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<br /> te. YMo.11rn.ow ha1MaM.
<br /> (�) �atoww Mol lINNMd�ExbnNon.pt th�tlen�Ipr p+Y�nt or modlHoaUon of�moN�tbn of tA��um�MaurW b�►thl�
<br /> pwd ol Truit Onnl�d by l.�nder to�ny�ucaasor In IntKat 4f�ortowK�hNl not opaaf�W rN�aN.ln�ny m�nn�r.tlw IlabilHy
<br /> of tM alpin�l BarowK�nd 8orrowe's wacs�aon In IntKe�t,L�nd�r rhill not b�nqulr�d to comm�nc�procNdinp��Imf
<br /> = suoh wccMtor or rdua to�xt�nd tlm�tor paym�nt o�oth�wioM modlry�mord�don ot th��ums Ncur�d by thb GMd of T►wt
<br /> by na�on ol�ny d�mands mad�by th�oHpinelBoROw�uKlBonqwe'�woo�saon In IneKa�
<br /> ---- (b) LrndK'�Pow�n.Wlthout aB�cllnp th�Il�bllity ot�nr othsr p�non Il�bte tor tho paynNnt of�ny obtlpatlon h�rNn
<br />?�-""�'--' msndansd,�nd wlmout�tt�ctln th�Ilen or ahar •of thia Qead ot Tru�t upon An
<br /> p � Y pordon of th�Property notth�nor thKNofon
<br /> rNe�Md u a�cu►Iry for the lull amount ol�II unpald obApatipnfl,��nd�r mey,from dm�W dm��nd without notlGli)rNeu�any
<br /> - p�tson w Il�bts,(Iq sxtand ths maturiry o�altar�ny of tt�tarmfl oi any�uah oblip�tiona,(Ilq prant other Indulp�nas,(Iv)rNw�
<br /> or reconv�y,o�causs to be rolw�sd or nconv�y�d at��y U tno ai tcndar3 apdon any parcel,pordon or�11 of th�Property,
<br /> ___-�,� (v)take or rel�as�any oth�r or addidonel eeaurity for a�y obliq�tb�hadn m�ndon�d,a(vl)mak�compodtlon�w oth�r
<br /> ananpemenb with debtors in releGan therato
<br /> _�� (o) Forb�uanw by I.�ndK No!�WYW��.Any farb�rpna�by L�ndor!n�xercl�inp any ripht or rem�dy henund�r.w
<br /> othorwi�a oHordad by opplicable low,shqll not ba a walvar of or preclude the exorciw of any such riqht or rorn�dy.TM
<br /> --- -� procu�emsnt ot In�urence or the peyms�t pf taxos or otha►Ilpn*or charQes by Undar�hall nqt ba a w*iv�r of Lrndw's►Ipht to
<br /> - �`� accolpr�te the m�turlry of the Indobtedns�s eaauraq by thl�Ueed oi Truat
<br /> - (d) Suca��nd A��Ign�8ound:JoMt Md 8w�rn11.1�bWty:Captlon�.The covenanb and a�reemsnb herein con-
<br /> talned�hall 6ind,�nd Me riphb hereunder ohall Inure ta,ihe reapeoUve waceaaors and assipns ol Lendor md Trusror.All
<br /> —= covenanb and apre�manb of Trustor shall be joint and aevAral.The aapdons and headinQs ol the psrayraphs of this DNd ot
<br /> - Trust are tor convenience only and are not to be u�ed ta k►tarpret or deilne the provisiona hereof.
<br /> (s) Rpw�t lor No11eM.The pertlas h�►eby requast 1h pt a eopy ot any noUca of default hersunder ond a copy of any nodu
<br /> ---_ of sate hereunder ba mailed to eech perty to thie Oeed o1 Truet et the addreas eet torth above in the msnner preearlbed by -
<br /> -_.-�.�� applleable law.Except lor any other nWiCe requked undar�pplicabte law W be yiven In another manner,any ooHce provided
<br /> _ = tor fn thia Oeed ol T►ust ihall be�Iven by mailinp euah natip�by certitied mell addreseed to fhe othe►partlea,at the addrees set
<br /> �-,��.�,-�-"��' torth abova.Any notice provided lor In this Deed Ot Trust 6ha11 be eftecdve upon mellinp in the manner dvsiynated herein.If
<br /> ;,T,_,�+@"`.�"`��"ti'4�' T�ustor ia more than one pereon,nodce eent to the addr�aet to►t,h above shall be nodce to ell such perso�s.
<br /> -Sr'rf• . (f) Insp�ctian.Lender mey meke or ceuae to be made reasonabte entriea upon and inspectfons of the Properly,p►ovldW
<br /> ::`��p_,-,.� thet Lender ahall give T►uatar notica pNOr to any euch InBpecNon gpecifylnp r�asoneble cauee therefor related W Lendar'�
<br /> s� Mtoreat fn the P�operty.
<br /> ..,$,;.
<br /> .�•�•��-�.�u;�::�"� (y) R�conv�yanc�.Upon payment ot all sums aeaurqq by thia Daed of Trust,Lender shell requeatTrustee ro reconvey the
<br /> __.--��„, PropeAy and shall surrender this Deed af Truat and aU natHO evidenclnp indebtedneas secured by this Deed of Trustto TNSte�.
<br /> �����'`� Truetee ahell reconvey the Property without wamae�ty�end without efwr�e to dw person or pe►aorn IapaNy �ntitlad thsnto.
<br /> �"`°""'� Trurtor thell pey all costs o1 recordeQon,if any.
<br /> _=:-;�� (h) P�nona)Prop�ryr;S�auNty/1�rNm1M.As add+llonal eecurUy for the payment ol the Note,Truator hereby prante
<br /> �`'-- "- (,gn�lwr��n�pr fhe Nobre�ka Unlform C.�mmercial Coda a s.nourlfy Inte►eat in dl llictures.equipment,and other pereonal property
<br /> ���°����1� u�ed i�Connectlon with the real estate or Improvemenl9 I�cated thereon,and not otherwise declared or deemed to be a part o1
<br /> �x�,� the real eetate secured hereby.This InBtrument shall be construed as a Security Agreement under sald Code,and ihe Lender
<br /> b�«•
<br /> ' ti� ehell heve all the riphta and remedies of e secured partyr;,nder said Code in addition to the rights and remedies created under
<br /> :�,�;�'S�. ' and eccorded the Lender pursuant to thia Deed of TruEt prov�ded that Lender's nghts and ramedies under this paragraph ahall
<br /> --::,�i,�;�f;;:ti,,� be cumulative with,end In no way a Ilmitetion on,Lenqer�►ig�ts and remedles under any other securiry a�reement iipned by
<br /> - �' '•` �"� Bonower or Trustor. =
<br /> •��i�,��,a;"t, � (i) I.i�ns and 8ncumb►anah.Truator hgreby warrant8 and repreeente Ihat there la no delauh undor the provislons ol any
<br /> � ,� '� mortpape,deed of trust lease or purchasa contraot dos:�►Ibing all or any part ol the Property,or other condact,Inabument or
<br /> �-N•�+�. epreement conaUtuting a Ilen or enaumbrance agwinct All or any part of the Property(cotlecnvely,"Llens"),exlatinp as of the
<br /> ��,-„� date of this Deed of Truet,and that any and all exi�,qnp Uans remein unmodilfed except as discloaed ro Lender in Trustor'a
<br /> wrUten diaclosure ol liena and encumbrences pr�vida�for hereln. Trustor shall timely perlorm all of Truator's ob8�atlone,
<br /> ~ �'� covenanta,representetions and warranbea under any ond all exiaiting and lulure Liens,shell promptly lorward to Lender copies
<br /> ,�q�a� oi all notices of default aent in connectlon with any and�911 existing or luture Liens,and shall not wlthout Lender's prior wrftten
<br /> "�-^"'� consent In eny menner modify the provislona ot or ellqw any future advances under any exfstlng or luture Liens.
<br /> '"�"`°`"' Q) Applkadon of Paym�nh.Unlnas otherwise requi�qd by law,aums peld to Lender hereunder,includfng wflhout Iimifedon
<br /> ..• ieR�K•:r
<br /> p �; payments ot principal and Interest,insuranca Nivci�ds.wndmm�aUon proceeds and rents and prolits,shall be apQlled by
<br /> Lender to the amounts due and owinp Irom Trustar and Ciarrower In such order aa Lender in fts sole discredon deams desirebte.
<br /> '$��`�� (k) S�wtaWlity.If any provisfon of this Deed ol Tivst coMlicts with epplicable law or is declared Invalld or otherwise
<br /> unenforceable,euch oonllict or Inualldity shall not att�ct the other provisons of this peed of 7ruat or the Note whlch can be
<br /> �'^• ylven ettect wNhaut ihe conlllctlnp provfalon,and to thls end the proviaiona ot thia Deed of Trust and the Note are declared fc 6e -
<br /> ,��.. .:i�, �
<br /> - sevorabte. �
<br /> -- - (I) TNmt.The terma"Trustor"end"Borrower"sha4t Include both singuler and plural, when the 7ivatorand Bonower
<br /> " are the ieme peraon�e).Ihoee terme aa used in this Deed ol Truet ehall be Inter he e. -
<br /> ~,�—.--�',F'�'.`'��� (m)Gowrninp Law.Thia Dead of Trust shell be grnemed by the lewe of e S te f Nebraeka.
<br /> r,�t , �.,�'I , Truota hos executed thfs Deed of Trust a�ot the date wrltlPn abova.
<br /> '�`. �•�ir; -
<br /> Larry Schwidt Trustor
<br /> � � M S FRONT STREET B�ORiQG£
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