<br />ElIHiBIT "A"
<br />lsAllt;l~l, l: A Qart ar Blnerc 'Iwo (Z), tCaehkr snbauvlslon, loewted ~ # parr ai the BEl/15WI J~ or
<br />sedan l3, Tawna6ip tt North, ~ p wear or the dtb r.M,, Hsll eoant~.a,a a 1~ or I~at 14, of me
<br />Gonntl- qubdh~isloa ar the WI fZ.riWlJ4 or Keetiaai 15, Townellp 11 North, Wwpe 9 Wr~at n( the bth P,M,
<br />H~1 GoantY, Ne6rukA mare partk~uriy described wr ralla~we ta~wll:
<br />Cemwanei~ a! a paint ea the N~ bea:rdary line of sold Naelc rrhfe4 pcdnt is 169 fiat ~t ~ the
<br />North~rast cnavcr ad sold $loctc, rnaele6 t~nca South parsllol wlrlr the West bonndery lino n! told Block
<br />ear a dteanae of xA4.9 ~ to a polat on the Northtlr]y benad+ary line at the &It Llne ~ the (filcaSo,
<br />>lurlmgtan t ~ulu~ ~iiegad Compwty, rtpt~ thence hr a Na:rdnustariy ditectlou ai~g and npo^
<br />veld NartheK~r boandary line at sold !kN ~ tar a dl~e Or fi~A Ceet; running time Ffo~'therly
<br />parAltd RiW roe Westerly baur~' lino ar sold ISac>t, tar n diet~ee e< 17d het to the iVnrtb line ersaid
<br />Nock, ruualbg ~a Wont eluag dad upon said Nert>t bou~ry lino of cold Biad~ far a distanaa et 33
<br />reef to the dace yr brgipplusp
<br />pA~~L Z: Lot 't'here (3), Nock Ten (30), Gilbat's Addltian to We Wty at Grand Island. Hpf( Casaty,
<br />Nrbraskn
<br />1?ARI~i. 3; Cat ilae (i), fa lfleck p'lvr (~, in Par1~W115aeand Sybdirieian, •a Addition to cue Gib oI
<br />Grm-d laland, hall Catiut.Y, rebmeha
<br />PARCEL 4: ~ tract et land loratad ht the suNtlnwet Qt~urtor ar tba Nortwreat gaa~ter (9WL/4lNwI/4)
<br />at Section 7~enty-nw {Zt)" To~nehip k~rrea (t11 Nact1-, MtNnN Ntue (41 carat of the GtU p.M., Wilt
<br />CoWwt~-1~ehrnsl~ a+o"e pu~d~r de~tr~iMod ~u follow,:: ~niyt at a pahtt 38 kt+t t+~t cad Sz,7 ~e
<br />north or ihs southwaL Carer or-raid .Routhwaat QasMer at the Nortlnrest QNwrtwr o[ Sattoa Il, tunnhg
<br />khence northerly along awd rpou a ~e is 33 foot west and pataiiel to sold 1/16 eeetlon llnr, a
<br />dLrtdnc! or 1109 fart, thecae delkdlon lent 18` d4' aai rp4ping waterJy X9,17 Oent to the lateesartlaa o[
<br />the aartherty line ~ Lot 1. Blvek d, lee~hill $ataad ~ubdivisira, ~ Addttiaa to 1~ City of Gnwd
<br />island, Ne6raaikr~, It eexendei, thenee ddlecttn` ish lli° ~9' and ~ saathwakrly along and upaa
<br />th~a uarrherly hoe of said Lot 1, Block S, it extended, a dlataaee or 1d,6 feat ra the nart~st corner otwdd
<br />l.at i, Illark 5, satd last two darcrillcd aides at sad tract also being rrnd upu and abattlsg tiro
<br />rauWeriy side ~ Utc4~onQa Sheet ne acid met rrws +r-nent~ tndended ~ ~ with t>te raangr Mond
<br />ab~tfng title trncr ae tie cut, theawee ~y nlds<g 4ud 1rMoa t1M n6ferpr lino or said Lot 1, Naclc
<br />3, a dletuue of ! 16,d brat to the paint of begitmt~sg,
<br />