<br />CitiMortgagM Inc., by reitson of Incrgcr with CitiFutandal Mpngagc Contp;uty, loc. ("CitiMon(!agc,
<br />hta'"), a curparation orgvtized vtd utistit+g pursu;mt to the laws at'tite State of New York, vtd CitiFina++cial, loc., a
<br />carporatian orgvtiztxi attd existntg pursu;utl to Ote laws of the Stale of Maryland, desvu and intu-d to twtahlish a
<br />Power of Attamey operative wtdtr the Nebraska Shan Farnt Act, do htx~y aplx~int, constitutu, soul dcwifptme Eric
<br />H. Lindquist of the Jinn of Eric H. Lindquist P.C. L.L.O., whose ol'lice is in Ottu~ha, Nebraska, AGENT, the lawlul
<br />;md truu agatt and attontey-in-fact for CitiMongage, htc. and CitiFutmtcial, Inc.
<br />CiliMongage, loc. ;utd CitiFut:utcial, Ine. do htrchy further provide vtd stipulate ut connrxiion thercwvith n. follows:
<br />1. Tliis Power of Attorney is a itattdurahle Ix+wa' oCattort-ey.
<br />2. By 1is Power of Aponuy, CitiM-xtgagc, Inc. vtd CitiFinattcial, lnc, confix upon vtd gr:utt to
<br />AGi NT ws -IX the litllowing sptx:ilic powers:
<br />a. Pursuvtt to the Nchraska Trust D~xxls Ach, power u, appoint substitute trustecw by
<br />executing SulMtitulinn of Trustee dacunuttts on h~talf at' CitiMongage, lttc. ;utd
<br />CitiFinancial, Inc, an dtxxls ol'trust upcm which CitiMortg<~ge, Inc. err CitiFinattcial, loc.
<br />is the cttrruu I><iteticiary; and
<br />h. Power to uxucutu on h~talf of CitiMongagu, Inc. vtd CitiFuuutcial, Inc. dt~xls
<br />conveying title fi+llowing I'orecknure saluw where CiliMangage, Inc. or CitiFituwcial
<br />have acquired title.
<br />3, Tln~ Powe7 of Attorney rewokea and supercexieti all prior t:xex:uttxl instrumelus of like intpext vtd
<br />rctinains operative until rcvokui, excc~+t this Power of Attarney shall re~tnaut cttextive Far Duly
<br />threx: ye:.~rr from the date on which it is c~cexutexl.
<br />CitiMortgage; htc.
<br />Jam----
<br />Julie V ela
<br />ss.
<br />The Forgoing utstrwnutt was acknawleYlged heti+re ute on ~1~J~Qv_~__~ ~, 21N17 by Julio Varc~la,
<br />Vice Presidt.~ttt, of CitiMongpge, htc.
<br />~~~
<br />Notary Public
<br />~~,..,yo N1TA M. PATEL
<br />Mpt~pry Vublic
<br />State of Texas
<br />p'~a„~•c*~ Comm, Exp+res 06.19•ZUO7 CitiFu+vtcial, h
<br />Frmtkic W;hr
<br />STATE OF TEXA5 )
<br />) ss.
<br />COUNTti' OF DALLAS )
<br />Tits Cirregoing utsttvntutt war acknawlexlgexi hulixc ute on ~In4lAY~1_Lq_, 20117 by Frattkic Ward,
<br />Assist;wt Vice Preaidun, oFCitiFiuvtcial, Inc.
<br />Notary Public
<br />