<br />200907624
<br />13. rill future advances front ]:ieneficiary to Trustor nr other future obligations of 'Trustor to Benefici.a.ry under arty
<br />pl:omissory ante, cuntra.ct, guaranty, ur ot.h.er evidence of debt executed by Trustor in favor of 13eueficiary after [Cris
<br />Security LnstrutiieuC whether UI: nnC this Security lnslrutnettt :is specifically rei'erenecd. II' snore Uiau one person signs
<br />this Security Instrument; each. rTrusfcit a.grces laaa.t tLtis Security Iustru.menC will. secure all future advances and lufurc
<br />abliga.tinus LbAC a.re given to or incurred. by any otte or snore Trustor, ur any. olae or tuore Trustor and others. All
<br />future advances and other future obligations a.re secured by tlais Security Iustrutttetlt even thaugLt all. ur part utay nor,
<br />yet be advanced., till. future advances and other future ohligacious are secured a.s if ittade on the date of this Security
<br />lustrulueu.f. Nutltiug in ibis Security Instrument sbal.L constituCe a cntaintittneut tU make additional or future locus or
<br />advances in an.y a.latnunt. Any such conuttitnacnt ntusC be agreed to Lu a separate writing.
<br />C. All obligations 'Trustor. owes to Beneficiary, which .may later arise, to the extent not prohibited by law, including,
<br />but not. Whited to, liabilities for OVCrdCaf[S relating to auy deposit a.ccou.ut agreettteuf. between ,Trustor and
<br />BL'nL'fLCIa.Cy.
<br />D. All additioua.l sums advanced and expenses incurred by Beneficiary for insuritt.g, preserving or otherwise protecting
<br />rho Properly and its value anal any outer sums advanced a.nd expenses incurred by Beneficiary under tlae tertus of f.his
<br />Security Instruntenl.
<br />'I.'llis. Securityy Instl:u.lncnt: will flirt sc(:ua'r t'ity. u7ther~drht. ,l'.Ile:nc•Fidiva-y..a'ztils-Lii...giv~.-::any requir(:d notice. of !lte right of
<br />I'eSCIStiIUII.
<br />S. PAYMENTS. 'l't•ustor agrees that all payments under Lhe 5ccu.red Debt will be paid whet[ due and itt a.ccat:dance with the
<br />terms of the: Secured Debi and [his Security lnsl.rulnelat.
<br />C,. bVARRANTY OIL' 'I'I'['LL'. 'Trustor warrants that Trustor is or will he lawfully seized of the estate conveyed by this
<br />Security lnstruntent a.ud bas the: right co irrevocably gra.ut, convey, and sell. rite Property to Trustee, iu [.rust, with power of
<br />sale:. 'Trustor also wet rants that the Property is uucttcumhcred, except foe encumbrances of record.
<br />7. PRIOR SECURITY INTERESTS. Wi.tlt regat'd to auy other taanrfgage, deed of trust, security a.greentenC or other lice
<br />document: l.ba.r. crcaLccl ~t prior s[;curity interest or encumbrance on the Property, Trustor. agrees:
<br />A. To tna.ke all pa.yttteuls when clue and to perform or coataply wiClt a.ll covenants.
<br />13. `I'o promptly deliver l.o Betael'iciary a.uy notices that Trustor receives froth the holder.
<br />C. Not. I:o allow auy modification ur extension. ct:f, nor to request ally future advances under auy cote or agrecnteuC
<br />secured by the lien document without Beneficiary's prior written consent,
<br />S. CLAIMS AGAINST TITLE. 'Tl:ustur will pay' all taxes, assessments, I.Lens, cncutnbrances, lease pa.ymeuts, ground rents,
<br />utilities, a.ud other cltxrges t:clating to the Property when due, Beneficiary ntay require 'Trustor to provWe to Beneficiary
<br />copies of all notices lha.t such aluouuts are due and the receipts evidencing Trustor's payment. Trustor will. deTcnd title to
<br />the Property against any claims that would intpail: the licit of Chis Security Instrument. Trustor agrees to assigla [o
<br />13<:nt:l~iciary, .IS requested by Beneficiary, any rights, clailits or defenses Trustor may have agailast. parties who supply labor
<br />or ntatcrials to tnaiutaila or iutprnvc rite Property.
<br />9. llC1E ON SALE OIZ ENCUMl3RANC'E. Bcueficia.ry n.tay, at its option, declare the entire balance of the Secured Debt. to
<br />be immediately due and payable upon the creation of, ar contt:act for the creation of, arty Nett, eucutatbra.ttcc, transfer or
<br />sale of the Property. 'this right is subject to rho restl:ictions unposed by federal la.w (12 C,T'.R. 591), as applicable. This
<br />covcuaut shall run wish lice Property a.lad shall Celtla.lll in effect until the Secured Debt is paid in full and this Security
<br />lnsl:runteut is released.
<br />X0. I'ROI'ER~'Y CONTIITION, ALTERATIONS AND INSPECTION. 'Trustor will keep the Property in good Cotadi[t(tla
<br />and make .all repairs that a.re reasonably uecessa.ry. 'Trustor shall trot couunil. or allow auy waste, hupairtne:ut, or
<br />delcrioratiun of Lhe Properly. 'Trustor will keep lLtc Proltcrty free of noxious weeds a.nd grasses. `frustor agrees that Che
<br />nature of the occulruacy altd use will not. substantially change witlaouC Beueficia.t'y's prior written consent. Trustor will uoc
<br />permit any change in any license, restrictive covcnanC or casement without Beneficiary's prior written consent. Trustor will
<br />notify Beneficiary of all dcnta.ncls, proceedings, cla.itns, a.ltd actions against Trustor, and of a.uy loss or da.ma.ge co the
<br />Property.
<br />Beneficiary ol: Beneficiary's agents n.tay, ar. Beneficiary's option., enter the Property at au.y reasonable time for the purpose
<br />of inspecting the Property. Bcnel'icia.ry shall give '.Trustor notice at the Cinte oI• or before art lnspCCLlott specifying a
<br />reasonable: purpose for Clte inspection. Any inspection ul' the Iroperty shall be entirely for Beueficia.ry's benefit and
<br />'Trustor will. its no wa.y rely un 13cuel'iciary's inspccci.on.
<br />II. ALl1'IIOItITY TO PI;RTORM. if '.L'rust.or I•ails to petl'oratt a.uy duty or arty of the covenants contained iu this Security
<br />instrument, Beneficial:y nta.y, without notice, perfortu or, cause Chettl to be performed. Trustor a.ppoiuts Beneficiary as
<br />attorney iu fact to sign "Trusutr's name or pay atiy a.nuaunt necessary for perfortnauce. Bcneficia.ry's rigLat. to perl'ortat for
<br />Trustor shall uol create an obligation to perft7rnt, and Beneficiary's failure to perform will not preclude Beneficiary from
<br />exercising auy nF Beneficiary's ttthcr rights Mader the la.w or this Security Instrument. If a.uy coust.ruct.iott ott the Property
<br />is discontinued or not carried nil Ill a I"CaSUna,I)Ie nta.lanel:, Benel'ieia.ry may take a.ll steps accessary t.o protect Beueficia.t:y's
<br />security interest in ebe Property, L114L11(Illtg Colttl]lett011 OI' Lhe CUnSCI"UCLIUn.
<br />I2. ASSIGNMENT OT LEA.SI~:S AND RENTS. Trustor irrevoca.bl.y assigtas, grants and conveys, to Trustee, in trust for rite
<br />benel'il. of Leneficiary as additional security all the tight, tiCl.e and interest iu the fallowing (all referred to as I'ropercy):
<br />existing or future leases, subleases, licenses, guaxa.nt.ics and any ocher written or verbal a.gteertteuts fnt the use and
<br />uccupa.ucy of the Property, including any extensions, renewals, utodifica.t.ious or replacements (all referred Co as Leases);
<br />:Intl rents, issues and pto[itti (alt telcrred to as Rc.u[s). In the event auy tlcttt Listed as Lc~tscs or Rentz is detennined to be
<br />pcil uua pariperry, this "i~stii~nl~neul •will ~il.tiii be ~i•eg~irele~' x5 ~i sc~urity ~greciiictiC. 'I`rustitr will prcitttply ~irovidc
<br />Bent:l'iciary with copies of the Lcascs al1d WIII cerlil'y these Leases are true and correct copies. 'The eXLSCIng LL-'a.SCS WIII be
<br />provided on execution of Il.tc Assignntenl, and all future L.,cases atad any other infonttatiott with respecC to I:hese Leases will
<br />ht: provided innnedia.tety alter they arc executed. Trustor utay collect, receive, enjoy a.nd use the Rcuts so long as Tt-uslor
<br />is nut in default.
<br />Upon default, Trustor will receive a.ny Rents in [.rust I'or Beneficiary and will not cotatntinglc the Rents with any other
<br />funds. 'I"rustor agrees that ibis Security Instrutucnt is immediately cl'fective between Trustor and $eneficia.ry and effective
<br />as to third parties ou rice recording of this Assignnteut., As Lang a.s this Assignment is in effect, Trustor warrants and
<br />represents that no dca'ault exists under the Leases, clad late parties subject Co tlae Leases have not violated arty applicable la.w
<br />ou. Leases, licenses and landlords a.ltd tenalits.
<br />f3. LEASEI~Oi,DS; CONDOMINIUMS; PLANNED UNIT DTVELOPMENTS. Trustor agrees co comply with the
<br />provisions of city lease if this Security Instrunteut. is on a leasehold. If the Property includes a unit iu a condotat.inium or a.
<br />planned unit dcvclopntent, 'Trustor will perfortta. all of "frusl:or's duties under the covenants, by-laws, nr regulations of the
<br />ccnuloutiuiunt or planned unit developtttent.
<br />f= rLLrr~'r~j^-1p rl 1994 Rankers Systems, Inc., 5t, Cloud, MN Fnnn RE-UT-NE 113D(2002
<br />Ip 41
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