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~^ <br />~~ <br />era <br />~~ <br />B <br />~ ~~^ <br />(D ~~ <br />m r <br />N ~ <br />CD <br />CIJ <br />r. rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrra ~ <br />r <br />r <br />r <br />~~ <br />~~ <br />County Sub, OF The LF,G, QfN <br /> <br />dflrJ8d61T/4, 810.1 1 <br />~ B] ~ 0 P 8 Qf / <br />I ~~- n tales l/2" Iron P/pa found Unless 0lherwlse Naled <br />o--l <br />dl <br />/ <br />2" <br /> n <br />cn <br />es !/ <br />Iron Plpe w/Survey Cpp p/aced Un/ess Olherw/se Noled <br />1 D, T f 1 N- RBW ~~ l of T 1 A-lndlcalss ACTUAL DIslance <br /> 1 R~lndlcales RECORDED DIslance <br />P4lofTB , , <br />Sw <br />Cw <br />Laf 1 <br />1 <br />~ ~ ~ ~ t d t ~ t ®ff 1 <br />I P-!nd/tales PRORATED D/slants <br />N ~ <br />A, <br />S <br />AT <br />. <br />. <br />, <br />_ - - Ne~aaki Sub.'~1 • p 1 s <br />, <br />yy <br />fawrd I Plp~ <br /> <br />r ( _ _ .. _ _ , - m _ _ _ <br />r--- ~ <br />~ <br /> <br />lot 14 ~e 1 <br />I <br />1 Lof TI ~ n <br />i <br />~ ~~ 3t loll q i _ <br /> I I b <br />~ 4of 1B ~~ w i lot 1T <br />-~.... .______, e p r___~_________.....___.~ H <br />~ Lof TT i :~ <br />~ Laf1 8~ <br />~ ~• i ~ Lof 1T ~ <br />~ 1 <br />w <br />' <br />a' ~ 1 I <br />~ <br />lOf 11 q i <br />~i ~ 123.32 <br />~ <br />~ 1 ar ~~ <br />~ for ff n ~~ LegB/_ DE+scr/ tp /on <br />-~ ~---'---r~~ .$ $~ ` r___r,,,_W_________~..~~~ A Irtrcl o/ land comprlsing all of loll Dne (!), Two (2), <br />q Lof 1 D ~ ` ~ L v f 9 ~ o ~ i q l w Three (3), four (4), flue (5), 51x (6) and Seven (7) al! In <br />l of 10 <br />ap i ~ <br />~ q <br />~ 1 q <br />~ Black Throe (3), Pleasan/ H/// Add!//on, to the Clly of Crand <br />N <br />- ~ - -• ~ - - - - _ ~ ~ i _ _ _ <br />_ _ _ _ _ _ a Island, Hall Counly, Nebraska, sold Iraq confalning 0.6D 1 <br />~- --_..___ <br />I <br />1 Lof 9 ~ ~ <br />i acres more or lass. <br />~ ~ laf B <br /> <br />-~--______.~ ~ <br />I ~ <br /> <br />Laf4 <br />o <br />~ ~ <br />I ~a___-__-.._ 1 <br />i---~ <br />lot B i <br />1 i Lof B <br /> <br />1 <br />SW. Cw. Lvf 7 <br />B/k <br />a ~.. <br />173.92 P 125,0 R S 89'3123 w 1 I 1 <br />191.9T P (197.0' RT S 8.9.51'75' W A.uumed Oe~ g <br />, <br />, <br />J, Plsus°nf MYl AJJ. ~~ 3.W. Gw. Lof 7 Blk. 7, <br />Prq°svnr Nib Add., fpund <br />°° <br />b!:. 11 th, ~ P P ®®t %eJ ~wr°`ardreN i R°° <br />l' <br />I I N.W. CM Lot I 8fk. $ 1 <br />l Df TB j j ~°np'"r Nib Add" found <br />~lbfrlt 6 LDf 1 1 <br />~l®SShcnt ~lll ~ddttlOL7 <br />Surve or's Certl/icste <br />/ hereby csr/l/y Thal on July 31, 2009, / comp/eled on accurate survoy of <br />'SUSAN W/f5E SUBOIV/SION; !n the Clly o/ Crand Island, Nebraska, as shown on <br />the accomponying plat Ihareol,• lhol Iha lots, blacks, slrsels, avenues, alleys, parks, <br />commons and other grounds as conloined !n Bald subdlvlslon as shown on the <br />accomponying plat Ihereo/ are well and accurale/y slaked o// and marked,• Thar <br />Iron markers were placed of all lot corners; Iha/ the dlmenslons al each !o/ ore <br />as shown an the plat; Thal each tot bears lls own number,• and Thal said survey <br />was made wllh reference Ta known and recorded monuments. <br />~ °~R ~ s,v <br />~~ ayolury~;a y r <br />{{'~~ I <br />o Se~Ta ~y eryT13`~rgen re, e . an urveyor a, <br />~"'~ 1 rO~ 4 n v ~° d" f44 -v <br />~ soaotit <br />DedJ~at/on <br />KNOW All MEN 8Y THESE PRESENTS, Thal AL/C!A NAU5SLfR and rlVf PO1NT5 <br />BANK, Co-Trustees al the Hugo G. W/ess Revocable Trust and the Susan L. W/ese <br />Revacab/a Trus/, be/ng the owners of the land descrlbed hereon, have caused same <br />to be surveyed, subdlvlded, plal/ed and deslgnafed as 'SUSAN WlfSf SU80IVlSlON' In <br />the Clly of Crond Island, Nebraska, as shown an the accomponying plaf Ihereo% <br />and do hereby dedlcole the easemenls, 11 any, as shown (hereon tar the lacallan, <br />conslruc!!an and ma/nlenonce of pub!lc serv/ca ulllll/es, lagelher w/Ih the rlghl of <br />Ingress and egress (herelo, and hereby prahlblling /he planling of Iraes, bushes <br />and shrubs, ar plac/ng olhar obs/rucllons upon, over, along or underneath the <br />sur/ace of such easemenls; and Thal the /arego/ng subdlvlslon as more parllcularly <br />descrlbed !n the descrJpJlon hereon as appears an lhls plot !s made wllh The (roe <br />consent and !n accordance wllh The desires o/ the undersigned owners and <br />proprlefors. <br />!N WITNESS WHEREOF, we have olllxed cur slgnalures herelo, al Crand Island, <br />Nebraska, Ih/s_LLday of ~~ p0pg, <br />c a suss sr, oar r~ va o n s an , o- rus ea <br />A~ rp_ ova! <br />Approved and occapled by the Clly of Crand Island, Nebraska, Ih/s_/~`4 da <br />oJ~reuhar ,... , 2009. y <br />.«X/] ~ [ <br />PlannlTrec)or -.- - <br />ri .n <br />~ <br />n, ° <br />N ~ <br /> <br />W <br />~ o <br />~ u. ~ o <br /> ° <br />~ oo ~ ~ <br />~ <br />' ~Yy ~~ <br />UU ,e <br />N :i ~ S5 ~ <br />" <br />a m <br /> ,~ <br />AFkno,w/ed ement <br />Slate Ol ~ Nebraska ss <br />Counly Ol Nollfhh <br />On the! Le/ rfay of_ e~C~, 1009, belaro me,~Q~,~~ <br />a Nol~~a~~yyP~ub/lc w!!hl nd for Bald Counly, personally appeared AL1ClA NAUSSLER <br />and K, /CA9~lor flVf POINTS BANK, Co-Truslaes a/ the Huga C. Wiese <br />Revocable Trust and the Susan L. Wiese Revocable Trust, and lc me personally <br />known to be the lden!lcal persons whose slgnalures are ol/lxed herelo, and Ihol <br />each did acknowledge the execul/on Ihereo/ to be his ar her valun/pry act and <br />dead. <br />IN W/TNr55 WH£RE'Df, !have heraunlo subscrlbad my name and plflxed my <br />o//Jcial seal al Grand /slond Nebraska, an the dale last above wrll/en. <br />My commisslon exp/res - O 1 -- d <br />a ary U C ~ ($Ba!) <br />aN°4LMOfAry•ey gfyp~gy <br />as e. emlwu <br />wromewa.. ml9 <br />SUSAN W/ESE S UBDI VlSlON <br />IN THE CITY Of GRAND /SLAND NEBRASKA <br />ROCKWELL ANG ASSOC. LIC. - rNG/NCfR/NC d SURVCYlNC - GRAND lSLANa, NCBRASKA ShealNo./01/ <br />