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<br />Cor. Lot D,
<br />Is/pnd ACre9
<br />l hereby certify that on May 12, 7009, !completed on accurate survey of "VOLTAIRE
<br />VlLI115 SUBOIVl5lON; in the City o/ Crand Island, Nebraska, vs shown an the accompanying
<br />plot thereat,' that the lots, blocks streets, avenues, alleys, parks, commons and other
<br />grpunds os contained in said subdivision as shown an the acevrnpanying plat thereo/ are
<br />we!! and accurately stoked off and marked,• that Iron markers ware placed of u!l lot
<br />corners; that the dimensions al each fat are as shown vn the plat; that each /vt bears ifs
<br />own number, and Thal said survey was mode with re/erenca fo known and recorded
<br />monuments.
<br />~pRA3k
<br />S ~,p~arFq~aq'P
<br />(a/L9.670 _ ry! U.~Svrg n rei, Reg. Lon urve r No. 57B
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<br />A~,~r~vsls
<br />Submitted to and o proved by the Regions! Planning Commission of Hq!l County, Crand
<br />Island, Wvod i r a the Villages of Aldu, Cairo and Oomphan, Nebraska.
<br />Chairman Oate
<br />Apprv~ve•`d~gd accepted by the Cily o/ Crand !stand, Nebraska, this-~~doy of
<br />~.._._,
<br />2009.
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<br />legal Desc~IntlOr~
<br />A lroct o/ land comprising all o/ Lat Nine (9J, except the westerly Two /lundied (20D.00)
<br />feet thereat, in /stand Acres, a Subdivision in lha City o/ Crand island, Hol/ County,
<br />Nebraska, mere portico/arty described as /allows;
<br />Beginning ut the southeast corner a/ said Lot Nine (9), said point also being an 1ha
<br />northerly right o/ way line of lglh, Street; !hence running westerly on the southerly line of
<br />said Lat Nina (9J, and the northerly right o/ way line o/ lglh, StreaL on an Assumed
<br />8eoring o/ SB9'29'OB"W, a distance o/ Ona Hundred Fi/ty Three and Twanly Six Hundredths
<br />(153.26) feat, to the southeast corner o/ lot One (If, Mary Moppet Subdivision: thence
<br />running NO!'3230"W, on the evsterly line of Lot One (1), Mary Moppet Subdivision and La!
<br />Two (2), Buck-Theasmeyer SubdiYisiivn, a distance o! Two Hundred Seventeen and Twenty
<br />Three Hundredths (2/7ZJJ feet, to the northeast corner al Lot Twa (ZJ, Buck-Theasmeyer
<br />Subdivision, vnd fo a point on (he southerly line v/ LoI Dne (!), Union Square Fourth
<br />Subdivision; !hence running NB9'f9:J6 E on the southerly line oI l.ot One (1), Union Square
<br />Fourth Subdivision and Lot Ona (1J, Union Square Filth Subdivision, o distance of pne
<br />Hundred Filly Six and FiTfy Eight Hundredths (156.5BJ feet, to the northeast corner oT said
<br />Lot Nine (9); thence running 500'40'00 E, on the easterly line o/ said Lof Nina (9J, o
<br />distance of Two Hundred Seventeen and Sixty Three Hundredths (217.63) feat, to the point
<br />of beginning and containing 0.773 acres mare or less.
<br />Ded1~t1•~n
<br />and wi/e, being the owners of the lend described hereon, have cqused same to be
<br />surveyed, subdivided, plotted and designated as 'VOLTAIRE V/LEAS SUBOIV/SIGN' in the City of
<br />Crand island, Nebrosko, as shown an the accompanying plot thereo/, and do hereby
<br />dedicate the easements, it any, os shown thereon /vr the lacdlian, construction and
<br />maintenance oI public service utilities, together with the right of ingress and egress thereto,
<br />and hereby prohibiting the pluntiny of frees bushes and shrubs, or placing other
<br />obstructions upon, over, along or underneath the surface o/ such easements; and that the
<br />foregoing subdivision as more particularly described in the description hereon as appears on
<br />this plot is made with the /ree consent and in accordance with the desires of the
<br />undersigned owners and proprietors.
<br />IN WITNESS W/IERFOF, we hove oNixed our siynatures hereto, at Crand Island, Nabroska,
<br />rnis_Lday of ~aae , 2oa9.
<br />Oon~/ J. 7hoygf ~[iso R. ~~ yrer
<br />AoknowledgQCnant
<br />State Of Nebraska ss
<br />County 0/ HoII
<br />On the~~ day of J ,.~ 2009, 6elore ma,~~~/,,.(~. _
<br />a Notary Public within and /ar said County, persona!/y appeared DANIEL J iHAYER and LISA
<br />R. TF/AYER, husband and' wife, and to me personal/y known tv be the identical persons
<br />whose signatures are ol/ixed hereto, and that each did acknowledge the execution thereat
<br />to ba his or her voluntary act and deed.
<br />!N WITNESS WHEREOF l have hereunto subscribed my name. and al/fixed my of/icial seal
<br />at Crand Island, Nebraska, an the dpte fast above written.
<br />My commission expires ~ebnrn ~r /drzQLZ....
<br />axurLxpvar-ganni ieei' .
<br />r~_•~ Pu~~ u~/.rw.raaou
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