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� T __ <br /> _�Ir= ; ,. ,, ,,�-.- - . T= �... - _ <br /> _.�1�� .�. �� a.� - _ <br /> _ . �� ����- _ ___ _ __ _ <br /> �� � �- - . _.��. _-- <br /> :__ � <br /> � g2_ �oois9 <br /> -� TOp�THER WITFI dl �he impcovementa now or hercafter erocted an thc properly.and oll e�sements, appurtenancea. <br /> �nd flxtures now ar hercafler a pan of the property. All�eplwxments nrid�dditians ahall alao be covaed by this Sectr'ity <br /> � Inswmrnt. All of�he foregoin�is rcfemed to in Ihis Socu�ity Inw�ument as Ihe'Pnoperty." <br /> _.,,���, BORROWER COVENANTS 1ha19orrower is lawfully sefcod of Ihe estnte hcrcby conveyod w�d has tlw d�ht to gt�nt <br /> =-�'i�'�'"" u�d convey the PropMy and Ilut tho Property is unencumbered,eacept for encumbrs�nces of rocord. Bartower wartmt��d <br /> �-- _� wili defend gmea�lly�he title w Uu Property agains[dl cl�ims and demands,�ybject w any encumbrwiceQ of recotd. <br /> �:��-- THIS SECURITY INSTRUMEN'T combines uniform wvcnants for natlo�l use and non•unifoem covenants with � <br /> �imited vufadons by judsdictian to constitute a uniform security instrument coverfog rcal propeny. <br /> UNITORM COVENANTS. Borrower and l.ender coverwnt and agrce�s follows: when due tfie <br /> --- � 1. P�y1dlllt O�PriACipd�IOd IAtelYSt; PRpiyllllM AAI)LptC Ch�d. Hotrower sh�ll promptlY paY <br /> =''^�' principal of and interest on the debt evidenced by the Nato ax1 any prcpayment ond late chuges due under the Note. <br /> .-�.-.;� Z. Fbnds�ur'11ues xnd Insurnace. SubJert ro appNcable law or to a wri�ten wuiver by Lender.Bortower shAll pay to <br /> __ -�,� l,ender on the day rtwmhly paymenls are due w�der the Note.unt�l the Note is paid in full.a sum("�d�")for:(ul yearly f <br /> :.�� ta�ces and assessmenu which may attain priority over this Securiry instrumrnt u a lien on the Pmpeny:(bl Y�ly leasehold <br /> �� p�ymcnts or ground rcnts on the Prope�ty. if any:(c) yearly hazard or Praperty insura�ue premiums:(d) Ycarly flood <br /> -----_ - �, in.y�rance premiums. if any: le) yearly mongage insurance premiums, if any;and(�enY sums pay�bla by Bortower to <br /> Lender,in nccardance wi�h the provisions of paragraph Neu of the payrnent of mongage insurance premiums. These <br /> -� Items arc called~Escruw Items." Lender may.a[any time,collect and hold M'Ymds in an amount not to ezceed the m�ucimum _ <br /> "�-"�� omount�lender for a federally related modgage loAn muy r�equire for Borrower�s escrow account under the federnl Real = <br /> � dr. <br /> --,_: Esuue 3eNement Procedurcs l�ct of 1974 as amended fram time ta time, l2 U.S.C.�2601 et seq.("RESPA").unless andher — <br /> _----- <br /> -- <br /> - - -W:.�:�� law that applies to the Funds sets a lesser amourN. If so.L.ender any time.collect and hold Fun s m an amount a -- <br /> =-=s=•! excced �he lesser amoun� Lender may estimate the amaunt aP Funds due on the basis of current dala and reasawbie �__ <br /> � estimates of expenditurcs of fuwr+e Escrow Items or otherwise in accordance with applicable law•. : <br /> - � .`� • The Funds shall be held in an institution whose deposits are insured by a federal agency,inatrumentality.or entity ■ - <br /> �"`+�s�e��r�c.:� (including L.ender.if I.ender ia such an institutian) or in any Federal Home Loan Bank. Lender shall appiy the Fundc to pay _ <br />"^�.����. ir'''�'-"°'�". 1he Escrow Items. l..ender mey not charge Bomower for holding and applying the Funds.annual�y analyzing the escrow <br /> ' c� • ?"'.d:.:.. <br /> '�il��;A.. acxount,or vedfying the Escrow Items, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law pertnits _ <br /> _�;=;����,� LaWer to make such a chrrge, However,Lender may require Borrowe��o p�y a one-time charge for an independent reul - <br /> -- esute uuc r�eportinp service used by Lender in connection with Ihis loan.unless Applicable law provides otherwise. Uniess an _ <br />_, �,�,re—g�---.: - °._ <br /> „�;.��-, ' agrcement is made or applicable law requires interest to be paid.Lender shell not be required to pay Borrower any intercst or <br /> —�� � eaminga on the Funds. Barower and l.cnder may agr�ee in writing.however,thet interest shall be paid on the Punds. Lender <br />'.���'�'"�'=�°=$�: shdl give to Horrower,wilhoW charge,on annual accoundng of the Funds,stawjng credits and debits lo the Funds and the <br /> ,-=��.�,�;; pwpose for which each debit w the Funds was made. The Funds are pledgod as additional securiry For all sums secured by <br /> .� `�4_�,4 ti „5-=- tfiw Securi[y instrument. <br /> y�,,,;„�_ � if the E�nds held by L.ender exceed the amounts permitted to be held by applicable Iaw,Lender shall account to <br /> -�._..�.�t�F�'�.`:;' Barower for the excess FLnd�in accordnnce wi�h the requirements of applicable law. If the amount of Ihe Funds held by <br /> ����g�' � �'`� Lender at uny time is noi eufllcient to pay the Escrow Items when due. [.ender may so notify Honowcr in writing,and, in �; <br /> ,,,..,.;��:�„�,::t• _... <br /> �,;�� , v �r=��;�+;���� such case Borrower shail pay to Lender Ihe amount necessnry to make up �he deficiency. Borrower shall make up the �F_. <br /> -`- :; {•4sj�;'+, deficiency in no mon t�an twelve monthly pnyments,at Lender's sole discretion. �_. <br /> u=�'.��:" - "- ''�" Upon payment in full of ell sums sewred by �his Security Insaument, Lender shall prompUy refund to Borrower uny `,_ <br /> '"-�' ' Fwids held by Lender. If,under parograph 21,Lender shell acquine or sell tNe Property.Lender,prior to�he ucquisitian or <br /> : � : .",�,,,�., <br /> ���� ' sak of the Property,shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit against Ihe sums �''-' <br /> __ . :.�.`yT. <br /> _� �,..rr. ;"• : securedby this Security lnstrument. — <br /> _�:---�e,�..,.. �t:� <br /> ��;�,�;;��:.;,;. 3. Applkalton o�PwymPnta �►��pa� ppplir.�hle ls1,� provides otherwfse,ull puyments received by Lender under <br /> , ,.�.�.i•a�j��• paragraphs I snd 2 shall be applied:first,to uny prepnyment charges due under the Note;second.�o amounts payuMe under <br /> ��^�'=�.�'•• .' paragraph 2; interest due;fourth,to princippl due;and last,to any late churges due under the Note. ` <br /> ._ ,;;U � 4. Chwr�es; Llens. Borrower shalt pay all tuxes, nssessments, charges. fines and impositions attribut+ible to the _ <br /> --=_�``'""��"�---��•• Pmperty which may attain priority over this Security Instrument.and leusehold payments or gruund rents,if any. Borrower � <br /> "-`�`��''�' ••� ��Yf•:�•� shdl pay these obligations in the manner provided in parugraph 2,or if not puid in that manner,Borrower shall pay them on N.-: <br />--��'� �y��rv,.���'��/"�'� time directly to the person owed paymem. Borrower ahall promptly turnish to Lender all notices of amaunts to be aid under °- <br />,._�.;5,�. .., ...� n. P �- <br />...:yL. ;��i,p'��a'�.,li"�Y� .. <br /> �-�.. �F;;�„ this paragraph. If Bomower mnkes these p�yments directly,Borrower shall prompdy fumish to Lender receipts evidencing :� <br /> - .� j.t.%r� ....;... �payments. � <br />��-'_:' ~�"'�'"� �� Borrower shall prornptlydischcvge any lien which has prioriry over this Security lnstrument unless Borrower:(a)agrees =•_ <br /> �< <br /> ° `�' ���� `�• ' in writing to the payment of the nbligation secured by the lien in n manner ucceptable io Lender,(b►contests in good faith the _ <br /> .,s;,.�'::� .• :,. <br /> ���. `�'"" lien by,or defends against enforcement of the lien in,legal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion apemte�o prevent the __. <br /> . ��-�n,u�,•..' �. <br /> -�,. •:+~ � enforcement of the lien; or(c►aecures from the holder of Ihe lien an ogreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien _ <br />--"�'�`� n . to�his Serurity Instrument. If Lender detemiines thut uny part of the Property is subject�o a lien which may attain prioriry _ <br />�eF.` fi ��'�� � � over this Securiry Instrurnent.Lender may give Borrower a notice identifying the lien. Barrower shnll satisfy Ihe lien or taice <br />� ° � s one or more of the actions set(orth ubove within 10 days of the giving of nolice. E_„ <br /> ��t� �� . � � S. H�rd or Properly Insurance. Borrower nhall kcep the improvements now existing or hereufler erected on the =- <br /> ' ' � 1;�;, Propeny insured agsunst loss by fire,hazards included within the term"rx�endcd coveruge"und any other hAZards,including � <br /> ^ � ''�'' floods or flooding, for which Lender reyuires insurence. 'I'his insurunce stiall Ix m•rintuined in�he amounts and for the _ <br /> �., <br /> �, . �- <br /> .;,�s� <br /> .;'! F'orml02fi 9l90 1�.4�-^I�MR�aI �; <br /> �;-, <br /> �:. •'n-' <br />- . ��� � - - " ° <br /> „ �;- <br /> � .i . _ _ ".. . .+a . . 'l1'- . . . . ;�_<<r� .. . .'i�j': • ti:("�'I.� :n • ...=.7..SwS'Y5y'L..;�:........::� .� <br /> . ,1:• .. . .� ;Ir �. . . . - . <br /> . • . . .. . . �. ' .��lt�.a.� <br />_- —.._ . --�— ._.. . . . ' .-. . „ ..% ,' <br /> .. , . - .�1�,�., <br /> _ . _ . , '.�.. . <br /> .. .. . . � '�,�� <br /> 1- � ' <br /> � � . . <br /> , � r <br /> , <br /> . 7 � � .. . _. _. __ <br />