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~...^ <br />^rrr~~ <br />^rw.rM~ <br />B <br />m ~ <br />cn ~ <br />c,Q <br />cfl ~r.~ <br />~r^i^~ <br />~_ <br />~~ <br />,~ <br />ENTEREpAS INSTRUMENTNp <br />" <br />l0 <br />~ <br />ft <br />d LEGEND ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3 rj ~ <J <br />° <br />....._RP <br />' <br />!~ <br />' <br />"' <br />0 ~ [) Q ~ Q 9 $ 9 9 •-lndlcates 1/2 <br />Iron Pipe Found Unless 0fherwlse Noted I -*- <br />v-lgdivules 1/2" hvn Pipe w/Survey Cap Placed Unless otherwise Naled I <br /> o-Indicvles Nai! w/Wdsher Placed !n Asphalt I i t <br />N.E. L'Pr. SE11~/4 Scc. 2S~ <br />A-Indi <br />t <br />ACTUAL 0i <br />l <br /> <br /> <br />NWV/i Nr~f/4 ~ 3TATC of uc C{fiRS Y.a) ~~ i <br />ca <br />es <br />s <br />vnce , H N- R ilU W Fnand <br />R-hrdicutas RLCOROFO Distance survey Morkgr x/washer <br /> <br />C Ol1NTY OF' fiAl.L ) °' <br />~ I I <br />I I <br />9~~ <br />C~ lS <br />` d~~ L~7 ($~ L~ o ~ ~ R ~ ItV dlt p ®IYIY ~ <br />~ <br />.~ i <br />d~9 [lEC 7 AID 11 15 r -,79.7• A d RT,~ <br />76.7.8%' A N D5'r 4'SY" r' <br />-2~r. ;:.?,:.,--.:~~C• <br />/ <br />"'~` pp ry r7 <br />v ~ <br />e ~l <br />~ ~ <br />_ , <br />n;,Nli~er iiln'Je,r ~Lrea SuL. <br />51v' l4 <br />~ <br />0 tl f <br />~ <br />DWG ~ .. <br />" W <br /> U n <br />~ ry I <br />xos~~1W' Nuns <br />Location Sitetch N ~? <br /> <br />= Lot 1 <br /> <br /> h <br />A ckn..~_~'!_~ d9'.~.t~ n tt ~ <br />State Uf Nebraska a' <br />ss <br />County 0f Hal! <br />On the}~'q~S day uf_,„~~~~, 2009, before me ~tn~_ Je7.77' A n es'74'a;' w - ~ I <br />~ <br />u Notary Public within and for said County, personally appeared MAR <br />ULLISTER ~_ ~ ~ ~ <br />and ANNETTE J HOLLISTER, husband and wife, to me personally known to be the -- <br />~ <br />~ <br />identical persons whose signatures are affixed hereto, and that earn did : <br />L e g a ! .L7. e s c r i p t i.,•Q n = <br />a <br />acknawled a the execution thereof to be his or her volunta act and dead. <br />9 ry A tract o/ land cam risin n rurl of the Southeast Quarto ~ <br />P 9 f (SF.I/4) of ~. ~ I <br />! <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my Section Twenty Fivc (25), Township Nine (9) North, Range Ten (I U) West of "+ g `I <br />v//icial sea/ at Grand island, Nebraska, on the date lost shove written. the 6th P.M., in Halt County, Nebraska, more particularly described as ~- <br />My commission exp;ras~cda:~~3j.2i2~. follows: a <br />~4lNkIW NOIMY-.I:I~ %11~=o~,:ta <br />~- OFl1Yl P, tiuriGENrr~~l <br />•-• I.W comm. fr.0~f:o. If. $YIE ~~ M1~ ' <br />Surveyar Certificate <br />l hereby certify that on September 14, 2009, 1 carupleted on accurate survey <br />of 'HULLlSTL"R HIDOLN ACRES SUfIDlVISlON; Null County, Nebraska, us Shawn on <br />the accompanying plot thereof,' that the lots, blocks, streets, avenues, alleys, <br />parks, commons and other grounds as contained in said su6divisian as shown an <br />the accompanying plot thereof are well and accurate/y stoked off and marked,• <br />that iron mvrkers were placed nt rill tot corners; that the dimensrbns of eorh lot <br />arc as shown on the plat; that each !at bears its own number,• and that said <br />survey was made with reference to known and recorded monuments. <br />^'~pRAS~ <br />~;QSp~sregFa w - ~~ ~ <br />~cr / D. Sbr=genlr'er'; ~~eg. and Surveyar Nu. 578 <br />i ~~_ L 78 <br />,y {r.eo'l~ ~7- <br />~,"n ':ya Slr P~1~'r~~r4Su <br />,,, i ~", ~ORG~~. ; <br />Ap~pro vats <br />Submitted to and approved by the Regional Planning Commission of Hu11 <br />County, Crand /stand, Wood River- and the Villages of Aldo. Cairo rind Doniphan, <br />Nebraska ~~ <br />_ F <br />~ ~'~1 ~JeEobrr_. 7,~ ~~ <br />T Chvirmvn Dnte <br />Approved and accepted by the /-loll Caunty Qoard of Supervisors, thrs ~~_ <br />day oC.QC4deC..~_,.__, 2009. <br />ee ar~rd __ vurdy Jerk <br />oci <br />`. ~* <br />.••~ <br />;'s'F <br />`~.Wr~. Nor. ~F,//g85e~ 1 <br />avmrrrvrrl cPh vn <br />8eginnin_q at the southeast corner of said Southeast Quarter (5E1/4); <br />thence runniny wester/y on the south line of said Southeast Quarter <br />(S£f/4), on on Assumed l7evriny of .589'46'26"W, o distance of One <br />Hundred Thirty One and Ten Hundredths (131. t0) feet, to the AC7UAt point <br />of beginning; thence continurhg 589'4678'~W an the south line of snid <br />Southeast quarter (S'F.7/4), o distance o/ Thirty Three and Sixty hundredths <br />(33.60) /eel; thence running N00'06'07"W, a distance of Une Thousand Twu <br />Hundred Thirty 'Three and Fifteen Hundredths (1 `[33.75) feet; thence running <br />Ni6'43'37"W, a distance of Une Hundred Sixty Three and Sixty Fpur <br />Hundredths (16.3.64) feet; thence running NB9'34"US"W, a distance of !hree <br />Hundred Sixty Seven and twenty Twa Hundredths (367.22) feet; Chance <br />running N15'32'14"E, a distance of Three Hundred Five and Twenty <br />Hundredths (305.20) feet; thence runniny N8.5"14$7"t; o distance of ]hree <br />hundred Sixty Three and Etghty Seven Hundredths (,T63.87) feet, to v point <br />an the westerly right of way line a7 U.S. Highway Nu. 781; thence running <br />S00'1728'C on t/re westely right of way line of US. Higlrwuy No. 287, a <br />distance of One Thousand Seven llundied Sixteen and Seventy flundredths <br />(l %76,70) feet, to the ACTUAL point of beginning, EXC.'EPTINC THEREFROM <br />the northerly TFVelve (12.0) (eel of the southerly Forty Five (45.0) feet of <br />the above described tract of !rind, leaving o net acreage of 3.982 arses <br />more ar less. <br />Dedicati n <br />Q...- <br />KNOW ALL MEN HY ThIESF Ph'LS'L'NIS; that MARK A. HULLISTER and <br />ANNE77E J. HULLISTER, husband and wife, being the owners of the land <br />described hereon, Muve caused sarne to be surveyed, subdivided, platted urrd <br />designated as NOLLISTER H1aDEN ACRES SUQDIVtS1UN; Hall County, <br />Nebraska, vs shown nn the nccompanviny plot thereof, and do hereby <br />dedreute the road right of way os shown tMerean to the public for their use <br />forever vnd the easements, it any, n.^, shown thereon for the location, <br />construction rind maintenance of pubh~ service utilities forever, together with <br />the right of ingress and egress thereto, and herehy prohibiting the planhhg <br />of trees, bushes wrd shrubs, ar p/acing other obstructions upon, over, along <br />ar underneath the surPoce of such easements; and thnt the Iaregoing <br />subdivision as mare particularly described in the description hereon as <br />appears on thr's plot is made with the free consent and in accordance with <br />the desires of the undersigned owners vnd proprietors. <br />!N WITNESS WHEREOF, we Nova o/lixed our signatures hereto of Grand <br />(stand, Nebraska, thrs,.27~ duy of.-_a~Frµ~~, 2009. <br />ak A. HaIL'ster Annette' .. H~lrsler - ~~ <br />- - _ ~~- - - ~~ ~~- l ^• Y484.1J'A 589'16'78"W ~ •- <br />~ecriun line <br />I <br />w <br />I~ <br />I~ <br />I4 <br />ve ~ <br />~ i~ <br />6~ I <br />¢`a <br />I <br />I <br />.s : - <br />x ,~ <br />h ~ <br />~ ~~ <br />I <br />~ I <br />~~ <br />I <br />i <br />"' <br />~~~ ~ ~ <br />~, aF", `n <br />x° Ln - <br />lOn 4 <br />z_. ~+4- I <br />I <br />Dndicore snutheny 3J.p' Tn Pu6lic RPUd Right DI Woy~ AJAr ~~~~ <br />l7osedale Rpad a ~ -==- <br />7SG0' A 5 88'•16"76'" WJ <br />ISi. ra' A 4 R S SY462G° W Assumed Beor'iny- l <br />S.E Cor. AEI 1 ser.. 75,~- <br />T ,9 N - H Dry Found <br />Survey Murxer w/iVosher <br />_HQl t /S TE~4 H/DDEN ACRES SURD/ V/S/ON <br />RDCKIVELL AND ASSOC. II C - fNpFNEfRINC k SURVEYING - GRAND !S(AND, NEBRASKA <br />Sheet No. l 0( l <br />