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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> •u0su08 W 0auaH pule uosueg •y uo0S sueew „aolsnal„ paom a41 •aolsnal <br /> •seelsnal aosseoons <br /> ao e;nlllsgns Aug Pug LE089 3N 'TVIIASinm '62V x09 Od s! sseapple esOgm NNy9 RIVA 31NOH sueew ,e9Isnal„ paom eq1 •aalsnal <br /> •Apadoad <br /> eqJ wOa; Panuep sl!}aueq ae4}o pule 'sllload 'sellleAoa 'senssl 'awooul 'sanuenea 'sluaa aan;n; pue luesead Itu sueew „s;ue8,, paom eel •sluabl <br /> sseupelgepul e4l 43!M uol}oeuuoo ul pelnoexe 'Builslxe aeueeaeq Jo Maw aeglegm 's;uewnoop pue slueweeable <br /> 's;uewnalsul aaglo lie pule 'se6le6pow Ileaelulloo 'speep Alpnoes 'lsnal ;o speep 'se0eblaow 'slueweekv A;pnoes 'sel;u9a9nB 'sluaweeabp <br /> Ileluewuoalnue 'sluaw0eab9 ueol 'slueweeable llpeao 'selou Aaosslwoad Ile uesw ,sluewnooa pe;elaa„ spaom eql •sluawnood pelelell <br /> ;snal;o pea(] slgl ul peguosep aeglinl sle 's}gbla pule s}saaelul 'Alaedoad Isaa eql ueew „Alaedoad lean„ spaoM eql AljodOJd IRSH <br /> •Alaedoad leuosaed eq} pue Alaedoad leea eql AlenRoepoo susew „Apedoad„ Paom aql •Al4odoad <br /> °'Aladdoay eel to uol;lsodslp ae41o jo ales Aug woo; (swnlwaad ;o spunlea pug spaeooad <br /> eouleansui Ile uoilepwll }nog;lm Bulpnloul) spseooad 119 4}1M aegJebol pus :49doad Lions ;o Aug 'ao) suolln}l}sgns Ile pus 'l0 slueweouldea <br /> lie 'o; suol}1009 Pup 'slagd 'suolsseoole Ile g;1m aeLi;ebol :Alaedoad lees a4l of paxl}}g ao pa40gl}g ael}seaeq ao Mou pup 'aolsnal Aq peumo <br /> ae}laaaeq ao mou Alaedoad luuosaed ;o selollae aa4lo pug 'seanlx1l 'luewd!nbe lie uleew „ 4edOad 19uOsaad„ spaom a41 •AlJadoad Iguosaed <br /> •lueweeable ao elou Aaosslwoad aLi; <br /> aol suogn;l;sgns pug ';o suollepllosuoo 'lo sbulouleullea 'lo suol;leolllpow 'lo suolsuelxe ';o slameum 1172 4llm aegJe5o1 'aapue-l of aemoaaoe wool <br /> 00'000`6bZ$ 10 junowe ledioupd Jeus6Jao Ou3 uI '6002 'L aegolo0 peeep elou Aaosslwoad eq; sueew „e}ON,, paoM 041 'aloN <br /> •suBlsse pule saosseoons sli ')IN`d9 31`d1S 3WOH sueew „a0pue-1„ paom 041 •aapu®-j <br /> ;snai to pea(] slgl ul pep!Aoad se slunowu Lions uo }seaeJul 4llm aag;abol';snal;o pee(] slgl aepun suollsbllgo s,aolsnal soao;ue of aapue-1 <br /> ao eelsnal Aq paaanoul sesuedxe as suol}lebilgo s,aolsnal e6aegoslp of aepua'l'Aq peougnps Jo pepuedxe slunowe Aue pug sluewnoo(] <br /> peJleled ao e;oN eLi; aol suolln;!Isgns pug ;o suollgpilosuoo '10 suoileollipow 110 suolsuelxe '10 slgmauea lie 4l!m ae4}eft 'sluewnooq pelele» <br /> JO eloN eq; aepun elgpA9d sesuedxe pug slsoo_ 'slunowg je410 pus 'JSeaelul.'ledloulad llg_ sueew .sseupelgepul,, paom e41 •sseupalgepul <br /> •Aliedoad lgay a4l uo uollonalsuoo aa41o pus slueweoeldea 'suolllppg 1se1J!I!op; 'AJaadoad lgaa <br /> eql uo pemig, sewo4 allgow 'sean}onals 'sBulplInq'sluewenoadwl ean;nl pug 6ullslxa Ile S11eaw ,SJUawenoidwl„ paoM eql 'sluawanoadwl <br /> •solsegse pue;oeae4l uolloleal Aug ao slonpoad-Aq <br /> wneloaled pug wneloaled 'uol;le;lwll ;nogllm 'sepnloul oslg ,seouvIsghs snopaezgH„ woe; 04l 'SMVI lle4uewuoalnu3 a4l aepun pa}sll Jo <br /> Aq peu!lep sp elsem ao slgpelm 'saou9;sgns olxol ao snopiumaq Ile pug Aug uollullwll ;noLillm epnloul pug esues lsepeoaq AaeA 11041 UI pesn <br /> aae ,Saou9;sgnS snopa9zgH„ spaoM 1541 peIpugq eslmaeglo ao pelaodsugal 'pean;og;num 'peleaeueB 'lo pesodslp 'peaols 'peleea; 'pasn <br /> Apedoadwl ue4M JuewuoalAUO 04l ao q}1904 ugwnq o; pagzgy lailuelod ao luesaad le esod ao esnuo A9w 'sollsualogag4o snolloelul ao IleolweLio <br /> 'lsolsAgd ao uollegueouoo 'Allluunb a1e4} to asnvoeq ';941 sielaellew uleew ,s9ouuIsgnS snopalezgH„ spaom 041 •sa0uelsgn5 snopaezpH <br /> '01ON e43 ;o ped ao Ile to Alusalenb le uolligwll <br /> }noLillm 6ulpnioul 'aepueq o; Aped uollppowwooo9 ao 'Aleans 'aesaopue 'a0}usagnB wool fquTemnb eq; sueew „AluejunE)„ paom 041 •AlumnO <br /> ;snal;o pea(] s141 ;o uolloes <br /> llnulap ;o sluane e4l ul }snal to pee(] siLR ul gJaol les }lnulep 10 sJuene eq; ;O Aug ugew .Ilnw1aC1 l0 JU9A3„ spaoM eql 'linglaa Jo Juana <br /> •oleaegl luensand peldope <br /> suoll9lnbaa ao 'salna 'smal leaepel ao eJels elgaolldde aeglo ao '•bes le ' 6069 uolloaS •7•gn Zy 'lay Aaenoaea pue uolJenaesuO0 awnoseH <br /> eq; "bes le ' sl, uonoes 'O•s•n 6'G 'Joy uol}9laodsu9al slepaleW sn0palez73H e4l '(„b'!db'St) 66b-66 'ON •1 •qnd '9864 to loy uolllezmoq}npeH <br /> pug sluewpuewy punpednS eql '(„dlOl~3O) •bes Ja '6096 uol}oeS O's•n Zv 'pepuew9 sle '0$66 Jo Joy AJ!I!gsll pug 'uoilesuedwoO <br /> 'esuodselj lle;uewu0alnu3 enlsuegeadwoO e41 uOllgllwll lno4llm Bulpnloul 'luewu0alnue eq; ao gJlpeq u9wnq ;o uolloeload e41 of Builplea <br /> seouuulpao pus suoppln15ea 'se;nl9ls leool pue !gospel `algns lip pug Aug ugaw ,smEq IVJUewu0alAU3„ spaoM e41 '8M81 le}uawuoalnu3 <br /> ',.llnp1e0., Pegg uolloes eql ui lsnal )o pae0 sly} ui 4JJol las;Inelea eqJ sueew „lingle0„ paom eql •Jlne;aa <br /> •s;ueH pug Apedoad 19UMed eqJ O; 6u1}elaa suolslAad }saaelul Alpnoes pug luewublsse <br /> lip uo!J9J!w!i Jno41lm sepnloul pug 'ealsm-L pug 'aepua-i 'a0lsnal Buowe isnal to peep sigl usew „lsnal ;o pee(]„ spaom eql •lsnal ;o p000 <br /> •sublsse pug saosseoons a1eg; Ile pug <br /> 91ON eLi; bulubls saeN9w-00 pug saeubls-oo Ile sepnloul pug 'ONI 'NOllb'OINnWWOO dO S3NI'1 sueew ,,9moJJO9,, Paom 041 aamoaaos <br /> :sublssg pug saosseoons s;I pup '>INVS 31`dlS 3W0H sueew „Aaglolleueg„ plum e41 'Aaelall®ueg <br /> :epoO leloaewwo(] waopun e43 u1 suaae} Lions of painglius 9Bulugew e4J enle4 Ille4s }snal;o pea(] slgl u1 peullep <br /> eslmaa4lo lou swael pug spaoM •ealnbea A9w ;xeluob e4l se 'aglnBuls'0Li1 epnloul II04s ileanld e4l pug 'leanld eg; epnloul Ilggs alelnbuls eql u1 pasn <br /> swael Pug spaom •soiaewy Jo sainis Pown eel to Aeuow Inlmel ul slunowig usew pegs slunowe apllop of seou0ae;ea lie 'Aaealuoo a4J of palgls <br /> A119oipoeds ssalun •}snal l0 pee(] s141 ul pesn ue4M sBulueew BuIM0110; egJ eng4 ps45 swael pus spaom pezlllelldeo 6ulmollol eql -SNOIIINId30 <br /> ;snal;o peep sigl Aq paanoes ssaupaJgePul lip of sg g)jsgag9N 10 <br /> alpls a4; }o smul uolldwoxe peelsewo4 eq;;o sl!;eueq pug s146p lip senlpM pug saseelea Agmq aolsnl 'uolldw8x3 PEGJsOWO14 to aoAjeM <br /> •}snal;o pee(] slgl;o eoulewaolaed eLi; ul eouesse eqJ;o s! ewll 'aouas83 aLi};o sl awl! <br /> •sseupelgepul <br /> eLil aepun A;!Ilgpll ao ;snal to peep sIgI to suollebilgo a4J wool a0lsnal Bulseeiej }nogllm uolsuelxe ao eoumpegaol l0 Awm Aq sseupelgepul <br /> eq3 pup ;snal ;o pee(] s141 of eoueae;ea g;im saosseoons s,ao}snal 4lim jeep Am 'aolsnal of eollou }nogllm 'aepueq 'ao;snal uleq; ae4lo <br /> uosaed a ul palseA sawooeq Ayaadoad eql;o d14saeumo11 -sub m pug saosseoons alegl'sellaed eql Jo;!;eueq eel of eanul pup uodn 15ulpulq <br /> aq llp4s }snal;o neap slgl ';seaelul s,ao;sru 1 to aelsue.q uo;snal to pee(] slyl ul pelgls suoilg;lwll Aug of loefgns •9u6ls9y pue saossaoong <br /> •;snal l0 peep s14110 uolslnoad <br /> aa4lo Aug ;o Al!I!gpaoao;ua ao Al!P!10n 'A;11pBal eql 10ey9 ;ou lllegs ;seal to peep slgl to uolslnoad Aug ;o A1!I!geeoao;ueun ao 'A41Pl19AU. 'A11I9Belll <br /> eg; 'Mel Aq pealnbea eslmaeglo sselun lsnal to pee(] sly; woo; pe;alep p0aaplsum aq !lays J! 'P81APOw os 0q IODU730 uolslnoad Bulpue4o <br /> o4l p •elg9emolue pug Pll9A'191501 s0wo0aq J! Jp4J os p0141pow PeaeplsUOO eq pegs uolslnoad buipue4o eq; 'elglseal p •eoumswnoalo <br /> ao uosaed aeglo Aug o; se elgleeoaolueun ao 'Ppenu! 'I736e111 uolslnoad 6ulpuego eqJ eNuw lou llegs 6ulpull ilegJ 'eouelswnwio ao uosaed <br /> Aug of s9 olgeeoaolueun ao 'pllgnu! '1015e11! eq of ;snal ;o pea(] s141 ;o uolslnoad Aug spull uollolPsunf }ueledwoo ;0 pnoo g 11 'AJlllgleaaneg <br /> •aepueq Jo uoileaOSlp ejos eql ul Pleggllm a0 pelulea6 <br /> eq Am luesuoo Lions seseo Ile u1 pug paambea s! luesuoo Lions eaegm seou91sul luenbesgns of luesuoo Bulnupuoo a;n;l;suoo IOU hags <br /> eoule;sul Aug ul aepue-i Aq luesuoo Lions to 6ulluaA5 eq; ';snal to pee(] sl41 aepun pealnbea s! aepueq to;uesuOO e4l aeneua4M •suolJ0gsu9al <br /> aanln; Aug of s9 suol;915llgo s,aolsnal to Aug to ao s;gbia s,aepue-l to Aule lO aenileM a elnJl;suoo Ilsgs 'a0}snal pule aepueq uaemleq bulleap <br /> to esmoo Aug aou 'aepue-l Aq aeAIRM aopd ON •lsnal;o pea(] slgl;o uolslnoad aeglo Aug ao uolslnoad;9q; gllm eouelidwoo lople punwep of <br /> eslmae410 J46!a s,aepue-l l0 aenlgM g elnlllsuoo a0 eolpnfead lou llugs lsnal;o pea(] slgl;0 uolslnoad 9;o aepue1 Aq aeAllem y '14511 ae410 Aug <br /> ao }4bu Lions ;o aaA19M 9 s9 aleaedo (legs lgbla Aug 6ulsloaexe ul aepueq to laed a4; uo uolsslwo ao Aglep ON •aepual Aq peu6ls pup buplam <br /> Ul UGA16 sl a9nl9M Lions sselun Jsnal to pee(] s141.aepun s14Bu Aug PeAIQM 0ABq 01 pewaap eq IOU 119gs aepue-I 'aaPua'J Aq aanileM ON <br /> ;sna1 to peep slLi; ui suolleBllgo lie aol elq!suodsea si moleq BuluBls ao;sru <br /> 4O9a 1941 su90w slgl •aaMOaaof3 Aaene pue gOpe usew Ilggs aeMOaaog o; seousaa;ea Ile pug 'aolsnal AaeAO Pug 4Oea u9ew Il9Lis aolsnal <br /> 9 aced (penulluoo) Z990S 'ON ueo-1 <br /> 999806009 lsnal =io a33a <br />