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2ooso7oo2 <br />POWER F ATT RNEY <br />CitiMortgage. Inc., by reason of ute~rge~r with CitiFntatteial Mortgage COntpsmy, Inc. ("CitiMorlgaBe, <br />[na"), a tx~rporati0n organized anti e~xisthtg ptusuvtt to the laws ot'the Slate of New York, surd CitiFinsuteial, Inc., a <br />wrporatitnt orgvtixai surd existing pursuvu to tl-o laws of the State of Maryland, dire and intutd In u~tahli,h a <br />Powt.K of Altomey operative wtdtr the Netxaska Short Fontt Act, do herdty appoint, constitute, surd d~iptate Eric <br />H. Lindquist of the line of Eric H. Lindquist P.C. L.L.O., whose ollice is in Omaha, Nebraska, AOENT, the lawful <br />surd true aguu surd att0mey-in-t;td For CitiMOrt&tge, hte. anti CitiFotattcial, Inc. <br />CiliMortgage, Inc, suui CitiFittattcial, Inc. d0 here9ty further pr0vidr surd stipulate in ctttmtx;tiun thertwith as follows <br />1. This Poway 0f Attorney is a n0ndurahle powtx of att0ntey. <br />2. By •lis Power of Attorney, CitiMartBstge, Inc:. mul CitiFinvte;ial, btc. confer upon :utd grvtt to <br />AGi NT exily the litllowing sPttilic powers: <br />a. Pttrsttant m the Ne~traska Trust Dtxxls Aeti, Power to appoint suhititute Ixustec5 by <br />extx~utittg Sutxtitutitnt of Trustex; dtx;umatts an hdtalf of CitiMortgage, Inc. and <br />CitiFinsutcial, Inc. nn dtxxls 01'trust upon which CitiM0rtg0get, lot:. or CiliFinsutcial, luc, <br />is the ctuTUu lxrteticisuy; and <br />h. Power to exe+cule rnt hs~talf of CitiMongage, htc. and CitiFutvtcial, htc. dexxls <br />tx~nveying title tbllowiug fortxansure saltw where CitiMOrtgage, Inc. or CitiFinsOtuial <br />have acquired title. <br />3. Tlu~ Power of Attorney rc~vakuti and supercudes all Prior exexuttxt iustruutettts of like imptxt surd <br />rtrtu-ins 0perative wail rcwoktxi, exct~tt this Power of Attorney shalt re~naut etltx:tive for only <br />three vutrti tram the date on which it is rxecutexl. <br />CiliMartgagr, Inc. <br />J~--~ <br />Julir V vla <br />STATE OF TEXAS ) <br />~. <br />COUNTY OF DALLAS ) <br />The fareg0ing utstrumcrtl war' ackunwleslgtxl hetbre me art, _y~,t~.Iday, 2111)7 by Julie Vstrela, <br />Vice Prrsidenu, ol'CitiMorlBage, Inc. <br />Na ary Public <br />~..*•~ Nl7AM. PATEL <br />Matary Pubttc <br />Stater of Texas <br />r~'.„ it Comm. Lxptr~s 06.19.2007 CitiFittmtcial, Is <br />Frsutkic Wsv <br />STATE OF TEXAS ) <br />ss. <br />COUNTti" DF DALLAS ) <br />The litrt~tning utstrunttatt was acknowletlgal hatitre Ore an QY , 21H17 by Frsutkie W;trd, <br />Assisuutt Viet: Prtaidettt, ofCiliFiuvtcial, Inc. <br />Notary Public <br />