<br />This debC is evidenced lay Borrower"s note elated tlae same elate as this Security I17st11nmcnt ("Note"), which
<br />provides for- lalotatlaly payments, w.itll the till.l. de17t, if not paid earlier, due a.nd payable n1a ~Tanuaxy 7.at.,
<br />2o4t) .This Security Ilrstrullaeut secures to T,en{ler: (a.) the repaylnertt of th.e debt evidenced by tite
<br />Note, with interest, alad all 1•etle~vals, ex.t.ensions clad laaod.ificatians of the Note; (b'? the pa:yraaent of al] other sums, with
<br />interest, advanced under paragraph 7 to protect the security of this 5ecur-ity Instrizlaletat; clad (c) t11e perfnrnaance of
<br />Borroyver's cnvenazlts and agreetnelats tinder this Security Instntlneut alld tlae Nate. F'{rr this pul-pnse, F3orrnwer
<br />irrevocably grants grad conveys tq the Trltstee, in t7-tlst, with power of sale, the fallowing. clc.scribed prnp(:.rty located
<br />in Iia11 County, :Nebrasltia:
<br />'S'I3E WB3T 68 FEET ~F THS BAST' 1,58 FEET Dl~' I,c7T ~0, CQLTiv"TX" SUBbIVIST©Id,
<br />~N SECTION' S, ~'OWNSkS~P 9 Idg127;'T~, kZ.A,1~TGE 9 WEST QF THB
<br />6T3i P.M., IN TTi,E VTT,LAGE OF T~gNSFii~.N, kIALL Cq'tJ'NTaC, NEBRASKP_.
<br />Parcel ID Ntatllbex: Cou>a.ty: 400].83323 City:
<br />which alas dac address of 31,4 N 1.ST ST [Streetl
<br />l7QIdIPHAN' [Clt7l, Nr~brasl:a 68832 [`Lip Cndel ("Property Acl{lress"),
<br />TUUE'THER WITH al.l the ilaapl'ar°ements no~v or hexeafter• erected nn fihe property, artcl all easenaerits,
<br />appurtelaances and fzxtures now or h.er-eafter a. par°t of the property. AI] replacenae.nts clod additinlis shall also he covered
<br />toy this Sec:urit3~ Instrument. All at'tlae foregoing is referred to in this Security irastta.rtalent as the "Property." Llolro«~er
<br />understands grad agrees that MFRS holds only- lrgal title to the interests granted by I3orrntver in this SectlritY i'rrstnullent;
<br />hut, if necessal-yr to canlpiy with law or custrnn. MFRS, (as nozaainee far l.:ender atld Lender's successors alad assigns),
<br />loos the right: to exercise any or all of tllase nitel•ests, including, but rant limited to, the rigla.t to foreclose atacl sell the
<br />I'ropcrty; and to take any action required of Lender including, but not. limited tn, releasing ar canceling this Security
<br />Instrument.
<br />BURRUVr'E'It. Ct7VENA1~,'T5 that I3orxawer is l.awfitlly seia..ed of the esttlte laerel?y conveyed and bas the right to
<br />grant and convey the Property and that the Property is ullencullahexed, except 101' encumbrances of record, Borrnv~rer.
<br />warrants 1114 will defend generally the title to tine Property against all chinas a.lld demands, subject to any enclrnabrances
<br />of record.
<br />THIS SECL'RIT~" INSTRL1l~1E'NT cormbines unifnrlm covenants for laatianal use and loon-uniform covenants wrth
<br />llttalted. val'tatlatlS by' 17i1'1Sd1Ct10n to Ca115tttalt~ a Lllllfartll SeC1lrt.ty ]115t1'tTillent Cave7'17a~* Peal pl'01]ei't}'.
<br />E3c?ca~n~~~e.r alacl Len{ler envenalat and agree as follo~~~s:
<br />Z. Paylxletxt of Principal, Interest. tartcl Lath Charge. I3orra`•c~er shall pay ~vilen due file principal nfi, and ixlter•est
<br />on, the debt evidenced by tllc Note and Tate charges due under the Note.
<br />2. Monthly )"'aylnel>;t o(' Ta~{es, Illsllraltce and Other ClaargPS, Bol-rnwer shall ilacliade in ca4ta mantial.y payment,
<br />together with the principal Arad. ilaterest as set faz•th i1a. the Note and away late ctaaxges, a sltna fur (a) tapes and. special.
<br />assesslnellts levied or to be levied against the Property, {h) leasehold ptlynaents or I?rnttnd rents n1a the Property, alld (c)
<br />prenniums for inslrra.nce required under paragraph 4. In any year in t~'laicla the.Lelticle>' must pay a nlartgage itasurance
<br />prelmit1l11 to the Secretary of Flatrsing and l'Jrban Oevelapnaelat ("Secxetaay"), or in azty .year i.n lvlaicll such preraliu7la
<br />would. have been required if Lender still held floe Security Instrument, each moratlaly payment. sha11 aisa include either: (i1
<br />a. stint for the azalaual mortgage illsurrtnce prenaaum to be paid by T_,ezldel• to the Searetrrry, l)r (ii) a laaocatllly charge ilastead
<br />nl' a naortaage insurance premtutai if dais Secul i.t}~ I1tsu~ltnae~llt is held by the. 5at:1-etary, in a reasonable alllnutlt to be
<br />detel-lnined by the Secz~etary~. Exce.1?t for the lnon.thly charge 17~r floe. Secretary, these sterns ar'e called "7:sc1'aw Ii.elns" an{1
<br />the sums paid t.a Lendi:r are called "Escrow Fu.nds.'r
<br />~a~as34zio
<br />~~,;t«~~~: ~Ql. f9
<br />-4N(NE) (pa0r) [~uge 2 of 9
<br />