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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 1o pea(] siLp yl!M uoiloauuoo ul Japue-1 'Aq poldoooe pus '10 Jono; ut penssi uotutdo ell!l lout; Jo 'liodeJ ali!1 'Aogod aoueinsut 911!1 Aug <br /> u! JO MOlaq uotioes saeupolgopul Bullslx3 941 w JO uogdposop AvodOJd I80H 041 u! 41JO1 ies 9sogl uegi iaglO soouelquinoue pus sua!I <br /> Ile 40 JR910 pue Rail 'eldwls eal u! AiiedoJd ayi of piooei to afi!1 atgelajJew pue pooB splay Jolsm (o) :1py1 slueJJeM Jolsnil •91111 <br /> :IsnJl;o pea(] 514110 lied 9 aie Alaadoad ayi to dlgsiaumo m Bul;elai suolslAoid Wimollol ayi '31111 d0 3SN333(3 :AINV)IkIVM <br /> 'pg4 angg plnom osimieylo 1! leyl Apowei Aug woil Jepue-I iaq m se os linelep eyl Bwmo se panalsuoo eq 1ou <br /> lleys aapuo-1 Aq uopoo yons Auy •11n0lap Aue to lunooon uo poliguo oq Aew iopue-1 golgm of saipewei Aue Jo sIgbIJ JOgIO /,us 01 uo!l!ppe <br /> ui aq pegs gdei6eied sly} u! Jol p9plnoid slg6u agi •slunowe asayl;o IuawAed einoes Il!M osle Isnil 1o pea(] 9yl •Alunlew s,OION 941 IB <br /> olgeAed pue anp aq II!m golgm luowAed uoolleq a so powaii aq (o) io :aloN 94110 uiial 6u1u19w8J ayl (Z) Jo :Aotlod emelnsul elgeolldde <br /> Aue;o wJai oqi (L) i9ylt9 6utinp 9np awooaq m sluewAad luewllelsul Aue 41!M algeAed aq pus 6uowe pauotiiodde oq Pus OION ayi <br /> 1o ooueleq ayi of pappe aq (S) :puewap uo algeAed 9q (V) ll!^^ 'uo!ldo s,iepue-l Is 'pup ssaupalgapul eyl to lied a awooaq II!m sesuedxe <br /> yons IIV •JOlsnil Aq iuawAodai ;o alep 9141 of Japua-1 Aq pled Jo paiinoul mep ayi woJ1 910N 9141 iapun paBJe14o eiei @141 Is lsoialw <br /> Jeaq uagl ll!m sasodind yons Jol J9puaq Aq pled ao paiinow sesuedxa Ily •sisaialut s,iopue-I looloid of aietidoidde 9q 01 sena!leq aapuag <br /> ieyi uogoe Aue wiei 'ol paJlnbei IOU si inq 'Aew 4le4aq s,iolsnil uo JOpua-f uayi 'AIi9dOJd OqI u! slsaiaiu! sdopua-1 loolle Allglaalew plnom <br /> Igy1 paouawwoo s! 6ulpaeowd Jo uotloe Aue 11 •os op Am Japue-I uayi 'motaq paJlnbai se Buipums pooB ui ssaupaigapul 6ullslxq u!glu!aw <br /> 01 u011eBligo Aug 4l!m Afdwoo of Jn AliadOJd agi of sJledej ojew of (Z)) 'AiJadOJd ayi uo 9oueinsul paJlnboi Aug OP!Aoid of (g) 'sw!elo <br /> Ja141o pus 'saouolgwnoua 'sisaialul Alpnoos 'suall 'saxal lie 1o 9611 Alaadoad ayl dowl of (y) sllel Jolsnil 11 •S3mn110N3dX3 SMEICIN31 <br /> •ssaupalgapul Bullslx3 ayi;o JaplO4 O41 01 algeAed IOU spaaooid 914I to uogiod m4i of Aluo Aldde lleys spaeowd 1o UOISIAIP J0; <br /> ;snit 1O pea(] stye u! suotstnoid 9y1 'ssol uo algeAed awooaq eoueinsul ayi woJ; spaaooid Aue lI •Iuewaimboi aoueinsw to uollaotldnp <br /> e oimpsuoo pinom ;snit 1O Paa(] sly} 10 swial 9g1 g;lm aouelldwoo luoixe 9qT Ol 'Isnil to peed sly} iapun suolslnoid eoueinsui <br /> oyl yl!m aoumIdwoo alnipsuoo lleys ssaupalgapul ButImA yons Bwauap!na luawnilsu! 9yI u! pautelUOD SUOlslAoid 9oueinsut ayi y1!nn <br /> eoue!ldwoo 'foalle ui si motaq paguosap ssoupoigapuf But;six3 hue golgm u! poliad aq1 6utin(] •sseups;q®pul 61111W3 41!m eaue11dwoo <br /> •Jeadde Aew slssialui s,iolsnJl <br /> se Jolsnil of pled eq lleys spaaooid yons 'ssoupolgepul egl ;o lln; u! 1uawAad Jolla spaaooid Aue sploy Japue-l 11 •ssoupeigopuf <br /> eyi 10 aaueleq fedloupd! ayi of palldde oq lleys 'Aue 1! 'iaputewai aqj pup 'isaialui peniooe Aed of uagl 'isnil to pseo slyl Jopun <br /> iapue-1 of Buimo Iunowe Aug Aed of isig pasn eq Ileys AliadOJd ayi l0 uolleiolsai io iledeJ ayi of pau!wwoo sou sey iepue-1 golgm pus <br /> ldlaoei flay; Jells sAep Og L ulyi!M p9singslp uaaq IOU aney yolyM spaaooid Auy •lsnil to pawl s1141 iapun Ilnelop u! IOU s! Jolsnil <br /> 1! uolleJolsai Jo Jledej ;o isoo elgeuoseei a41 Jol spaaooid 941 woJ; JoisnJJ_ asingwtei Jo Aed 'ainl!puadxa Bons to looid AJolos;sues <br /> uodn 'lle14s iepue-I •J9pu9q of AJOIDUIS11es JeuusuJ 0 ul sluawanoidwl pOA0Jlsap io pe6ewep 941 aoeldai Jo iiedei flays JolsnJl 'iludoi <br /> pue uollgiolsoi of spaaooid ayi Aldda 01 sloale Japua-f 11 •A1Jadoid 941 to iiedBJ pug uoileiolsei ayi io 'AliadOJd 914; Bwloolle uall Aue <br /> 40 luewAsd 'ssaupaigapul 941 to uo!IonpaJ oql of spaaooid e141 Aldde pug ooueinsui Aue ;o spaaooid agl uleiaJ pus eAleoei 'uolloale <br /> s,Japua-I is 'Aew Jepua-) 'paiiedwl s! Aipnoas s,J9pua-1 IOU JO JaglayM •Aitensg0 94; 1o sAep (g L) uaeil!; utyltm OR op al 91101 Jolsnil 1! <br /> ssol to looid Blew Aew Japue-1 •AliadOJd agi o1 o6ewep io ssol Aug to Japual Alpou Alidwoid Ilogs JoisnJl spaaooid ;0 uo(;eo11ddd <br /> •ueol a141 1o weal ayi Jol soumnsw <br /> yons weiwew of pus 'Japua-1 Aq paimbei aslmiaglO se io 'weJ6oid aousinsul pooh IOUORON ayi iapun lea sl!wlt Aotlod wnwlxew <br /> 941 of do 'ueol ayi Buimoos Aliedoid agl uo sua11 Jolid Aue pus ueol agl to eoueleq ledioutid p!edun lint agi Jol 'algel!BAB 1! 'souginsul <br /> poold fei9pad u!e1u!ew pus uleigo of sa9JB2 Jolsnil 'owe piezey pool} ieloads a se Aouo6y iuawaBgugVq AouaBJaw3 leJapad ayi <br /> to Joloom(] agi Aq polau6lsop gale u0 u! paieool eq Aliedoid IBay ayi plnogS •uosied Jey1o Aug io Jolsm 1o lIne;ep io uolsslwo 'toe <br /> Aue Aq Aem Aug w paiiedwi aq sou Illm Japue~ 10 JOA91 u! 068JOA00 10141 Bwp!Aoid wouiesiopue up 9pnfou! (logs Oslo Ao1lod aoueinsw <br /> yoe3 •Japue-1 of aot;ou uollum Jo!Jd sAep (OL) u91 iseal le Inoyi!M pa14siulwip Jo pollaoueo aq Iou II!M s06eiano3 leyl suotlaindils <br /> 6wpnlow 'Japue-I Ol AJoloelslles wiol ui eouainsul to salemplioo Jo satollod 941 awls 01 9w!1 woJJ Jepue-1 01 Jan119p ll!M 'Japua~ <br /> ;o lsenbei uodn 'Jo;snJl •Japue-I o; elgaldaooe Algeuosvoi saluedwoo io Auedwoo a Aq panssl pus Japu9g m 9ige;daooe Algeuoseei <br /> slseq pue S0139JOA03 'slunowe 'viol ui uoll!JM aq Ileys selollod •aiinbai Algeuoseei Aew Japue-I se eoueinsul Al!l!gell pus pigzgq J9ylo <br /> yons yltM J9gla6ol 'Japuag ;o Jones u! 9sneio aeBe6liow piepueis a yilM pus 'esnelo aoueinswoo Aue ;o uolleolldde plane 01 IuOlolllns <br /> iunowe us ul AiiadOJd I80H 9141 uO sluawanoidwl 118 6utJOA03 enleA algeinsu! Ifn; ayi iol siseq luewaoeldoi a uo sluawasiopu9 <br /> BBOJanoo papuaixe piepueis 41!m ooueinsut sal; ;o se!ollod uleiutew pup ainooid pegs Joisnil •eoueinsul ;o eoueu9;uleW <br /> •isnJ1lo poop sly} ;o lied a aie Aliadoid egi 6ulinsui o1 BuileleJ SUOISIAOJd 6u!Mollol ayi •33NvunSNl 39VWVa A1H3dOHd <br /> •s;uawanoidwi yons;o isoo ayl Aed IyM pus uoo Joisnil ig41 Jspus-1 <br /> 01 AJO10elsaes Saomnsse RDURAPB JOPU;)j 01 ysluinl Japual ;O isanbei uodn IIIM JOlsnil •9191JBIBw JO '2001AJOS 'jJOM ayi ;o Iunooop <br /> uO paliossu oq P1noo uall ieylo io 'uall s,uawlsualew luau s,oiueyoaw Aue ;i 'A;JadOJd ayi o1 pallddns eia slalJelew Aue Jo 'pagsluin; <br /> BJe saalAJos Aug 'paouawwoo si liom Aue aiol0q sAep (g L) ueellll Iseal 1e Japua-1 Aplou Ileys ioisnJl •uol;onJ;suoo ;o 9040N <br /> •A1iadOJd 0141 IsuleBe <br /> siuawssesse pus saxel ayi 1o luauialels uoupm 9 owll Aue is iepueg 01 JBAllap 01 fel0lllo Ielu9wuJOA06 olepdoidd0 ayi oztioyine 11949 <br /> pug sluewssasse Jo saxes 0141 to luowAed lO 93u9plA9 AJolaelslles Japuag of ysluinl puewap uodn Ilegs Jolsnil •1uewAed 40 9auePIA3 <br /> •sBwpaaooid lsewoo 9yl w peys!uin; puoq Awins <br /> Aug iapun 996tigo leuoli!ppe uu so Japue-1 eweu Ileys JolsnJl •AliodOJd 941 lsule6e wouiewolue aiolaq iuawBpnf asJanpB Aue Alsiles <br /> (lags pug Japtiel pug ;lase! puelep II94s JoisnJl 'IsaluOo Aug ul wall ayi iopun ales io einsofoaiOl a to llnsai a se eniooo plnoo ieyi <br /> sa6iggo Jayio Jo 'seal sAouiolle pup sisoo Aue snld uall ayl 96Jagostp of luo!olllns lunowe us u! Jepue-I of AJoloelslles Alpnooe ieylo <br /> Jo puoq Alams aleiodioo 1u9lotl4ns a io yseo Japua-I gilm i!sodap 'iapual Aq polsenbei 1! Jo 'uall agi to 96Jeyoslp 9y1 amoas 'Bu!A1 <br /> ayi 1o ootiou sey JolsnJl Jolla sAep (ry L) uaall!l u141!M '13014 s! uOll 9 1! 'i0 B9sUe uall 941 J011e sAep (9 0 ueelllt wyl!M Ile4s JOlsnil <br /> '1uawAnduou 1o llnsoi a as pall; s! Jo sespe uall a 11 'pezlpiedoof sou st Aliedoid ayl u! ;s9JBIw s,Japuo-1 se Buol os 'Aed of uolle611go <br /> ayi JOAO alndslp yi!el pooh a 41!m uopouuoo ut wlplo Jo 'iuewssossu 'xei Aue to 1uewA8d playyl!M ABU] JolsnJl •;selu03 01 148!14 <br /> •isnil to peep slgl ul pep!Aoid os1MJa14io <br /> se ldooxa PUB anp sou s;uawssesse pus saxes to ua11 ayi Jol ldeoxa 'knit to p99(] sly} J9pun Japue-1 1o isaiaiut ay1 of lenbe io JOAO <br /> Al!Jotid BulAe4 suall lie 1o Bail AliedOAd ayi u!elu!ew Heys Joisnil 'AliedOJd e41 of pagslwnl lepoiew Jo poiepuei S001AJes Jo; Jo u0 <br /> euop JIJoM Jol swlelo Ile anp u9ym Aod Ilags pus 'AliedOJd ayi 1o iunoooe uo io IsuieBp palAaf suoli!sodw! pug soul} '(James pus JeleM <br /> Bwpnloui) s9Bieyo 'sluawssasse 'saxei le!oads 'saxes Ile (Aouenbwlep 01 Jolid s1u9A9 lie w pus) anp uagM Aed Ilsys ioisnil •4u9wAed <br /> :knit to paaa sly} to lied eJe AliodOJd agi uO Wall pue saxes ayi of BwlBleJ SUOISIAoid Butmollo; 941 'SN311 (INV S3XV1 <br /> •mel elseigaN Aq Jo mel leiapal Aq poi!q!yoid si astoiaxe yons 1! Japue-1 Aq postoiaxo aq IOU Mays uot;do s14I 'J9A9mOM •Aliedoid <br /> leas e41 u! isaialw us to ooueAOAUOO to poylew Jegio Aue Aq JO 'AliadOJd leak} agl 01 all!I 6ulploy isnil pua! Aue of Jo u! Isaialu! lB1o1lauaq <br /> Aug 1o ialsueil Jo 'IUawuBisse 'ales Aq Jo ';osJiuoo uoildo-Bseal 'sJeaA (E) 0aigl ueyl Jelpok wJBI a y1!m isaialut ptoyaseai 'poop Jot <br /> 100JIU03 1100Jlu03 pupI 'loeiluoo ales Iuawllalsu! 'poop 'ales igbijlno Aq Jaylaym :AJeiunlonu! Jo AJelunloA Jayla4M :olgel!nbo Jo lelolleuaq <br /> 'le6al ieyia4M :Aliodoid leas a141 u! Issialu! Jo atl!I 1Iy6u Aue JO AiiadOJd logy 10 eoueAenuoo e141 sueaui ,JSISUeJl Jo ales„ y -fted0id teed <br /> ayi w Isaialu! Aue Jo 'AIJadOJd IBakl 941 JO lied Aue Jo Ile l0 'iuasuoo uoll!Jm JolJd s,iapua7 Ino41!m 'Jolsueil Jo ales ayi uodn Isnil 1O pea(] <br /> sly} Aq pamoas scans Ile elgaAed pus anp Alaielpewwi aigloop 'uolldo s,Jepual is 'Aew Japua-1 'UMN31 AS 1N3SNOO - TIVS NO 3fla <br /> •A1JadOJd agl OAJosoid <br /> pus looloid of AJessooou Algeuoseai gig AiiadOJd ayi ;o asn pug 19109isy3 9141 woJ; yo!ym 'UO!1005 slgl ul anoge y1Jo; lea sloe 9soyi <br /> of uo!l!ppe u1 'sloe Jaylo Ile op lleys Joisnil -AlJodoid 9141 pepuelleun RABBI JO uopuege of Jayi!au SOOAe Jolsnil 33910M o; A;na <br /> 'IsaJalul S,iapUaj <br /> loeloid of 'iapua-1 of AJOioelstles Algeuoseei 'puoq Alains a JO Alunoos elenbape isod of Jolsnil aiinboi Am Japue-I 'pezlpiedoof Iou <br /> aie AiiadOJd ayi ul slsOJalut s,Japu9-1 'uOtwdo BIOS s,Japua-1 w 'se Buol os pue os Butop of fond 6utlpm ui ieptial pell!lou sey Jolsnil <br /> so Buof os 'sleadde oleudoidde Bulpnlou! 'Bulpaaooid Aue 6winp eouelldwoo plo44l!m pus uolleln66J io 'aoueu!pio 'Mel yons Aug ylle; <br /> pooh ui lsaluoo Am Jolsnil •AliadOJd 9y1 1o Aouednooo Jo asn 941 Oi olgeolldde sagpoylne IBiuewwanoB lip 10 '109110 u! 191189194 <br /> Jo mou 'suoileln6ai pup 'soouewpio 'smel lie y1!m Aldwoo Alldwoid Ileys Jolsnil •slusuisimbell Ie;uawwenoo y;lm eaue1ldwoo <br /> •1snJ1;0 pea(] 8141 <br /> to su01l!pu03 pug swial ay1 yllm Raueildwoo s,JoisnJl ;o sosodind iol Aliadoid leay ayi loodsui of pus sisaialui s,Japuag of puel;e <br /> Ol saw!i olquuosew Ile le Aliedoid Ie8kl 841 uodn Jelue Aow san118TUesaideJ pug sluo60 s,Japuag pue Japua-j •ie1u3 0111461H s,Jepueq <br /> 'enigA IBnbe Ispal It? 10 sluawanoidwi yi!m sluawanoidwl yons aoeldai O1 Japue-1 of <br /> Z abed (penuillu03) V80808 :ON U001 <br /> lsnmi =10 (1330 <br />