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20100014'7 <br />damage, costs or expense (including, without limitation, attorneys' fees and <br />disbursements) relating to the Mortgaged Property or any part thereof; <br />(k) all appurtenances in respect of or otherwise relating to the Lease, including, but <br />not limited to, all the estate and rights of the Borrower of, in and to (i) all <br />modifications, extensions and renewals of the Lease and all rights to renew or <br />extend the term thereof, (ii) all of Borrower's rights, if any, pertaining to deposits <br />of the Lessee under the Lease (including lessee security deposits, if any), (iii) all <br />other options, privileges and rights granted and demised to the Borrower under <br />the Lease, (iv) all the right or privilege of the Borrower to terminate, cancel, <br />abridge, surrender, merge, modify or amend the Lease, and (v) any and all <br />possessory rights of the Borrower and other rights and/or privileges of possession, <br />including, without limitation, the Borrower's right to elect to take possession of <br />the Mortgaged Property; <br />(1) all of the Borrower's claims and rights to damages and any other remedies in <br />connection with or arising from the rejection of the Lease by the Lessee or any <br />trustee, custodian or receiver pursuant to the United States Bankruptcy Code, as <br />amended (the "Bankru tc Cade") in the event that there shall be filed by or <br />against the Lessee any petition, action or proceeding under the Bankruptcy Code <br />or under any other similar federal or state law now or hereafter in effect; <br />(m) all of Borrower's interest in and to all minerals, crops, timber, trees, shrubs, <br />flowers and landscaping features now or hereafter located on, under or above the <br />Premises; <br />(n) all present and future monetary deposits given by Borrower to any public or <br />private utility with respect to utility services furnished to any part of the Premises <br />or the Improvements; <br />(o) all right, title and interest of Borrower in and to all building materials, supplies <br />and equipment now or hereafter placed on the Premises or in the Improvements <br />and all architectural renderings, models, drawings, plans, specifications, studies <br />and data now or hereafter relating to the Premises or the Improvements; <br />(p) all right, title and interest of Borrower in and to all refunds and rebates of taxes <br />and assessments relating to the Premises and Improvements (except to the extent <br />such refunds and rebates relate to taxes or assessments which are paid by the <br />Lessee under the Lease); <br />(q) all of Borrower's interest in moneys and investments which may from time to <br />time become subject to the lien hereof; <br />(r) subject to the terms of the Lease, all right, title and interest of Borrower in and to <br />all proceeds, products, substitutions .and accessions (including claims and <br />demands therefor) of the conversion, voluntary or involuntary,, of 'any of the <br />foregoing into cash or liquidated claims, including, without limitation, the <br />proceeds of insurance and condemnation awards; and <br />-4- <br />