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<br /> :_ ►��.�.�.�.�f 92_ � 00120 -
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<br /> _ • opplin�bb law rtuiy spoci�'y�fnt rcinslnuerncml befo�r i+ale of ihc Hropcny purouon��o uny pawer oP xa� contAined in�hiR
<br /> r 9a:udly Inxlrumenr ix lb)cu�1ry of a Judgmcnt cnforcinR�hix Security Inxtn�ment. Thu►c canditioros nrc Ihot Borrowcr: l�l
<br /> =a, payA Lendor oll rumr Whkh �hen would bc duc undcr �hia Sccurity Inxltument und the N�uc a� if no a�ccicmlian hw1
<br />_=,�� awurt�d;lb)curce any cief�ull t�f any o�hcr covcnenl��r ugtt�ememR:lcl p+�yb all expen+ev incurtrJ In cnfuning thix Cccuri�y
<br /> - In►tnimoM, including,!wl nt�l�limiud to,rcor;�nahlc u�NxncyR' fceK; w�cf lJl lulcs xu�h uclfun ar l.cndcr muy reax�mably
<br />-; roquiro tn oyrurc tlu��ho Ik�n oi thiw Secudty Inh�n�mcm.Lcndcr'�dghtg in Ihc Propeny and Borrowcrl�ubUg�tian to puy thc
<br />- '����-- .�"`� nums sccurcd 6y this Stxurit�� Ia.rirunxM xhall cnnlinuc unchanpted, Upcv� rcin.r•tu�ement by Burmwcr, thix Security ___
<br /> _ � lnsuwnent and the c�t+Ng�lim►s securcd heteby ahull rcmain fully effctitive as it'no ucceler�tion had ocrum.-d. F Wwevcr,thi�
<br /> �-
<br /> �„ dght to rciostute shall noi applp tn Ihe cuse of accelerwion under psuugmph 17.
<br /> "�'°� '��.� 19. 3ak of Notei�hAaRa o�I.oan Servicer. Tha Nate or u panial fnterest in the Nwe(together with �his Securily
<br /> °��� Instnment)may bo sold ono or more un�w�tfnwi p�1o�notire to Borrower. A sale muy result in a change in the entity �
<br /> (known as the"l.oan Ser�•icer")that caliects monthly paymen�w due under the Note and Ihis Security Inswment. There also —
<br /> '+��-:��� � may be one or mora chxnges of thc Loan Servicer unreluted to u sale oi thc Note. If therc ix n change of�he Laan Servicer. _ .
<br /> ==���"' �" Borrowcr will be given N�ilten nouce of the change in accordunce wfth parngruph 14�bove and upplicublc law. The notice c,_.
<br /> - '��;�/'. ,�� will state the name and addtess ot'the new Loan Servicer end the address to which pnyments should be made.The nutk�e will �,,�..
<br /> -��'; •:; also canlain siny aher infam�xtlun required by s+pplicable law.
<br /> =����,--. ° --�.
<br /> - -�� ��,• 211. H�rdous Subst�nces. Horrower ahall not cause or pertn�t the presence,use,disposal,storage.ar releuse o any
<br /> _�� � �h;,a,,,:�"�;'' Hazardous Substnnces on or in the Property. Borrower shall nd da.nor eUow anyone else[o do, anything affecting�he w__
<br /> -�;;� Propeny thai is in violsuicmof any Environmental Law. 'Ihe recedin two sentences shall not upply to the presence,use,or
<br /> - � atarnge on the Property of smAll yuanUties of Ha�ardous Subswnces tiwt are generally recagnized to be appropriate to nmmal �f��
<br /> ._�,.t,�r,_�: residentia!uses and to rnaintenxnce of the Properry. �'`:�
<br /> --- --�--°� _,;��"'",* Borrower sha11 promptly give Lender wrilten notice of an investi Ation.claim,demand,lawsuic or wher acdon by any
<br /> - :::,� govemmenwl ar ragulatary a�ency or pdvAle psuty involving ihe Property end any Hazardous 3ubstance or Bnvfronmentul �`_
<br /> �'�;�sX�. Law of which Horrovrev has actuni knowledge. If Botrower learns, or Is notified by any governmental or regulatory
<br /> �s nec . Borrow•er �i,'.
<br /> � ��. authority.�hat uny removal nr other remediation of aay Hazerdous Subswnce affeciing the Property ' e9sary.
<br /> "� �'�'�'. shall prompdy wko all nc�.zss:uy remedial uctions ia accordance with Environmental l.uw. +�:•:.
<br /> i�aIDea�r .��•, -�,:5:
<br /> -- __�� �,�,'�,��' . As used in this parc�Mp1�20,"Hnzordaus Subsinnces"are those substances defined as toxic or hazardous substances by tl�„
<br /> �-1�. °r �•} Bnvirontne�tal Law and tha fallowing subsrances: gasoline,kerosene,other flammable or toxic petroleum products,laxic �;�,.
<br /> �i�e+�:.
<br />- _.�ns����, ,pesticiates nnd i�erbicides.vntatile solvents,materinls containing asbestos or formaldehyde,and radioactive materials. As ,�y
<br /> _ - s •- used in this p�uagraph 20."Hnvlronmental I.uw' means fedcral laws and laws of�hc jurisdiction wheie Ihe Property is located ��.
<br /> --g'�`'�``�' thal�elate ta F�ealth.safet;•or environmemAl protection. �z.�`;
<br /> : L_=_�.
<br /> -- ••^s�,�;��►'"". � NON-UNI�ORM C4VENANTS. Bortower and Lender further covenant and agrce as follows: �:•�,�
<br />..�:,;�. P g + �z;;_:
<br /> ��s,,'��;; ' 21. Acceleratian;Remedies. I.epder siwll give nodce to Borrower �or to accelerAtion tdbwin Borrower s __
<br /> ==�••-�� breach oP aay covenA�t or aYreement ia tbis Security Instrument(but not prior to wcceleratfon uader ps�rAgraph 17 ___
<br /> ,�:��:��: -• - PeciiY� (i1)��C I�CfBUIt�ib3 il�x�sKb�reqnlrec!!o curt!!�e �
<br /> =-.ry�.��,�„�,;,;,� unless nppikable Iaw pmvides otherwisel. The notfce ahaii s +
<br /> _�-�:,:�• - - del'ault;(c)a dnte,nat l�tAan 30 days irom the date the notice ta given ta Horrower,by which the deFi�ult must be �_
<br /> ��'•�`, cured;And(d)that failwre to cure Ihe deiAUlt on or before lhe date specified in the notke msy result in acceleration of �i;;;�'
<br />_�.�Y�. –}—
<br />- -��� � the sums secured by ihic Security Instrumenl and sAle ot the Property. The notice s6all furlher inform Borrower of �
<br />__ tt ,� the right to reinslAte aft�r acceleration s�nd the right to bring a court aclion to assert the non�existence of a default or
<br /> .�� �---
<br /> 9 ,� pny otDer defense of Bu�vower lo accelerAtion and sak. If the defAUlt is not cured on or betore the date speciiied in
<br />_=,�';{�,;' ,' • the notice,Lender at its uptlon m�+y require immediate paymeM in full of all sums secured by this Secu�ity Instrument :
<br /> _�� .�;(� �y wi1MoW further demand�nd may invoke the power oP sale and any other remedies permitted by Applkable law. �
<br />,_;�.�:�;-" I.ender shall be entitle�ci tu cullect all exprnses incurred in pursuing the remedies provided ia this paragmph 21. -
<br /> __;�T, incirding.but nol Umitc+d to.rei►suns�ble�ttorneys'fees�nd casls of title evidenre. �w''
<br /> - .:rt�r±� • !f the poNrer of swle is tnvaked.7lrustee shall record a notice of defs�ult in each county in which any part of the �_-
<br /> •�y-; � PropeHy Ls located and shall muil rnpies uP such notice in lhe m�nner presaribed by applicabk law to Borrower�nd to �_
<br /> 7lrustee shall give public °=-
<br /> ����'P' . the othe�prrsoas pres+ribed by�pplicable law. ARer the time required by �pplicable law, ..._
<br /> ''x'`"°`• notice of s�le ta the pc,��suns and in the mpnner prescribed by applkwble law. 7Fuslee.withoul demAnd on Borrower, _
<br /> -• "'��'r""" '"' shall sell the Pr�erty at public nuction to the higf�est bidder at the time and place and under the terms designated in �
<br /> � � "�'"'" � the notice of sok In onn or more p�rcels and in any nrder'll�uslee determines. 7Yustee muy postpnne sale of all or any
<br /> �';;�;��' :.i�� , `_ .
<br /> -_
<br />