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~. <br />IV ~ <br />~ ~~~ <br />CO ~ <br />~ ~- <br />~ - :ed By Secvr-ity Ckxmecticns Inc. <br />~ ~ ~ewrdad Mail 'Ib: <br />~ URITY CONNECTIONS <br />UNIVERSITY BLVD, <br />"""~ HO FALLS, ID 83 4 01 <br />KARLEEN MAUGHAN <br />~~ <br />~~ <br /> <br />v <br />n <br />~ _ <br />O <br />INC. Sccu~Qirt' CoNN~cTiaNSir.~ <br />,SJ~'~ 24r-J j Ilf~,s i~'Y Q~ /D <br />IQANd ~.~~~s ~q~~Ydi <br />~~ <br />~~ <br />G7 ~y``~ <br />C7 <br />D <br />m <br />rn <br />C,) <br />cn <br />--a <br />~~ <br />`Z7 <br />F---~ <br />w <br />c°a to <br />~~ <br />~~ <br />--+ <br />~~ <br />~ d <br />~ ~ <br />-T1 ~. <br />"~ Rl <br />~ Cr7 <br />~ ~ <br />f" Ja <br />V~ <br />A <br />cn. <br />SUBSTITT7TION OF TRUSTEE & DEED OF RECONVEYANCE <br />m <br />c~ ~ <br />~~ <br />c~ m <br />v <br />a ~ <br />~ ~ <br />C~ ~ <br />C <br />~ ~ <br />x m <br />-~-I <br />~ Z <br />Jr S U <br />Irx~n Na: 4001196022 <br />Notice is hereby given, that Martin P. Pelster, M~nber of the Nebraska State Bar Associatiaa'1 whose <br />s is Ste 1200, 2120 S. 72 St, C~aha, ~ 6$124, is hereby ap~inted Stxx~ssor Trustee under that r~rr~;n Deed ~ Tn~st as fol].aas: <br />Trustar: DONALD D PORTER AND CAROL J PORTER, HUSBAND AND WIFE <br />Trustee: GARY D. BYRNE <br />Ha~eficiary: MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. <br />Hated: 02 \ 02 \ 2 0 0 7 ~: 02 \ 05 \ 2 0 0 7 2nstxu~nt # 0200700922 <br />Eoak/Reel: Ftj: <br />Filed far record in HALL Ctxmty, State of Nebraska <br />Tax ID Number: <br />As n~~ nJ sum ~ of TRI15Z' <br />v~mez~as, the tiur3exsi~ed is tY~ caner of the beneficial interest under said Ltd of 'Frost, acid the legal over and holder of the <br />Dead of Trust Note, that said interest has riot beat transferred, hypothecated or otYaPx wise a~,;red by any party or parties. <br />Said Note, tcxletY~x with all othar indelatedness secti~red by said Deed of Trust, have been fully paid and satisfied, <br />Martin P. Pelster', M~11]ex of the **^'-w-~,_~ State sax Pssociaticn, is hem regoested and directed to reairve}r, without vexxanty, <br />to the parties desi~ated by the terms of said Deed of Trust, all that estate naa k~ld by the Successor Trustee. <br />TFC~,aT, DESCFSPITCN: LO'!' 2i~i7 (,Z), ~7, SCIBDIVTSICN, Q'IY OF Q7AflID ISTArID, l~r C7C7[7NlY. ~. <br />T~ated: 0 9\ 0 8\ 2 0 0 9 ~ ~c R~ranr sys~s, Ilv~. <br />KRYSTAL HALL <br />ASSZ',ST11NI' ARV ~ I.~l <br />State of Idaho, Cauity of grille <br />~ 09 08 2009 before ne, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and far the State of Idaho, duly ccmnissiar <br />and s~earn, personally appeared KRYSTAL HALL to me ]moan to be the <br />ASSISTANT ~~' FCt12 L,ZEN REL,EAv~ of the ocrporatian that e~~ted the faregoirx~ instrum~t, and <br />acln7avledged the said instxtiuterit to be the free and voluntary act arXl deed of said corpozatirn, far the uses and n ~ <br />therein irentiar~ed, and a1 oath stated that he/she is autYnrized to executed said instnu~it. <br />Witness my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year first above written. <br />~ MELISSA h~IiVi~1.~`' <br />Notary Public in and far the State of 1 Residirx3 at Idaho Falls ~ <br />STATE C7 i=- I~~OMs..; k. <br />n~r.raan xiv~,x (a~ssrav ~. 0~-28-2o~4J ..~~,..~...~ ~..~~ <br />~. ~. ,... <br />Martin P. F~lster, ~ of the r~~aka State Par Pssociatirn as Successar Trustee under the herein above descrikied Deed <br />of Trust, does hereby gzant, basin, sell ctrl rvey, warranty, to tY~e persaz(s) entitled thexto, all right, <br />title and interest in and to the trust px~pesty nrxv held by it as Trustee unc~r said ]]eed of Trust. <br />Martin P. F~lster, Ms~r of the Nebraska State Aar Associ.atirn _ . - <br />~~~'~~~ <br />Martin P. Pelster~ ~{,~~~q,b.G2 / /~ L.t4~ <br />State of sa, y f 1 ~ Y` <br />~i this ~ '~!') 'M' before me, a Notary Public qualified far said mnty, pexsa~ally came Martin P. A~lstes,' <br />Imow to rre identica]. persrn who sicked the for~airx~ instrument and aekncxvledged the ticn thereof to be their <br />vol act and dead for the uses and <br />tax-Y n,rPr~ thexerri Rend. <br />W' s Rly crud official seal. Ctl hereto affixed the day and y~x first above written. <br />G' ' ~ ~ GENERAL NpTARY -State of Nebraska <br />'sha R. ICN EXP. 06 0-2010) L.aTishe R. Hough <br />Notary Public in ar the state - My Comm. Exp. June 10, 2010 <br />J=HL8060108RE. 019956 ~,~,) <br />