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<br />HALL COUNTY ss.
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<br />
<br />Ruth Mendyk being first duly sworn on his/her oath, deposes and says that he/she is the
<br />Legals Clerk of The Grand Island Independent, a newspaper printed and published at Grand
<br />Island, in Hall County, Nebraska, and of general circulation in Hall County, Nebraska, and as such
<br />has charge of the records and files of The Grand Island Independent, and affiant knows of hislher
<br />J1wnpersonaLknowledge that said newspaper has a bona-fide eirettlatiun oimore-than-500 copies of
<br />each issue, has been published at Grand Island, Nebraska, for more than 52 weeks successively prior
<br />to the first publication of the annexed printed notice, and is a legal newspaper under the statutes of
<br />the State of Nebraska; that the annexed printed notice was published in said newspaper for
<br />~ weeks, the first publication being on Thursday _the 14th day of
<br />l.!!h'., 2005, and subsequent publications being on Thursday the
<br />21 st day of July Thursday
<br />28th day of July , Thursday
<br />4th day of August . Thursday
<br />11 th day of AU/iust
<br />day of
<br />day of
<br />
<br />My commission expires
<br />
<br />April 2
<br />
<br />, 2006
<br />
<br />liOTICE OF Trustee's Sale The fol.
<br />lowing described property will be sold
<br />at public auction to the highest bidder
<br />at the lowar lobby of the courthouse
<br />at the Hall County Courthouse, Grand
<br />Island, In Hall, County" Nebraska, on
<br />the 25th day of August 2005 at 10:00
<br />I a.m,: Lot eight (8). block seven (7). "n
<br />, George Loan's subdivision to Ihe City
<br />'01 . Grand Island, Hall County.
<br />Nebraska and all thaI part of the
<br />westel1y Ona hall of vacated Poplar
<br />Street, as vacated by the city m
<br />~ndl.nd, Nebruka and shown In
<br />ord/llllnCe no; 53BO. recordlld I~ book
<br />.24 page 499 In !he register <If Deeds
<br />offlce,'1<!alI COtlflty, Nebrllsk!l',. AH
<br />subj"l'lIO.I"ty and all: (1) real eSlats
<br />tax..... (2) all""ial assessments. (3)
<br />e'8Seml!lnts, covenants, restrictions,
<br />ordinances, and resolutklns 01 record
<br />which .lIfIect tha property, and (4)
<br />unpaid . waler bills, (5) prior mort-
<br />gages and trust deed ml'8COfd and
<br />(8) ground leases of record. The pur.
<br />chaSer Is responsible for. "lI'ees or
<br />_, TJ'll.ssaiels made W\lhOIlI.llny
<br />wSrlantllj$ as to \ItlI! or ~.. of
<br />the property. K&MFllenarM: ...:QM. I-
<br />HCF By: Garry McCubbin,. e,
<br />NSBAII22OB4 Kozeny & MeCUbbln,
<br />L:C, 12400 Olive Blvd, Suite 555 St.
<br />'Louie, MO 63141 Pho.ne 314.9g1.
<br />0255 . Fax 314-991-6755
<br />A,MNtt632 07114, 07/21, 07/26,
<br />~,08!1Lc.. .. I
<br />
<br />~IJ d ~
<br />(( w, !J~1f
<br />
<br />Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me this ~
<br />Day of AU/iust, 2005
<br />
<br />,~~,o(LV~
<br />
<br />Fees, $
<br />
<br />
<br />GENERAL NOTARY. State of Nebraska '
<br />My Comm. Exp. April 2, 2006
<br />
<br />,
<br />,
<br />
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