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2oioooo7~ <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA - coUNTY of . ~a~@ ) ss. <br />T e fo ing instrume was subscr'bed, sworn to, and aclmowledged before me by <br />President of 0.1'1 ~-' on ox~ ~ 1 <br />nS~~ a ~Q, <br />GENERAL NOTARY -State of Nebraska Notary Public <br />~ KATHLEEN K. O'KIEF <br />My Comm. Exp. April 24, 2012 <br />Commencing at the point where the north line of the North Half of the <br />Southwest Quarter (N°M~SW;!) of Section Twelve (12) , Township Ten (10) <br />North, Range Twelve (12) , 1nleat of the 6t'' P.M. , Hall County, Nebraska, <br />that intQrsects the east boundary line of the North and Sauth public <br />road abutting said and running in an easterly direction along <br />and upon said north boundary line for a distance of 125 feet, thence <br />at right angles and in a southerly direction a distance of 125 feet, <br />thence at right angles and in a westerly direction s distance of 125 <br />feet to the easterly edge of said public rand, thence at right angles <br />and in a northerly direction along and upon the east edge of said <br />public road to the paint of beginning. __ <br />-- ~~ <br />IrcaltyVCaecd.ien <br />