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<br />Car. Lo/ /, frickxon Sub.
<br />l hereby cerKfy Thal vn June 30, 2009, ! comple/ed an accurate survey o/
<br />''PIIKINCTON SUBDIVISION; Noll Counly, Nebraska, os shown on the accompanying
<br />pia! ihereoh, Thal the lots, blocks, slree/s, avenues, alleys, parks, commons and
<br />other grounds as contained in sold subdlvlslon as shown on the accampanying p/ai
<br />Ihereo/ ore welt and occurolaly slaked o/1 and marked,• Thal Iron markers were
<br />placed a/ all lo! corners; Thal the dlmenslons of each loi are as shown on the
<br />plat; Thai each !al bears 1/s vwn number, and Thal sold survey was made wllh
<br />re%renca to known and recorded monuments.
<br />~gRA3.Y
<br />~ ~afla~b'
<br />~~ 1
<br />' `s~d7e Daryl D. orgA reg. Lan ur vyar No. 5~8
<br />~r7 ~°'~
<br />a• song
<br />Approvals
<br />Submll/ed fo and approved by the Reg/anal Plannlnq Cammisslon o/ Mall Couniy,
<br />Crond !eland, Waod R/ver and iho V!lloges a/ Alda, Cara and Donlphan, Nebraska:
<br />~_
<br />~~G t~~~
<br />a rm~"~"" ~aTe'~
<br />Approve and accepted by the Hall Counly 8oord of Supervisors, this-./.~.doy
<br />o/ LLLr~',.,~, 2009,
<br />C a rma ` he 8opr
<br />(Se ~
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<br />Le lg Die c_rl tg !on
<br />A Iracl v/ fond camprls/ng o par/ o/ /he Nar/h Nalf o/ the Norlhwesl Quarter
<br />(N1/2NW1/4) In Section Thirty (30), Tawnsh/p rweroe (rz) Narrn, Range Tan (lo)
<br />West o/ /he 6ih. P.M., in Hal! County, Nebraska, mare parllcularly described os
<br />loliows:
<br />Beg/nning al the soulhwesl corner of sold North Hall o/ the Norlhwesl Duartar
<br />(NI/1NW1/4),• Ihence running norlhedy on iha was/ Nna of sa/d North Hall a/ the
<br />Norlhwesl quarler (NI/2NW1/4), an an Assumed 9voring of N00'Ol'25"E, a
<br />dlslance of Four Hundred Forty N/ne and 51x1y One Nundred/hs (449.61) /eel, to
<br />/he nor/hwesl corner o/ Erickson Subd/v/slon and the ACTUAL poln/ o/ beglnn/ng;
<br />!hence running N89'0l 52"E, on /he north l/ne o/ Erickson 5ubdlvfslon and fls
<br />exlenslon, a dlslance vl Flve Hundred Two and Nlnely Flve Mundredlhs (502.95)
<br />!eel; Ihence running N00'75'T6"E, o dlslance o/ Four Hundred (400.00) feel; Ihence
<br />running S89'Ol'S0"W, a dlslance o/ F/ve Hundred Three (503.00) /eel, to a polnl
<br />on the west line of sold North Hall al Iho Norlhwesl Quarter (N7/1NWi/4); /hence
<br />running 500'25'OI "W on the west Ilne o/ said North Half o/ the Norlhwesl 4uorler
<br />(Nl/2NWl/4), o dlslance of Throe Hundred Nlnoly Nlne and Nlnely Nlne Nundredlhs
<br />(399.99) teal, to the ACTUAL palm of beglnning and conlalning 4.617 acres mare
<br />or less a/ which 0.367 acres more or less !s presently occup/ed by public road
<br />r/ghi of way. Nei 4.150 acres more or less.
<br />pBdlc~tion
<br />P4K/NCTON, husband and wile, be/ng lha owners of the /and dascrlbed hereon,
<br />have caused same la be surveyed, subdlvlded, pla/led and deslgnaled as
<br />PILKINCTON SUBOIV/510N; Hall Ccunly, Nebraska, as shown an the accompanying
<br />plat thereol, and dv hereby dedlcale the road rlghl o/ way as shown (hereon fo
<br />the public far ihelr use /orevar and the easements, I/ any, as shown (hereon /or
<br />the locallon, cons/ruclion and ma/nlenance of public service uNllRas forever,
<br />logelher w/Ih the right v/ ingress and egress iherelo, and hereby proh/bR/ng the
<br />pianling of frees, bushes and shrubs, or placing other vbslrucllons upon, ova
<br />along or undernea/h the surlace o/ such easemen/s; and Thai the /oregoing
<br />subdlvlslon as more parllcu/arty dascrlbed In the description hereon as appears an
<br />lhls plat !s mode wish the free consent and In accordance w/ih the desires of the
<br />undersigned owners and proprlalors.
<br />1N WiTNESS WHEREOF; we hove a//lxed vur slgnalures hereto al Grand Island,
<br />Nebraska, !hls~day a( ~~1 ~, 2009,
<br />o ng `~anaea1~~
<br />Ir ~
<br />Acknowledgement
<br />Stale 0I Nebraskans
<br />Counly 0/ Hall
<br />Dn the.~Z$ "! day oI~_(~^ 2009, be/ore me~c I ~ ra.'
<br />a No/ary PubNc w/Ih/n and /or sold County, personally appeared CLIFFOR R.
<br />PILKINCTON and RANAE A. pILKINGTON, husband and w1/a, to me personally known
<br />to be Iho Identical persons whose slgnalures are o/l/xed hereto, and Thal each did
<br />acknowledge the execullon Ihereo/ la be his or her voluntary act and deed.
<br />iN WITNESS WNEREOI; i hove hereunly subscribed my name and a//lxed my
<br />olliclal seat al Grand Island Nebraska, on the dale /asl above wrlllen.
<br />My commission explres_~ii~LUO_~l3~.
<br />~N01Neeonaixrnu
<br />~~ c,,~~,~~~ ~ ~iu.re.rasau
<br />o7V fury Pu`
<br />j1 ,
<br />5he•i No. 10/ I
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