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_ l <br />~ 'i ~~ <br />L•~ <br />2oiooo25s ~::,__`r~~ <br />IN THE DISTRICT COURT QF HA~ C3~TIy,'~y,~;~TT~33~gKA <br />JUDX K. BOLT,Z, } f`:,F.i1~L`5ES <br />) ~..._.:'°151RiCTCOURT <br />Petitioner., ) Case Nn. (~ ~~..~ <br />vs. } ORDER <br />) <br />ROGER H. BOLTZ, ) <br />Respondent. } <br />dr I "f' 7 <br />NOW ON THTS s - day o£ ~7{~, this matter came <br />on for hearing before the Honorable LLOYD W. BELLY, JR „ District <br />Judge. <br />The Court being fully advised in the premises finds that the <br />real estate of the parties, previously ordered sold by the Court, <br />which is legally described as: <br />Lots Three (3) and Four {4) in Bloc}c Seven (7), <br />Original Township of noniphan, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />has been sold at public auction to the Respondent, ROGER H. BOLTZ, <br />for the total amount of $26,700.00. The Court further finds that <br />this grass sales figure should be reduced by $1,589.41, representing <br />the amount of the mortgage existing on the property, and by the <br />amount of $764.81, representing the selling expense incurred in the <br />sale o£ the property, and by the amount of $308.03, representing <br />the amount of real estate taxes owed by the parties, which is de- <br />termined by deducting the amount of $149.00, taxes Awed by the <br />Petitioner, from the gross taxes of $457.03. In addition, the <br />amount of $25.00 as estimated abstracting expenses should be de- <br />ducted, for a total .figure of S2,7t37.25, representing the total de- <br />ductions to be made from the sales price, and a net sa.~e:; figure of <br />$23,912.75. <br />One-half (~) of the aforesaid net figure ar 511,956.37, represents <br />the equity of the Petitioner, which should be further reduced by the <br />amount of $149.00 in taxes incurred during the occupancy of the <br />Petitionez, and the amount of $148.00, representing two (2) months <br />mortgage payment, which should have been paid by the Petitioner, for <br />a net figure of $11,659.x7, which is to be increased by $286.00, <br />'~l,;7dtlU't:LW <br />