
<br />11?JS# ai Frs`artpral ssxd Iateres#. Harrower shah. pxomptiy-pay Evheu due the. principal of sad ia-
<br />tereat on the iadeht~*dae!?s evidad by the l~lote, piepa~at and late charges as provided in the Note,
<br />aril-the principal of sad faterest on nay I~turu Advances seeurLd by this ?Mortgage.
<br />2. F$nda far TJr$ea :xad fasursusse. Suij€~t to Leacla3r s Q flan under: paragraphs 4 and f hereof, Bor-
<br />mvaer shad ppaay to Lender on the day manEhly instailJnenta of principal and interest are: payablle Jutder-the
<br />plate, urJtl the I~lote is paid in full, a sum (hcreia "FUnrls"} equal to one-twelfth of the yearly taxes and
<br />assessatertts which tnay attain g'r this fvfartgage, and ground rents Qn the Property, tf shy plus
<br />oi}e-twel ~_h of y:raily--premium is for hazard :insttiance, plus axe-twetfth- of yearly prgt~iizam in-
<br />stallmenta for nJOxtgage insuraaa:e, ~f J1tJY. aII as r~sotia6ly e}ttinv2ted inittaliy and -from time to tinre by
<br />'Ls~;der on tbabasis cif assessra~and-Mile and x~asanatiie e~tisnatss tt,.rf,of, Leaner shah-apply the Funds
<br />to pay' sairi taxes as~~essents, insurance premiums aad'sr+suxtd rents. Leririer shall--make na-charge for so
<br />l:clu.r.g ..,.d ~,,~,1, i .g- t~° -,;ads, or Via,-,`- ;~,g a,_d n€3mp5aK -a;fi a3 ~~riGat.t3 eau `i;s, Tna Lt=.at17Er $h£til
<br />gix c to tip F~or3mswztr; ivithoirt charge; an an:-iuai secaunting of the ponds tih«iwiag er8dits anii debits to the
<br />is i7i:fiv n;,fi ' 2 LS-u: aloe FOI gPlxiC14 F&cc~cleuii. «t L'nt i~u,v ic.H~.,i maci.,, -;'hr+ n,,r,[iu alE"pde~'gC~3 ~t!_9 BtlditlOTtai--
<br />:~e:~ur~t~~ xur,~i-ie sums see~rcd-by t2Jis ivlortgags. ;helsormwer agrees that the Funds.maybe-held by the-
<br />Len3cr an3 can'iuiingieci with ui-.her funds and tFJa Lender's oam funds and the Leader may pay such items
<br />frnm ,'ts own f~_= .±n.J r_J,p _er~~ eJ_oJf Tor s,e tisbio fcr irt:~rest or di,zdends oz such Furttla.
<br />If the amount a# tlzc Funds held by mender, together with the future snotxt$iy-inatallnxetJts, of Funds
<br />payable prior tv the due dates of tasesr ^°--•~•'---eats, ixJS,~rance premiuis and ~suad xents,'sh$ll eaeeecl
<br />the atuount required :~ pay sai3 tazea, sasrssanenta, insurance pzemiume and gaputsd teats as tisey ~Il _due;
<br />such rsc.~is shat! ke, at Sa:rower's option, eitl!er a•+aruf,tdy repaid +.e Borrower ar credited to:Barrodver on
<br />rrior:t}ily it:s#ailmeuta of ?'ands. 1# the amount of the Funds held by Lender shah-not be sufficient to pay
<br />fazes, assassmeats, insurance pzetniuJris and ground ren#a as they #all due, 13orrr~wer shah pay to Lender
<br />any amount a~essary to inake up the de$eiency witizin thirty days aftEr natic:e ficom Leader to Harrower
<br />requesting payaaent thereof, or Harrower shalt, by an i[rL•rease in knonthly installmeatx of Funds required,
<br />-repay the daHeis» within the Fur:d accouaf$tag period:
<br />t3pon paymc~at in full a# ail s~me:seeJtred 6y this Mortgage, Lender shall -apply Funds held as a credit
<br />against all sums due._
<br />