a„�......�.S�:,���� ', .' '' ''e� + ,� • " ,;-
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<br /> - i�
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<br /> 92— �u00�s
<br /> th�Prop�Ap I��o hh�n or d�maWd.I.�ndx�hall havo tFw opdon,ln Its�ol�and abioluto dlscr�tlon,to apply all waA P�ooMd�,
<br /> dt�r d�duotlnp th�rsirom all co�b�nd�Kp�na��Inaua�d by N In conn�ctton wNh�uah P�oaNd�,upon any IndNM�dn�a Mow�d
<br /> Mr�by and In wah orda a�I.�ndpr may determins,or to�pply��I�uch ProcNd�,efler�uah dWuodons,to d�r�toraua�ol tM
<br />- Prop�rty upon wch condidons�e Under may detennln�.Any�ppllcadon ol P�ocMdo to Indobt�dn�u sholl not�x0�nd or pa�
<br /> th�dw d�t�ol�ny paym�nb under,lho Nah,or cun�ny dd�ult Ih�r�unasr or hernund�r.Any un�ppll�d funda�hall b�prid b
<br /> Trusta.
<br /> _ —_� 9. P�rfornwno�b/L�nd�r.Upon Ihe aocun�nao a1�n Evmt ol Def�ult hareunder,or II an�aat Is takM or 1�1 proCMdl�p r
<br /> comm�nad whioh m�t�rlally alfaca I.�nd�r'�Intan�t in th�Prop�rqr,Londor moy In{lo own dfacrotlon,but wlthout obllqfdon to do
<br /> �o,�nd without noUc�to a d�mand upo�Tiu�tor�nd withAUt rriwinp Tru�lor Irom�ny 4bIIp�Uon,do inr�al wfHCh Trwbr hu
<br /> �pr«d but 1�I1�to do�nd m�y�I�o da�ny oth�r�ct If dNm�o�c�u�ry lo proteot Iho sacuriy h�nol.Trwto►�hall,lmm�dl�t�ly
<br /> upon dem�nd th�nlor by L�nd�►,p�y W Lender�11 coeb�nd�xpen�ss fncurrod and oum�e�pond�d by L�ndor In conn�auan with
<br /> th��NACIp by L�nder ol th�forepolnp rlqhle,top�ther wlih Int�retl thereon at Iha deleull rele piovld�d In th�Not�,wh�ch�il bn
<br /> �- �dd�d to 1h�Ind�bt�dnas NcurW 1�onDy. L�ndar fhall not Incur any Iiabtllry becauw o1�nythinp It may do�► an+1 W do
<br /> °-- , -,-.q M►�under. --
<br /> 9. HuaMous M�t��h.Truatur ehell keap the Property In compllanee wlth all appliceble laws,ordlnanc��and ngulaUone
<br /> ,,..� relatlnp to induttrfat hy�lene cr environmental protection(collectively relerred lo herein es"Environmantal I.�ws')•Tru�tor�hall
<br /> keep the?roperty Iree irom a11 subotanaae deemed to be hazordoua or toxia u�der eny Environmentot Luw�icollocUvely nt�rc�d W
<br /> - - '`�:� herein as"Heiardous Meterlols").Truelor hareby werrenb and represenb to l.ende�Ihet 1he►e a►e no Hoiudous M�t�tl�l�on ar
<br /> � under the Properly.Truetor hereby a�roea to Indemnify and ho!d hermtess Lendar,ils dkectora,oHicera,employees and epanW,and
<br /> .-- eny euccessors to Lender's fntereet,iram end epeinat any and all claims,damagaa,lorses and Aabflfllee erisinp in connecUon wlth
<br /> - the presence,use,diapoeal�r trenaparR of any Hazardoua Materiels on,under,lrom or about tho Property.THE FOREOOIN(i
<br /> — � 10. Asslynm�nf•ol Renh.7ruetar here6y aeafgns to Lender the renta,Issuea and prollta ot�he Property:provfCed thot Trustor !
<br /> ---- ahall,undl the ocaurrenae al an Event ol Delault herQUnder.have the ripht to oollect and relain suoh rents,Issuea and prulits es they _,
<br /> �� -w• become due and payeble.Upon the accurre�ce of an Event of Qeteult,Lender may,either In person or by apent,with or withoul _
<br /> �" '����� . bringlnp any acUan or proaeading,or by e recelver appolnted by e court and wlihout repard to Ihe adequeny ot ita aecurity,enter __
<br /> __� upon a�d take paoaeealon ol the Property,or any pe r t t hereo},I n i t s o w n n ame ot fn Ihe neme of tha Tnistae,end do any aets which it
<br /> ��-��*�v deema necoasar�ar deelrebla lo preserve the value,merketabllity or rentablllty of the Property,orany pert lhereof or Intereat therein, _
<br /> _,�`,�.��a~' increase the income therairom or proteat the aecurity horeof and,wfih or�vllhout tekinp possaselon of the PropaAy,eue for or _
<br /> m�� othervvise collect 1he renta,isauea end protite Ihereot,IncluJing those past due and unpaid,and apply the eame,less cwta and
<br /> y��"'�'°��F� expensea o1 operaUCn and collealbn Inaluding eltorneys'feea,upon any indebtadneea secured hereby,all in such orderes Lender
<br /> '�'�."'�i'� may determfne.The entering upon end:eking poeansaion ot the Proparty,the aollecllon ot such ren18,Isauea and profits end the
<br /> �,;,;�� . appl�cadon thereot�aa alaresafd,ehall not cure or waive any delault or notloe o1 delaull hereunder or Invelldete any act done In
<br /> response to suoh defauN or pureuent 1a s�rch natice of defaufl and,notwithatanding the continuance in poaseasion olthe Property or
<br /> � � 4' �g�Ilection,raceipt end appliaatlon oi rente,isauea o�protits,and Truatee and Lender ahall be enqtled to exercise every right
<br /> ��±',;�"��' provlded tor fn any ot the Loan Inetrumente or by law upon occurrence ot any tvent oi Deiauli,inciuding without Itmitat3an ihs rt�ht
<br /> `�r Gs�"°�; to ex3rcise the paw�r ot sale.Fu�ther,Lender's rights and�emediea under thia paregraph shall be cumulative with,and in no way a
<br /> —��`�`� Nmllalion on,lender'8 righta and remedies under any asalgnment of leasea and rente recorded apainet Ihe Prope►ty-lander,Truatoe _
<br /> �' and•the recelver shell be liable to aacount only lor thoae rents actually reaeived. '
<br /> 4`t�} � • 11, Ev�nl�ol pM1�ufl�The fallowing ehal!c�netltute an Event ot Delault under lhis Oeed of Truet _
<br /> .Y�v;..�yi
<br /> . ,��,.: (p)�Fallu�e to pay any Inetellment ot princlpal or interest of any olher aum secured hereby when due;
<br /> �.±•,; (b) A breaah ot or delault under any provlaion contelned In the Note,this Deed ol Truat,any ol tho loan Insvume�s,or any
<br /> .1 �; .h� other Uen or enaumbranae upon Ihe Property; _
<br /> °'��«�' , ' (a) A wrft oi exeoution or attechment or any simflar process shall be emered agelnst Trustor whlch ahall become a lien a►
<br /> � the Pr4perty or any portlon Ihereof or fntereat thereln;
<br /> '�'� . (d) There shall be Illed by or agalnst T�ustor ar porrower an aalfan under any present or iuture federa6 stale or other
<br /> . •,• ` �, �
<br /> ��a.," C� }��•",.� statule,lew or regulation relaling to benkruptcy.insolvency Or other rellAl lor debtore;or ihere ehell be appointarl any trustee. i
<br /> _^_ -.• -
<br /> z�.`�� �w ;'.s?. recelver or iiquidetar ol Truetor or Borrower vr ot all or any part ot 1he Properly,o�the renle,lssues or prollta thereol,or Trustor
<br /> �.��. �_�. or Barrower ahall make any general assignment lor the benetit of credltars;
<br /> `��"�°;� (e) The sale,trensfer,lease,assfgnment,conveyan�e or furtAer enoumbrance of atl or any part of or eny intarest In the t
<br /> ,,;j�c,��?��'�� Property,eNher voluntaril ar involuntaril , wNhout the express Nrillen aonsent o1 Lender: provided ihat Trustor ahetl be
<br /> .�����=,y� ' permtried ta ezeaute a leasye of the Properry that doos nat contain an opUOn to purchase and lhe rorm of which doesantexceed ��
<br /> y��.._ . �., one year,
<br /> ��� `�� ��� (q Abandanment al the Proparty:or -
<br /> :!�,. ,. (p) II Truetar fs notan indivldua�.lhe lasuence,sale,trensler,as8iymneM,Conveyance or enCUmbrance of morethan a total =
<br /> ::_�_;;;. : .
<br /> °�'�.; ''°'•�' at perce��t oi(if a corporatlon)ita issued and oalalanding stock or pf a partnership)a totel ol— -parcentoi
<br /> �_�„'�.v..� .
<br /> =',r�._: f;,-, �,. :_ partner8hfp Int6restS during the perlod th18 Deed of Truat remains a Nen on the Property.
<br /> -`-_;,.,;,'._,� � 12. Rwn�dlq;Acadl�ntlon Upan Od�ull.ln the event ot any Event of Oefault Lender mey,wlthout notfce excapt as requlred by _
<br /> y"�� � '�t�' lew,declare all Indebtedness seaured hereby to be due and payabte and the same shall thereupon become duQ and payabla
<br /> �u� ,'� '� `��' withoubany presentment,demand,protest or noNCe ot any klnd.ThereaN9r Lender may.
<br /> �� � ° ����' (a) Demand thet Truatee exerc�se the POWEH OF SALE granted herefn,and Truslee shall therea(ter Ceuse Trustor's =
<br /> :.� � Interetl in the Property to be sald and the proceeds to be dfstn0uted,e1l�n the manner p�ovided In the�Jebracko Trust Deeds
<br /> ACC .
<br /> ' ° �� ;:;; (b) @xerofse any and a!I rfyhts prowded for�n any of the Loan Instruments or by�aw upon occurrenCO of any Event of
<br /> Qefiluit;and �
<br /> � (a) Commenae an aatlon to lorectose this Oeed ot Trust as a mc�it,ryaye,appoint a recener,or specdically enforCO any ot the _
<br /> - Covenants hereof.
<br /> (Vu temedy herefn Conferred upon or reserved to Trustee or lender�t intendecl to be exclusive ot any other remedy hereln,fn the
<br /> Loen In6trumenla ar by Igw provided or perrn�ned.but eacn shau ba cum:,iahve.shali be���tldition tc every othe►remedy giV9n
<br /> hereunder.�n the loen Instrumenta or now or hereafter exislm�at lew or�n eqwty ot by slatute.and may be exe�Citfld COnCU►rently, _
<br /> , Indipentl�nl�'or success�vely.
<br /> • 13.T�vt+tM.The Trustee may res�gn at any t�me without cause. and LPnder may at any t�mo and wilhout ceu�appu�nt a
<br /> n suCCesso►Or SutlStitute Trustee.Trustee�hall not be I�able to any part�,i�cluding w�thout lim�taUOn Lender,[iorrowar,�rustor or any
<br /> ` purChaser ot the Prpperty.fa►any Ioss or domege unless due to�ecNbBSS or w�ufui misconduct.and ehall not be�equued to take any i
<br /> '•�'�!._:;�,'•,� . aCtion In ConnoCtlOn wAh the enforCement o�th�s Oeed o� Trust un.'ess indemmlied,in wnUng,�0� a��Coet6. Compenaetlon ot
<br /> - _ ...._.Y�....,.....,...e s.....�w�...a�A.,�aam nl tho Pronartv I�udic�el or
<br />�-- _ -- -- .� ._ _��..
<br /> expenses wmon may oe assoc�ainv i��nro..�.��.���a.,�.:.c,,. ,,..�.w..,.,.•-•••�...�.•�•�'-'___ ' - • -- - . . _
<br /> � ���� , under the powdr of sa1N gronted here�n►.poetpone the sale of aP or any porhon o�tha PrOf7�rty,as p�ovidod bY�aw.or sQll Ihe
<br /> � . Property 89 a wnott�.o��n separnte percels or lats at Tr�stee's d�sCret�on
<br /> � ' 14. FNi snd HxpNlps.In the evenl Trustee sells the P►operry by eaercise of pOwer of s�le.Trustee 9hall ba entdled to apply
<br /> � . any aale proceeds flrst to�ayment ot a11 costa and axpenses ot eaorcismg power o�saie,meludmg an Truatea's Ic�a,�nd lender's
<br />- - and Trustee's attomeyk tnes.en►ue�ry�ncurred to extenc�erm�n�cl Dr apo6Cabltr law In the rvent 8orrower or Tru9tor e�erciaos a�y
<br /> _ � right provfdad by law to cure an Hvent ol 0efeult Lender snali be on•t!ed to rticcrre� �rom TrusWr alt Coats�nd erpen�e9 ecluelly
<br /> - inCUr►ed es a result of 7lvstdr's defeuH.�nClud�ng without hmdeedn al�Truslwis and attorney'8 fQes,to Ihe extent perm�tted by
<br /> - ;; gpplfceble law.
<br /> •• 15. Futun Adrana�s.Upon request of Borrower.Lender rr.ay, at its option, make addinonul and future adv�nCes a�d re-
<br /> - advences to Borrower.Suoh.ldvenCes and readvances.wdh�nterest Ihareon.shall be secur�d by th�s De�xl ol Trust.At no Ume shall
<br /> � the pnnCipal emount of the�ndebtddness seCUred by thls Deed of Tru�st,not�nClud�ng sums advAnced to prolect the secunry of this
<br /> �' .
<br /> Di�d of Trust exCeed the orlqinal pr�nc�pel emounl stated here�n.or 5--- —.wn�cnever�s greater
<br /> f .
<br />