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�,� � _ <br /> .il _ '1��^ �_�,r _ <br /> �'�'r�r - <br /> _.'�{4 i , ��'' x�. t"'��_.; �_ ... <br /> -_�' 4t� �"" . _ _ . _. . - - --. _.—_ .. <br /> � <br /> :���ll ' - ---- - - -- <br /> ..,,�;���,ry� 92_ l001�6 <br /> � <br /> � condemnatian or atiur tukin�of any purl of Ihe tar cunveyunce in Ileu of'rondemnud��n,un hereby a�xi�ned wd <br /> -• Khell be puid to l.ender. <br /> -- — In the event of n �dal talcing of ihe Rvperty. thc pnreecJx xhull hc upplirJ w thr .umx +,�curcd by �hh Sccuri�y <br /> - — Inxtrument, wheiher or not then due, wilb uny exres�puid to Qorruwcr. In Ihc nvcnl ul'u paniul lukin�of'1hr Pn��rty in <br /> - which thc fuir murke�vs�lue uP!hc Propeny immediulely befim thc�uking i.ryuul lu ur�rru�rr�hun thc una►unt oP Uic humx <br /> - recured by this Secu�ity Instrumenl immediuiely bePare �hc tuking,unles� Banxiwcr und L.endcr ulhcnvixc ogRC in writing. <br /> -g-______^__TA_�_�, the sums secumd by Ihi,Security In.trumenl shall hc reduced by �he um�wn�ol'�hc pr�wc�l.mul�iplicJ by �he Pullowing ` <br /> ° - fraction: (u)the totul umount of the sum�securcyl in►n�.liutely lxfun� �fk tu�,ing.di��fJrd Uy 1h1 thc fuir mad:ct valuc uF thr <br /> a Pmpeey immediutely before the taki�g. Any balunce xhull bc puid to Borruwcr. In the event uf u purtiul �aking r►i Ihr <br /> ,"�? Property i�which thc FAIr murket value of the P�pcny immediutely brfixe thc tuking is Ic�s ihun�hc umount�f thc xum� <br /> �ecured immedintely before the tuking,unlctis Borrower und Lendcr otherwi.e vgrcr in wri�ing or unlcs, upplic�blc luw <br /> - _ otherwise provides.the proceed-c slw�� be�pPNed ro the�umw r�eeund by thi�Scwuri�y In�wment whether or not iAe xuma are <br /> ;d,,�,� then due. <br /> =' If the Praperty is abandoncd by Bormwer,ur if,ufter notirc by lw�nde�to B�irrawer thut Ihe condemnur��fic�tn mukr <br /> -�'`�'�� nn award ar setde u clnim for damuges,Bc►rrower fAils ta resEwnd lu L�ndrr within i0 duyti ufler thc dulc the nutice in given. <br /> `��'�''` Lender is autharixed to collect and npply the praceeds. �t itx optiun,either tu restarulian or�uir of the Propeny or tu the <br /> ��,j sums�secu�d by�hia Securi�y Instrument,whetNer ar not then due. <br /> -,;_=;��:; Unlesa Lender and Borrower otherwi.+c uRree in writing,any upplicutian of praceed�; ro principul shull not ex�end or � <br /> � <br />