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200908476 <br />UCG FINANCING STA~'EMENT ADDENDUM <br />~D `LOaVU IN5~CtNS (front and~ac~^) CAREFULLY <br />9. NAME OF FIRST DEBTOR (1a ~r 1b) ON RELATED FINANCING STATEMENT <br />Ja. ORGAN12A710N'$ NAME ~ ~ f <br />OR .... <br />9b. INDIVI!?l1AL'S IASTNAME FIRST NAME MII <br />MILLER ALLAN E <br />10. MISL'El_LANP~DUS: <br />I THE ABOVE SRACE I$ FGR FILING OFFICE U5E ONLY <br />~ _-- -'-- - munuiununuu~u <br />11. ADDITIONAL pEBTOR'S ExP,U'T FULL LEGAL NAME -insert only ene name,(11a dr 11b) - do riot pbkiteviate a combine names <br />11 a. ORGANIZATION'S NAME <br />arc 11b INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME SUFFIX <br />11 c. MAILING AAORESS CIl"Y 5'I'ATE POSTAL CODE <br />~ ~~_ COUNTRY <br />11d.5EEINS7RUC710NS AOD'LINFO,RE r11eTYPEOFORGAfJIZATION 11f.JURIS'OICTIONOFORGANIZP:TION 11g.ORGANI2ATIONALID#,if <br />an V <br /> pRGAN17A1lON <br /> DEBTpR NONE <br />12. ADDITIONALSECUREC3PARTY'S or ASSIGNDRS/P'$ NAME•irisertnnlyselianame(12aor12b) <br />-~ <br /> 12a.ORGAN12AT1bN'9NAME ~~~~ <br /> <br />OR t ~ INDIVIDUAL'S LASTN,4ME FIRST NAME <br />~~,._~.._........,~.._ MIDDLE NAME <br />TT SUFFIX <br />_..._..,..... <br />12c. MAILING AOURESS CITY STATE POSTAL CODE COUNTRY <br />13.7his FINANCING STATEMENT covers tirnbsr tv Ge cuE ar as-axtraclod t 6. Additional collateral dvscriptpn: <br />collatsral, or is filed ass ®fixture filing. <br />14. Description of real estate: <br />The South Half pf the Southwest Quarter (S1/2SW1/4) pf Section <br />Seven (7), Township Ten (10) North, Range Eleven (11) West of <br />the 6th P.M. in Hall County, Nebraska, less the westerly 50 feet <br />thereof conveyed to the State of Nebraska for highway right-of - <br />way and excepting therefrpm that approximately 6.7 acre parcel <br />now know as Lot 1 Miller Subdivision previously conveyed to <br />Buyers by Warrantly peed recorded in the Office of the Hall <br />County Register of heeds as Document No. 83-003064, together <br />with all improvements situated thereon and appurtances thereto. <br />15. Name and addroee of a RECORD OWNER of abare-described real ealate <br />lif Debtor does not.have a record intweslS: <br />ALLAN E & JOYCE E MILLER <br /> 17. Check pblX If ap{illrabla and chadk 4n11C Dori box. <br /> Debtor is a Trust a Trustee acting with respect to property hold intrust or DvicedoM's E~Sldta <br /> t 8. Check Sully iF applicable and rhack 91+17( ana box. <br /> Debtor IS a TRANSMITI"ING 1171LITY <br /> Filed in connection wdth a Manuhartured•Humtr TranSartlpn - affective ~ years. <br /> Filed in connection with a Publicfinanae TronbaCtlq+.-- vff96Uva 3D years <br />FILING OFFICE GOPY - IJCC FINANCINCa STATEMENT ADDENDUM (FARM UCC1Ad) (REV. 0512x/02) <br />