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='` .:�.,� .i '�'�L '`-_�; <br /> = , - v=�:_ <br /> kt� . . ..,_�y��- _ . <br /> . ; . .. _ - - _ __ _ <br /> . � <br /> . , <br /> i� <br />__-: , .., g2_ 10020� <br />--���,� <br /> —_ th�PropMy i�so qik�n a d�m�p�d,L�ntMr�hall haw IM opdon�In iu�ol�and 1�bwluh d1�orMion�to�PP�Y all wch Prao�cM, <br /> afMr d�ductinp tMnfrom�11 cosb and�xp�n�t incurr�d b�r it In conn�apon with wch ProcNds,upon�ny Ind�bMdnNS Naw�d <br />- Mnby�nd In wch ord�r as I.�ed�►maY d�t�rmin�,or to�pply vl euch P�acMds,aft�r�uah d�duaUon�,to th�rNtpr�tlon of Ih� <br /> Prop�ty upan aueh eondidon�a�L�nd�r m�y d�t�rmins.Any applicadon o1 ProcMds to Ind�htWn�a aha�l not�xhnd ot postpOrM <br /> L_�� th�dw A�t�of�ny psym��b wndu th�Not�,or Cun�ny Mhult th�nund�r or Mr�ur�t.My un�ppll�d fur�ds�4 t�piMdIMQ. <br /> _ Trustor. <br /> - e, �rlOnnancy 6y L�nda.Upon th�occurr�nca o1 an Ewnt ol0eiault reround�r,or if�ny aot I�,tak�n ot Ipql prACNdl�p �_ <br /> :, ewnm�nc�d whlch maqrially aft�cq Lender's intareet in th�PropMy.Lend�r may In ib own disaratbn.b:d withqWl R�iAttkkatt xodo <br /> w,�nd wlthout notice to or d�m�nd upon Tru�tor end wlthout rwl�asinp Trosmr Irom any obllpaUon,da�ny act whk�h;f�� <br />= aprMd but(rits to do�nd msy a�a do ony ath�r act ft deemo necsssary to protect th�feCUriry hereof.trustM th#Il�imR11Wt*SMf� <br /> '°'�'�"'_' upon d�mand thsrefor by Lender,pay to Undar all cosa and expemes incurred and aums oxponded 4r t.�►dpr in Con�l�cti,qcl wil�• <br /> �—-' ths ex�rciso by l.ander ot tho torepoin�riphts,topether wiih interest thereon at the delault rate prpvided in Me Not�.wht4h�IIbM <br /> '�s`=--"�+s� add�d to th�fndobtednaas waurod horWy. Lvndu �hall not incur �ny Ilabllfq bocauss ot mylhinp It,m1�Y�or om�1;t�do <br /> �;:.:�",.',w:3I IN��Ufldll. __ _ <br /> g, 11aia�dpw M�qr1�M.Truator ahall keep lhe Propeny in compllenca wilh all appUCabl�law�,ord1�17�nRes and tapt�lARions <br /> ,_......._��.,�� rel�dnp to indusMal hyqiene or envlronmontal protectfon(collaetivaly�afurad to hprpi�es"EnrlcpnminlAl.l.+�wi'1•T�►ixfx.sha0 <br /> — — keep th�Property(ree hom all substances daemed to ba hazardous or toxic under anr Emironment�l�(collpativply.rqfArtAAaQo <br /> ha►efn as"Hozerdous Materlala").Truator hereby warranta end repreaenla to Lender thpl thara ara na Nptatdaut�M6�iA�i�cm Gr <br /> s un�fer ths PrapeRy,Truatar hereby apreea ro fndemnffy And hold hArmleas Lender,Its dirpcbrs,oSfiG�s.entqldyq0�and aQana,dild <br /> qny succesao►a to l.ender's Interest Irom and ep�inst any and all clalms,damapes,losses and�labUlt��rf�inq�n oonnectlon.with <br /> `— the presence, uoe,disposal ar tra�aport of any Hazardous Materials on,undar,tram or about.the Property.TH8 FORSfiO1N(i <br /> WARRANTIES/1ND REPRESENTATIONS,ANQ TRU3TOR'3 OBU(3ATION8 PUR9UANT TO THE FORH(iWNR INpHbMilTY,BNALL <br /> �� ' _.�..�Y =' 3UHVNE RFCONVEYANCE OF THIS O�ED OF TRUST. -�r <br /> _ ,;.;�,�,�,�,u� �p,M�pnm�M d R�nq.Trustor hereby essigns to Lender the rents,Issues and profits ot ihe Praperry:provJded tl1i�t,Tfustor <br /> ,�,�. ahall,until the occunence olen Event ol Default hereunder,have the ri�ht to aollect end retain suCn renq�Issues and praf�!as theY <br /> `;�'���y� become due and payable.Upon the occurrence ot en Event of Oefeult,Lender may,eliher in person pr by ayent.with or wlthout _ <br /> bringing any acdon or proceedinp.or by a receiver eppofnted by e court ond without reqard to tha adec�aAOy.ol!t3 saCarity,enter <br /> ���: upon and teke possesalon ol the PropeAy,or any part thereol,in 118 own name or in the name of the Trustev,and da any Qcts whlOh 1t <br /> ���'�—��`-- daems necossary or deafrabte to preserve the value,marketebility or rQntabiliry of the Propc+rly,or any pan►heraof ar�nt�ast fhEK��n, <br /> —•�'��c;' increese tha Income therelrom or protect the securiy horeot an�,wjth or wlthout fekinp poases�lon of the Proporty,ww tpt nr — <br /> otherwiae collect the renta,Issues end protits thereof,�ncluding those past due and unpaid,and applY the same,less aa9tS and <br /> ��Y� exponsea ot operetlon and collection fncludinp attorneys'fees,upon any indebtednesa secured hereby,all in such arder aa Lender <br /> p�� , �� may determine.The enterinp upon and�akinp posaession of the Property.lhe collectfon of auch rana,lasues and proiits and the <br /> � applicadon thereot as aforeaeid,ahell not cure w walve eny delault or notice ot detault hereunder or invallda0e Any ect done in <br /> �"`�-��� re nae to fuch defeult or pursuant to saal�notice of delault and,notwlthstending the contfnuence In po�sessron ot the Property or — <br /> ��;�rt.i � <br /> �yy .nf � ihe catksc!lan, reeelp!an�ap�UCStlon M�ts,�ssues or profits.end Trustee and Lender shall be entitled to exercise every�ipht <br /> }'�*�� y �{ +�u: provided tor In any of Ihe Loan Instrurrenis or by law upon occurrence ot any Event of Oefault,including without Ilmitaaon me npht <br /> -`-�'.�1.'r����.i_�. (��'. <br /> -a����n r�a_;;�t:Jf t�.r to exarcise the power ol sale.Further,Lender'a riyhts and remedles under this perapraph shall be oumvlative with,aad In no wey a <br /> _��+� y�. Ilmitation on,Lender's rights and remediea under any asafynment of leases and rents recorded against the Propehy.lender,TruMea e._,. <br />-�'�!?���.� �;�'!?L' i'' ond the recelver shall be liable to eccount only tor those rents actually received. @ti��. <br /> .' �y�w,.�r�y;:�<�i:ti;;, 11. Ewnb o1 WhuH.7he bllowinp shal!c�nstitute an Event of Oefault under this qeed ol Trust <br /> , � �rt�;: (a) Failure to pey any instellment of princlpal or interest at an�other sum secured hereby when due; <br /> -''� j;. , (b)A b�each ot or detault under any provi�ion contolned In the Note,thfc Oeed o1 Tru�4 any of the Loan Insauma�b.or any <br /> - -������j.'- other Iien or encumbrance upon the Pruparty: "" <br />___ �;�;c.s�;�;: � (c)A wrft of execuUon or atlachment or any s�mdar process shall be entered ayainst Trustor whlch ahsll become a Uen on _ <br />--�_��:.•�...:. , tho Property or any porHon thereol or interest lherein; <br /> � (d)There shall be liled by or egefnst Trustor or Borrower an action under any present or future fede►al,state or othe� <br />. � .��,,�t;:<;;� etetute,law or repulation relatinp to bankruptcy,insolvency or olher relief for debtors;or there shall be appolnted any truatee. �_ <br /> S ,�;.,;�,�ll,;`;�?, receiver o�Ifquidator ol Truator or 8orrower or of all or any part ot the Property,or the rents,lssuea or proflis thereol,or Tru�tor _ <br /> ,�� � ��.,�:' ,�`,+� or Bonower shall make any general asslqnment for the benefit ol creditora: <br /> .-:k,�. � \;��. <br /> �-• ±� "�' (e)The sale,transfer,lease,assig�ment,conveyance or 1urlher encumbrance of all or eny part of or any intereet in the <br />==:��:';,��,1r'�;. ' Property, either volunlarily oi Involuntarlly, wlthout the express wrltten consent of Lende►;provlded thet Truator shafl be �; <br /> =�"�a,�:�'r; .�t`. .. --- <br /> �`J' permitted to exocute a tepae of the Property that does not contain an optfon to pu►ahase and the lerm of whfch does not�xceed __. <br /> ,. .�-.. <br /> �..,�.,�,C#�;`��::•... . .• ona year, <br />""" "r (� Abandonment of the Prope►ry:or --- <br /> ���'��, ;���' (p)It Truator Is not an Individua�.lhe fasuance,sale,t►enster,ass�pnment,conveyance or encumbrance of moro than a total <br /> — =.''�w`�.•��.. . . <br />__ — ;.�t: <br /> �`+'—����` ���'r" " of percent ol(H a corporetlon)Its issued and outstanding atock or pf e pa►lnership)a totel ot percent of _ <br /> ��7 '-=u�"- pertnerohip Interests during the perfod thls Deed of Trust remafns a Ilen on the Prope►ry. �� <br />-�:��-,, " 12, p�n�dNr,Accd�hUan Upon ONMUl41n the event ot any Event of Delault Lender may,wlthout notice except as requlred by Qy <br /> .� .� ,,,' S a�" ' lew,declare all indebtedness secured Aereby to be due and payable and the same shall thereupon become due and payaWe <br /> r• _ '�� '�•• wlthout any presentment,demend,protest or notfce of any k�nd.Thereatter Lender may: _ <br />_� _°','� (a)Demand thet Trustes exercise the POWER OF SALE granted herem, end Trustee shall there&ker cause Trustor s <br /> r�_. • <br /> � 'a"+�' Interest In the PropeAy to be sold end the proceeds to be d�stnbuted.all in the manner provided in the��ebraeka Truit Deeda [�,° <br /> ',':- <br />�-:�,, �.--,•r3"►�.:i+ Ack �. <br /> (b) Exercfse any and a11 rfphts provided tor In any o1 the Loan Instruments or by law upon occu�rence ot nr.y Event ot .,,.. <br /> � ' DelBUix 8nd p� <br /> . ' (c)Commence an actlon to foreclose th�s Deed of Trust as a mortgage.appofnt a recewer.or specdfcally enforce any of the __ <br /> Covenants hereol. <br /> No remedy heref�conlorred upon or re�erved to Trustee or Lender�s�ntended to be excluslve ol any other remedy herefn,in the <br /> Loan Instruments or by law provided or permftted,but each shall ba cumulatrve,shall be In add�t�on tc every other remedy glven <br /> - hereunder,fn the loan Instruments or now or hereaker existing at lew or m equlty or by statute.and may be exerci=ed concurtently, .•. <br /> Independently or successively <br /> ' 13. T�uttN.The Truatee may resign at any t�me without cause.and lPnder may at any time and w�thout cauae appoint e <br /> " aucCessor or subsbtute Trustee.Trustee ahall not be habte to any party,mclud�ng wdhout Ilmdapon Len�er,8orrowar.Trustor or any ;�-• <br /> � -�`1� purchaser of the Property,lor any loss or dpmage unless due to reckless or wdllul m�sconduCt,end shall not be requ�red to teke any <br /> �2rr_;.�L___a:_ actlon In Connectlon w�th Ihe enlorcement ol Ihis Deed of Trust unless mdemndied.�n wnting,lor all costs,compensat�on or ! <br /> ��....��we 0.....n.h.Iu�dfninl nr l. . <br /> � oxpensea whlch may be iSSOC�0t60 ther6Wtlh.In 80O�twn.Trustee mey wii:ini�d 6 y�i��aao7 0:o�j�.+...........• •.. �• ---- - <br /> ,� �=F under the power of aale granted herein):postpone tne sale of all or any partion of fhe ProDerty,as prowded by law:or sell the � <br /> �� � Property ae a whole,o��n separate parCels or lots al Tr�stee's diacretion. <br /> 14. FNS and E�p�nsM.In fhe event Trustee aella the Property by exerclse ol power of sale,Trustee shall be ent�tled to apply � <br /> , �ny eale proceeds f�ret to payment of au coste and arpenses ot exerc�s�np power of eale.�nciud�ng a�l Trustea's fees.and Lender'a i <br /> ' end Trustee's etlomey'e lees,aCluelly incurred to extont pe�mdted by epp�tcabie law In Ihe event 9orrowe►or Trustor exerCises any ; <br /> � ' rfpht provldQd by law to cwe en Ever�t of Oelault,Lender ahall be enl�tlod to recover from Trustor a�l costs antl expenses eCtually <br /> °' Incurred as a rasult of Truttor's defeult.mcludinp w�tnaut Ilmdat�on a�i Trustee's and nttorney's lees,to the extent permftied by , <br /> appl�cabte Iaw. <br /> � rn" u 15. Futu��Adv�nc�n.Upon request of Borrower. Lender�IS opt�on, make add�t�onal and fulure advances and re- • <br /> "''�'�"'"'�� "� advences to Borrower.Such advances end readvanCes.with�ntereat thereon.shall be secured by th�s Deetl of Trust.At no Ume ahall <br /> . .�:. <br /> • tAe pnncfpal amount of the indebtedness secured by th�s Deed o1 Trust,n��0�ms advanced to protect the secw�ry of this <br /> * a , Owd of Trust,oxCaYd tho orfylnal prinCfpal amount stet8�1 herein.or S----------�whichever is yteet6r. , , <br /> . . <br /> � • � <br />