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200907757 <br />r <br />POW R F ATTORN>~X <br />CiliMortgage. 6tc., by reasrnt sal' mage7 with CitiFutastsial Mortgage Contp;uty, Inc, ("CitiMongagr. <br />hte:'), n a~rporatitxt orgasizcd surd uxistutg pursusuu to the laws of the Slate of New York, vtd CitiFinvtcial, Iuc„ a <br />crorpnratirnt nrganirM surd existutg pursuatn Io the laws of the State of Maryland, d~+irc and intutd to wytahlish a <br />Powtx of Atmtney operative wtdu' the Nulxaska Shcwt Fonn Act, do herc~hy appoint, ccrostitute, surd <Itwigatate Eric <br />H. Lindquist of the lino of Brie H. Lintiyuist P.C. L.L.O., who+e ollicc is iu Outalut, Nebraska, AGENT, the lawful <br />smd true agutt surd attorney-in•Ihd for CitiMorigage, lne. and CiuFutvtcial, Inc. <br />CiliMnrtgage, fuc. rout CitiFittsutcial, htc, do htrehy further provide vtd stipulate iu counedion thartwith as titllows <br />1. This POWCr of Atlomey is a nondurable power of attorney. <br />2. By sis Power of AUorm~y, CitiMortgstge, Inc. surd CitiFinsuteial, loc. confix upon and grvtt to <br />AGi NT w the litllpwing six~'ilic powers: <br />a. Pursumtt to thn Ne9raska Trust Dtxxls Act, pawn to appoint suF»titute trusteuw by <br />exsx~uting Sutmtituliou pf Trustc~; dacunt~~tts on Ixhalf of CitiMortgage, htc. surd <br />CitiFi»ancial, htc. oft dtxxls of trust ulxm which CitiMortgagc, Inc. or CiliFinsutcial, Inc. <br />is the eturun hc~teticiary; and <br />h. Powt~r to cxsxute rnl ht~talF of CitiMOrtgage„ htc, and CitiFituvlcial, htc. de~xls <br />utnvcrying title titllowing I'oresaosure salts where CitiMorigager loc. or CiliFinsawial <br />have atxluireti title. <br />i, Tlts> Power of Atrorttcy rtyvukw~ and superctxits all prier executed instruntetts of like in-p(xt surd <br />rcnt:tins operative tuttil rtwokai, except this Powt~r of Attvrnvy sl-al! rc~tnaut etTta:tivc fur only <br />thrtx: yuvr tram the date on which it is exex:uted. <br />CitiMortgage, Inc. <br />J~ <br />Julie V ela <br />STATE OF TEXAS ) <br />a~. <br />COUNTY OF DALLAS ) <br />The foregoing instruntutt was ackuowlttilged heti~re roc nn ~,nuGiv~ , 2007 by Julie Varcla, <br />Vice Prc~idesu, ofCiliMnrtgage, Inc. <br />Notary Public <br />~.~••~, NITAM, PareL <br />Mntery Public <br />Stmttr of Texss <br />p~''~o. •'r Comm. @xplres 04.19.2n07 CitiFittsutcial, h ' <br />Frsutkic Wsu <br />STATE OF TEXAS ) <br />ss. <br />COUNTI' OF DALLAS ) <br />The li~r~going utstruntutl was acknowledgutl beliuu ute on ~1 i7LlAvy_ ~ , 2lM)7 by Frastkic Ward, <br />Assistswt Vicc Prwiduu, nl'CitiFiuancial, Inc. <br />Notary Pu lie <br />