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2oioooo4~ <br />A tract of laud in the Southwest Quarter (SW1/4) of Section Thirty Two (32), Township Twelve (12) <br />North, Range $leveu ()t]) VNesf of the dth :P.M., ball Coantr, NebraBka, being more particalnrly <br />• described as follower . <br />$eglnniag at the Northwest carnet of satd SWl•/4; thanc~e running S 89°17'59" $ for 830.00 fleet on the <br />North liuae of said SR-1/4' thence running 9 O<i°00'00" $ for 360,00 feet; thenca running S S9°20'S9" W <br />for 488,17 feet' theace runui~ng S 00"00'00" E ~'or 800.00 feet; thence run~ning 1189° i7'S9" W fvr 410.00 <br />[ect tv a point pp the West lice Of veld SWl/~~ theuce running •N 00°00'00" W for 1414.00 Ceet on tlxe <br />Wext line of said SWi/4 W the Point of itegiuni~g. <br />NOTE: 3421 N. 130th ltvad, Caira, N~ <br />