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<br /> �2_. 100123
<br /> � 'inCiETHER WITH nll tite inyiroverncntr now a� hereaflcr crectod on tha pnopctty. and �il e�scmcM�, �l�hl�,
<br /> ! oppurtcwncea. raus,royal�ies,mincrsd,oil ard��r��hu and profit�,water ri�hta qnd�tuek and all fiaturca now ar ttoreAfter A
<br /> - _, p�ut o6 ihe property.A!I rcplacemrnta rnd wiJidotu��hall tlw be oovcred L�r�his�Sacurity Inwrum�mt. Ail ai the f�►so�oinp b
<br />- -'. referrod w in thi�Stxurity Inauument�the•'Propeay.••
<br />��,�i�l
<br /> ' BORROWER COVENANTS�twt Borrower is lawfuliy sei�ed of the estulc heraby cunvayod and has�hu�ighl ln �tant And
<br />_ �a��i convey�hc Prapeny and thot the P�vpcny ia unencumbered, except for cncumhrnnccc nf rccanl. Borrc►wer w�F wid wi0 L
<br /> __- � -
<br /> �: defend{erKriJly�hc IfUe to the Pruperty�winct all clairru and demandf.�ul�ac�w wny eacumbrance.w of raord.
<br /> -=y�� t,PAyme�t ot Princlpal, lnterest wid Ls�te Charaa Borrower bhall pay whcn dua tiw princfp:il af. en�l intme�l on.lhe .
<br /> idebt evidencod by tl�e Nou w�d iate cF.�cs due under the Notc.
<br /> �! 2, Moatldy P�yments of Taxea, lnsurance and Olher Ctwti{a9. Barcowcr shull include in c.uch monthl�� paymcnt.
<br /> ---- ����.. ' together with t6e principal and interest as set fonh in the Note and any lute charges,un jns�ullment of any(a1 u�ces and spe�:ial R
<br /> --_='.��' assessrnenta levied or ta 6e leviod against the Property, lb) leasehald pAyments or gmund rents on Ihe PropeAY, atid (e)
<br /> ---.�•►'�i:���� premiwns for inmrarce requirod bY P��'ePh 4.
<br /> .�,���
<br /> --.��.�s�.
<br /> ,�..,�,,,,:� Fach monthly instaUment for items(a).(b).and•(a) ehall aqual�one•twalfth of the annuul amaunts,as rrasonably estimatad __
<br /> .v,.��,�:�:� by Lender.plus an amount suFficient ta maintain an�additianpl�halanoe of�w mo�than ane•siath of tha estlmated wnaunu:.Tha
<br /> full an�wal amount for each item shull be aocumulated by I�nder within a periad ending one month befare an item would �`s`
<br /> � .y.:�,,y'4Y�,�F,�;��� become delinqurnc. Lender shall hold the turaunt� eollected in trust ta pay items (a1. (b). and lc) bofon �hay 6awme -�y
<br /> :.:, 7. deliaguent. -_
<br /> _- '�i�r�1�w}�7+ , -
<br /> .���titv,.�,j` �..,_ i
<br /> s^�ioD•�;;���' � '' If at any dme the total of the payments held by l.endcr for itcros (a), (b). and (c), togcther with the fu�u� manthly
<br /> :�ir;tirt�.s�� . • , ��u,s for such items able to L,ender �iar ta the dua dates of such items. eaceeds by more than one-sixth ihe �sdmatal
<br /> _=;.,:��:�:: .�+r.;"• PAY PaY P
<br /> ---�_.,���•:,• amourn of payments required to pay such Items when,duo,and if paymen�s on tha Note are cunent, then [.endor shall eithcr
<br /> �u.:;....
<br /> y'-'�+= '` refuncf the easess over o�re-sixth of the estimated pAyments or credit the excess over one•sixth of the estimatod psiyments to
<br /> -;��y�r„�u'� .
<br /> ;�,�r� subsequent poyments by 8ornnwer,at the optian�af,&�rrowor. If the tmnl of tha payments madc by Borrower fbr i�am(a). Ib). --
<br /> ��,;;:��''� ° or (c) is insufficfent to pay Ihe item when dua, then Bormwor shall pay to Lender any amaunt neces.yary ta make up tha
<br /> �.��,;�,,�' : deticiency an or befare the dwe the item beromos duo.
<br />