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~~'7i (~Q,~~~~' <br />204947624 <br />Unless otltcrwise agreed in writing,., all insurance proceeds shall be applied to the restoration or repair of the Property or to <br />the Secured Debt, whether or not: Chen due, ac 13enel'iciary's option. Arty appl.ica.tiolt nl' proceeds to principal shall not <br />uxlenct or postpone. the due dale. of f.he seltecluled payment nor eliauge the amount of arty paytneut. Auy excess will be paid <br />to the Gt:altt.or. (f the Property is acyu(rcd by l3cnef(ciary, T'rustor's.right to arty insurance policies and proceeds CCSUILLL1g <br />fron'I da.lna:ge to the .T'rolterty bul'ore; the acquisition. shall. pass tci Beuel'iciaty to tLte extent of the Secured Debt urtmediately <br />hufnre Lhe a.cquisiliou. <br />2Q. 1~SCROW h'OR TAXES AND IlVSURANCF_ Unless ochcrwise provided iu a separate agreemenC, Trustor will not he <br />t•cquircd to lrty to .13cueficiary Funds For faxes altd insura.uce iu escrow. <br />Z1. I'INANCTAi, REPORTS AND ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS. 'Trustor will provide to Beneficiary upon request, afty <br />financial stateuteut or infof:ntation 13eneflciary [tray deer[[ rea.souabty accessary. Trustor agrees to sign, deliver, a.nd 1•ile any <br />addit.ivnal. docutttc(tt:s or cerf.if(catious tlta.t. Beuefficiary ma.y consider necessary to perfecC, continue, and preserve Grantor's <br />obligations under fLtis Sccurily lustrunteut and 13enei'iciary'S lien. status ou the Property. <br />Z2..TOINT AND IIVllSVII)iIAL LIABILITY; CO-SIGNERS; SUCCF,SSORS AND ASSIGNS BOUND, All duties uuclcr <br />this Security instrument are .joint and II1dtVldnaL. ]f Tl:nstOr signs CLtis Security Iustrtunent but does trot sign au evidence of <br />debt, Trustor does so only to mortgage 'Trustor's interest iu the Property Co secure payt-tteut. of the Secured Debt and <br />"fruslor'dc>'eti aril ~:grce'fri lie'. ~~I:snn~tll~s'lidhlc:`,t~'i't.'911c 9ecti'rr;d ill' I.Iti;~'Sot•.urity (nstt'uitteut suct.tres a. gu~lrttufy bc;tweeu <br />R(:ncficiary and Trustor, 'Trustor a.grces to wa(vc rights tltaf. may prevent Beneficiary froth briugittg any act.iou or claim <br />against 'Trustor or ~tuy party indebted under the obligation. `these rights [tray include, but are not Limited to, any <br />anti-clcl'iciency or hue-action laws. Trustor agrees that Beneficiary and any party to this Security IustrumcuC may extend, <br />modify or [[take any change ltt the tet7tts ni' this Security Instrutneut ar any evidence of debt without Trustnr's consent. <br />Such a change will not. release 'L'rusfor front t.lte terftts of [iris Security instrutttettt. The duties aucl benefits of Chis Security <br />lnslruutent shall bind attd bene:l'if. the successors a.nd assigns of Trustor and Beneficiary. <br />23. APPLICABLE LAW; SEVERABILITY; INTERPRETATION. Tltis Sccur(ty Insctutt-tent is governed by fire laws of I.he <br />jurisclielion iu which Beucl'iciary is loca.lecl, except. Co the extent otherwise required by the laws of the jurisdiction where <br />the Property is located. TLtis Security IustrutttenC is contplefe and litlly integrated. This Security lnstrutttent may noL be <br />amended nl' modified by nra.l a.greentent, Alty secl.ictn itt Utis Security lusuumeut, au:acLuneuts, or any agrectneut related to <br />the Secured Doh[ tiro[ conllicts wish altplicabLe .law will not be elTective, unless that (aw expressly (tr unplicdl.y permits dte <br />variations by wriucn agrccntcut. If any section. of this Sccurily lttstrunteuC cannot be eltfnrced according to its LeC1115, that <br />SL-'(.'CIVIC WIII be severed and will not al'Fcct the; enforceability Ul' rite relllalnder Uf Cltl$ Security IntitrltttlenC. WheltC'VL'r used, <br />the si.lagula.r shall include the plural and thc~: plural the singular., The captiofts alld IleadlllgS of the SCCCLUnS of this Security <br />Instruutent arc for convcuicnce only a.ud ar(: not to be used to iuterprcC or define the terfns of this Security Iustrutuent. <br />'l'ime is of the essence in this Security Lnstrument. <br />24. SLJCCX:SSOII TRUSTEE. 13enoficiary, at Bcucl'iciary's opf.iou, tna.y from tune to tithe remove Trustee and appoint a <br />successor trustee without. any other fnrnta.lity that[ the designatintt in writing. The successor trustee, without conveyance of <br />the Property, shall succeed to all the title, power and duties conferred upon Trustee by this Securil Ittstrtuttent a.nd <br />applicable law. <br />2S. NOTICE. tluless othet:wise required by law, arty notice shall. be given by delivering it or by [[tailing it by first class mail <br />fn the a.pprl.tpriate party's address ou l of this Security Instruttaeut, or ro any other address designated in writing. <br />Nrtfice to one Iru.tiLor will bC` deettlcd to he unl'.icc.l:o all f.ruStors. <br />26. WAVERS. I.xcept to Ilse extent prohibited by la.w, Trustor waives all appraisemeut and Lt.ottlestead exempCiou rights <br />rela.ling to Lbe Property. <br />27. OTFIER TERMS. if checked, the following are applicable to this Security Iustrunxent: <br />^ Line of Credit. 'L'ho Secured 1.7ebt i-tcludcs a. revolving line of credit provision. Alt.ltough the Secured Debt [tray be <br />reduced to a rcro balance, Phis 5ecur.ity lusfruntent will remain Lu effect. until released. <br />G~ Construction Loatt. 'I'bis Security Iustrutuent secures au obligation incurred 1•or rite construction of au improvement <br />ou the Property. <br />CXl 1!'ixhtre I+iling. Trustor gra.nrs to >3cueficiary a security interest i-t all goods that Gra.utor owfts now or in Clte future <br />and that at°e ot- will become .fixt.ures. related to rite Property. '7'ltis Security Iustrutnent suffices as a fiuattcing <br />statcntent al.ul any carbon, phologt:apltic or other reprodu.ctiou stay be ri(cd of record for purposes of Article 9 of CLte <br />UnLlnrttl (.~l)lltlnel'CIa.I C,nde. <br />^ Riders. The cnvenaius and tlgreet tcia.l.s a~ ci{cLt of the 'riders 'checked below incorporated into and supplenteut a.nd <br />amend the teruts of this Security lustt'untcut. LC;heck all applicable boxes] <br />^ Ccntdotttiuiunt Rider ^ F'la.nned lJnil I~eVelnpn1elt(. lZldeC ^ Odtcr .................................................. <br />^ Addil:iattal Terms. <br />SIGNATi1R.1r:S: Ry si.gnil:tg helc~w, '.I'rusloc,a:brecs to Ltte. fernts ~lpd covenants contained itt .Cltis Security lustrutnent a.nd iu any <br />auachtttents. `L'rustnr also ackf:uiwledgcs Icc~ipl. of a. copy of ibis Security instrument. on ia>e date stated oft page 1. <br />(tii~u.ut c) JA 5 I'. SACK (D.ue) rk,tlanl SANpY J. SACK (17ate) <br />A CICN O WLEDGMI;NT: <br />s"rATr-; Ol~ N.EQRASKA ...................................... COUNTY OP S.fN!Abp............................................} ss. <br />~~"`,~"~'`~~'~~ 'I'bis iusf.runzent was a.cknowlcdged hcl'orc me this ........11TH....... day nf ................SEP?.EMBE8,2Q08................ <br />by JAM.F.S.P,..SACK;S.AN(?YJ..SA.QK.A.S11USpANA:&.YYIF.E .................................................................................. . <br />My cuntmissiou c:xpiics: 10-07-2011 <br />6El~Ei1NL lYQ?AftY • 8tste of Nepraska ... `^'' ~"'. ~°' ~~xt~f~ .............................. . <br />WAYN~LpRUN8 .. (Notruyt~rrhu~) <br />WAYNEL.BRUNS <br />1= /.-u=r c~~i~oa t;a~, o ~~~ ~ QC~r~r~~r-N ir3orzooz (page ~ of 41 <br />