<br />
<br /> EXHIBIT "A" 2 0 0 0 0 9 3 5 8
<br />
<br />
<br /> A tract of ground in the Southwest Quarter (SWl/4) of Section Twenty-Three
<br /> (23), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6`h P.M., in Hall
<br /> County, Nebraska, described as follows: Starting at a point on the West section
<br /> line of said Section "Twenty-Three (23), Four Hundred Twenty-Three Feet (423')
<br /> North of the Southwest comer of said Section, this point also. being on the
<br /> Centerline of the Wood River channel; thence northerly on the Section line a
<br /> distance of Nine Hundred Forty-Nine Feet (949'); thence at an angle of Ninety
<br /> Degrees (90°) to the right a distance of Six Hundred Sixty-Five Feet (665') to the
<br /> Centerline of the Wood River channel; thence upstream on the Center line of such
<br /> Wood River channel to the point of beginning and containing 7.0 Acres, more or
<br /> less, and such tract being a part of Government Lot One (1) of the Mainland,
<br /> which tract of ground is described by metes and bounds in the Plat of Survey
<br /> certified to by Lester Ehlers, Registered Land Surveyor and Hall County
<br /> Surveyor, on October 19, 1959, identified as Exhibit "A" attached to and made a
<br /> part of the Warranty Deed filed for record in the Office of the Register of Deeds
<br /> of Hall County, Nebraska, on November 14, 1959, recorded in Book 129 of
<br /> Deeds at page 447, subject to the "use for road purposes" of a strip Twenty-Seven
<br /> feet (27') wide off the left side thereof as provided in the Deed recorded in Book
<br /> 37 at page 98 of Deed Records of Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> AND
<br /> A trot/ of land comprising o Part of the k'est Half of Section Twenl Three
<br /> North, Range .Nine o 1' (..3), Township Eleven (17)
<br /> West of the &h. P.M., in Hall C'ounly, Nebraska, more parliculorly described as follows:
<br /> Beginning of fhe wO$l quarler corner Of said Section Twenty Three (23); thence running southerly along the west
<br /> line of sold Nest Hal! (11'1,/2on on Assumed Bearing of S0O'16b3"E, a distance of Nine Hundred Fifty Four and
<br /> Fifteen Hundredths (954.15 feel; thence running N89'4 57"E, a distance of One Thousand Two Hundred Tan
<br /> (1= fO.00) feel. to a poinl or, the original weslarly high bank of the H'ood River as Recorded in Geed book 174,
<br /> Pope 399; thence running 327'0-4'1,1 "E. a distance of Thirty Nine and Forty fwe Hundredths (39.45) feet, to a
<br /> poinl on the cenlerline of the Wond River as established by mutual agreement between adjoining land owners, said
<br /> agreemenl filed of the Register of Deeds Office as Oocumenl No. 0200410737; thence running N68'S5'49 ',F, along
<br /> soil centerline of the wood River, a distance of Two Hundred Seventy and Sevenly Three Hundredths (270,73) feel;
<br /> .thence running N4{"54'41 "E, along said cenlerline of the Woad River, a distance of Seventy Three and Forty Four
<br /> Hundredths (73.44) feel; thence running NO3'01'35"W, along said cenlerline of the Wood River, a distance of One
<br /> Hundred Sever,.-Jeer and Eig.hh, Eight Hundredths (117.88) feet; thence running N69'44'17"E, along said centerline of
<br /> the Wood ffiver, 4 distance of One Hundred Forty Seven and Twenty Nine Hundredths (147.29) feet; thence running
<br /> N12-10'51 "E, along sqid cenlerline of the Woad River, a distance of Ninety Three and Cighly Eight Hundredths
<br /> (93.58) feet; !hence running N59'36'91 "E, along said centerline af:,ihe Wood River, a distonce of Fifty Three and
<br /> Fifty Five Hundredths (53.55) feef; thence running 565'43'02 T, along said centerline of the Woad River, a distance
<br /> of figh(y Three and Seventy Nine Hundredths (83.79) feet; thence running N304142'E along said centerline of the
<br /> 11'Ood River, a dislance of Seventy Two and Nine Hundredths (72.09) {eet; thence running NO.3153'12-H,
<br /> cenlerlinc of the Wood River, a distance of Seventy Seven and Ninety Five Hundredths (77.95) feet,. along said
<br /> thence running
<br /> N15`35437E, along said cenlerline of the Wood River, a distance of Eighty One and Ninety Six Hundredths (81,96)
<br /> feet: thence running N43'1,?36'E, oic•ng said centerline a/ the Wood River, a distance of Two Hundred Seventeen
<br /> and Thirty Hundredths (217.30) feet to the northwesterly corner of Lot One (1), Poland Subdivision and to the
<br /> point of termination of the mufl{a/ agreement establishing the centerline of the Wood River between adjoining land
<br /> owners, said agreement filed of the Register of Deeds 'Office as Document No. 0200410737; thence running
<br /> N46`47'24 "Fl; a distance of Fifty Three and Thirty Nine Hundredths (5139) feel, to a point an the original westerly
<br /> high bank of Inn H'cod River as Recorded in Deed Book 174, Page 399,• thence running N06'35'43"C along the
<br /> original westerly high bank, a dislance of One Hundred Fifty Five and Eighty Five Hundredths (155.8$) feel; thence
<br /> running N03"7'08"W. along the origi,?o/ westerly high bank, a distance of Two Hundred Ninely Six and Forty
<br /> Hundredths (296.40) feet; thence running .538'47 i7"N, a distance Of Three Hundred Seventy Four and Fifty
<br /> Hundredths (374.50) feet; thence running N89'42'08 "W, a distance of One Thousand Seven Hundred Thirty Four and
<br /> Ninety Hundredths (1734.90) feel, tc the point of beginning. (EXCEPT/NO THEREFROM, that porlion of a tract of lend
<br /> deeded to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska for drainage ditch right of way and Recorded in Deed Book 1.61,
<br /> Page 128, consisting of 1.190 acres more or less), sold tract containing 38.026 acres more or less, of which
<br /> 0.727 acres mpre or less is presenf/v occupied by public road right of way. Net .17.303 acres more or Iess. Along
<br /> With the accretion rights In the land lying between that portion of the original wesleriy high bank of the Wood
<br /> River as Recorded in Deed Book 174, Pope 399 and the thread of the stream of the Wood Fiver.
<br />