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2oososs5~ <br />Legal Description <br />~' A 'tract •Af land,~campr3~fn,~..ai1 q( .Let, One I1?r• •Fhrk. Islai~d~'Squa[e. roti~th~.~4iita~l~ion~.w~a.;khe=: <br />I:ity of Gcend 'Island, Nebra'skay Dare' particulaalx described ~hp:.,lolTgva~ ' .a ~~'",' '-;~~. • ~'~ r., "`~ <br />• 8eginc~ing at th® nartn~rdvt;carnar of aai~ Lat•One (1)-~•gaid ,point also''"t~~pg°'n~y~e~.dout(ie:.,~i- <br />right of vaY line of 13Ch Street: 'thanes running aast,Csiy. aL'o,ig; the `north lies of•ysa~ .~pt'C~hp' l~,, ~• <br />' aid the aautherly. right ai vay line ' ai' 13th Street, ari ~an asi~used~ beariag• a~ 1}~~O.;~tU.~9ti".'.8r..a;• <br />distance af,Five .GUndred Seventy' Six and Eighty Three $a~dr`edths 1576:831. t+ai ~ t~i~'~th~ ~ottlleast=' <br />carnet of said Gat ane - I ll ~ and the vast®riy right of vay l~rtte ~ of Ours ~nuey;~•then~g. ruhning <br />5 4S°aa+oaN 9, elvrig the eaatar'ly life' of said Got one {,1 ), sea .thg uesterly~ raght••af,ri-ey' ~ine',a#•', <br />Diets 7-venue, a distance ai 1'vaincy Eight and E'arty 7Cvo eundred'ths ,12g,9z~1 teet,;•'~ Chants cunning <br />5 00°34''13" e, along khe 4a~CkC~•y;,lli14 •of said Gat Ope •(11;:•an~d khe vesterly ri 1it ol.:vay lino'af <br />Diera Avenve, a dxat~"rsce aE faur Saadrod Tvanty Three and 5is ~8ynd~dtha {423.05 :E+aet,•~•~o,'a poirc' <br />of c~t~rvatuc~e ; • thence running': sautheaaterl}- along the arc at ~ tut;ye I:a the lest vheae radius •,i.a ~1rn, . <br />eyndred a}ve 1205.01 Feat. the•idnq chard of vhieh ~aacs 5 15 04'28'.E, a long'¢hocd didcaace a~ One <br />9nedred rvr~ and sixty' 6ighC $uadredths 1102,66) feel. to a point of tangency; ;thtrtce tanning <br />5Z8°34'43" E, aln,tg kbe eastet:lX lino of said Lot Qn4 (1), awtd, the vestexly ,tight at v~Y i,iae of <br />Diars Avenue, a distance of Seventy live and~E'ffty pipe Bundcedths'(75.59? iget to [ate Sautheaat <br />cot#ec ai said Lot Gave I1); thence running s 09°•27'29" w, a di9Catice of Three Bundced 0300,°). ~aet; <br />Chance running h 0.92'31".w, a distance of One Hp red Thirty and, paur 8ugdcedtbs 1130.14) feats <br />thence runnings 89 ~dy~2g" N, a dietanee of Tvo eae~dded Thirteen and One eundredchs (213.91'? fegt; ' <br />chaste cunrtinq S DG ~2']1• e+ a distance of One burtdred shirty and Foot flundredtbi (1{}.04? Seek; <br />thence running 5 $4 27'29° ip, a distance of Ong dvndred Forty rive {195.0) feet; to khe souchvest; <br />cornea of said t,oc Gne I1): xheY~t running d 00 41'03` ii, along the ~i0sterly line of said Lac, C1ne <br />11}, a 4istance of Siz Eundrrd t'oucteen AAd Twenty Six 8undrpdChs 1614.1"5) fQRtt Ca khe poid,G of <br />beginning and contaiclinq 7'.$IS acres (340425 Sc~ace Feet1 mare ar 1ess. ''• <br />M <br />i , .,~~• <br />A tract o! land camQrising ,All af' 1.or Three 13), tPark iakand Sguare Sptadiv}aton, in 'tKa City ai, <br />Grind island, NeSrsska, sore parcicviarly daa~ribed ss fallavs: _ . <br />Beginning at the northV~aG corKer at said' Gat xhcee'(a); hence running•eastarly aldhg the <br />math line at said GaC Thre4 {3), an an eaavnied bOmring of E 90 Oi1'00" E,'"Isaid Asav>?ted 8eaetiig <br />aaiAcidaa uikb kbat used in the deeecip=Tan for Gat Gqe 111, Pekk Is~arld 5quara Faucth Subdivistan), <br />a disteece ,of nos Hundred }+arty One and Forty Tighe $undr~lths {3.41.61 feeC, Ca the l~axkhcast• <br />Comer of said trat Three (3?, and to i paiett~ qn the vesterly eight a1' vay line ol? p.5, bfghvny.Dp. <br />281 thence rvnntng S 90°39'13' B slang the easterly Line of AefB Lot Three 13,), end ,khe veatgrly <br />tight of vay line a! U.S. Qighttey qa. x81 ~ a dietA~tCe aE Five Sutxdred Foueteen sad 5rvehty' Seven <br />Snndredrhs 1~14r771 leer, to Che sautbeast comer of a4id Gak ~t-ree {3),_and.6a d paint of curvature <br />an the eastacly right, of vay ,ling of Dieca l~venue; thence rynninq narchYe3terly elor~g the eaareciy <br />eigght o~ May line. of Diera #veace ahd she arc aE a cyrva to the i,a°ft Xhosa r$df~a is• (hie 9undced <br />Dinety 5avoxs and Five Tersehs 1197.Sp} t'ert, the long cbatd of "vnicb heats 11 15 04`28" w, a lanq <br />chord ditcence o[ Nineey 1"ighc. u-d Ninety three 1lucrdredths {99.931, foes, to a, paint. aL tangency; <br />chance ruhpigg w z9aaa•43• i1 ala~g th+s ravtecly right of vay line vE Olars Av'Poaa, o distance o! Tvo <br />eundred.Thcae and •Thirteen eundctak.ha 103.131 feet, to a paint of eut;vatvre:.theace.runh~ng . <br />ne~theaicet"iy alartg the eaatecly .right of way line nt Diets i-venue and khe etc a! .a 'cucv~~to he <br />Light vhaae radius is tree GuRdred ~vrty Five 1;45.0) f~tcC. city ldr{q chard of rrp.lch b+~e~cs S15 a4+28•N, <br />a tang ~chdrd distance at Set my A'++o and .51xty Three DyndeedCho 172.63) stet, ~ca a .paint Al <br />tangency'; Chance rut-r~irtg tF G9~34'19` N•aiaaq the aascst?,y right of vay ling ai Dielrs #venba,. a. <br />distance ai One Hundred seventy !r-v and Fatty Five 8uadredths 1172,431 feecr to the ppiniC ~af <br />begfnntaq and cnntaiaittg 1.b96 scree {47,751 sgaare Peet) mare GC leas. ,,`•~. <br />~rderNo: 1 <br />