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<br />•- ndlca/es / Z" !ron Pippa Found Unless Olherw(ss Nefsd
<br />o-Indlcalos /Z" Iron Plpa w/Survey Cop Placed Unless Olherw/se Nofdd
<br />A-lndlcales ACTUAL Dlsfance
<br />R--lndlealos RECORDED Dlsfance
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<br />a~`~ .: I ~ 1 L..B.9a/ Desarl~
<br />r 3,W ~ `~ A tract of lend comprising a part of the South Hal/ o/ the Northeast Duarfer
<br />~ ~ ~ ~ (S1/ZNEI/4) in Section Twenty Three (?J), Township Twelve (1?) North, Range Nine
<br />*`~~ N I (9) Wesf of the 6th. P,M„ in Holt County, Nebrosko, more particularly described os
<br />5 follows;
<br />r"wu,A w~s~ \ e & ~W (8~inn~1/4),•t thence rlunnirrg northerly oaidh~oefasfHlinooo/tsaid Satuth Ndl~uo/tithe
<br />Sl 7N
<br />~~ Northeast Duarter (SI/ZNE1/4), an an Assumed Dearing o/ N00'01'08'E a distance
<br />of Six Hundred Thirty Four and Nine Hundredths (634.09) lest to the ACTUAL point
<br />~, ~ ~~ ~ ~ 9/~' ~ ®~ e ~ ~- ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ of beginning; thence running N88"24'l5 W a distance a/ Two Hundred Twenty and
<br />Seventy Six Hundredths (?20.76) feet; thence running 503'08'35"W, a disfpnco of
<br />f/g ~ ~ ~ B ~ ®~ ~~ Ninety Seven and Ninety Hundredths (97.90) /eet• thence running N89'40'ZS"W, o
<br />i ~ distance o/ Twa Hundred Eighty five and Fifteen Hundredths (285.15) leaf; thence
<br />s& Cor. 5~2NE1/q running 54!'4526'W, a dlstanco a/ One flundred Elyhty Seven and rlfty Thrao
<br />c'' r Ssc. 2J rI N - R9W~ Hundredths (18753f feet; thence running N75'S1 ;79'W, o distance of One Hundred
<br />}~~ r' r l~t t ~ found J/4 Po"pa
<br />l hereby certi/y that an June 30, ZOD9, 1 comp/eted an accurate survey of R gUANOT
<br />SUBDIVISION; HgII County, Nebrosko, as shown on the accompanying plat fherooh, that the
<br />lots, blocks, streets, avenues, alleys, parks, commons and other yrounds as contained in
<br />said subdivision as shown on the accompanying plpt thereof ore well and accurotely staked
<br />o// pnd marked,• that iron markers were placed at al! lot tamers; that the dimensions o/
<br />egch lot ore as shown an the plat; that egch lot bears its own number, and that spid
<br />survey was mode with reference to known and recorded monuments.
<br />~gflAsk
<br />~'.''1lYfq~e9
<br />$~ /) W~618 ~ ~ Daryl S en rei, Reg Land urveyo~'
<br />~~ -
<br />9kOR0~~4
<br />d-I~~~L,2
<br />Submitted to and approved by the Regional Planning Commission of Hall County, Crond
<br />Island, Wood River and the Villages of Alda, Cairo and Ooniphon, Nebrosko.
<br />~" • ~: C~G~ ~Cc~,~d7 2rJa ~
<br />Chairman ~ Dote
<br />App99~~ved on occepfed by the Hall County Board v/ Supervisors, this_,,[~day of
<br />...~GClrl~t~, 2009.
<br />c .4f, a"~~ e eor~ oun lo~`
<br />w
<br />... ,gyp
<br />proved and occepfed by fha Cify of Grand lalpnd, Nebrpska, fhis~doy of
<br />_ 7009. n
<br />/ `~
<br />~ pyor off-` r y er
<br />cFaxAnor
<br />(Sept) fss~~ ~d
<br />~ Mc ia.rn' ~
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<br /> _
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<br />ROCXW
<br />_ Ihvty Srx pnd Forty One Hundredths (!36.41) lest; thence running N3J'16'4J'f a
<br />distance of Two Hundred Fifty Two and Eighty Hundredths (252,8p) lash, thence
<br />running N06'7J"D7"W, d distance of Dne Hundrod Eighty Seven pnd Twenty One
<br />Hundredths (187.2/) leaf; thonco running S88'OJ'42"E, o distance vl Six Hundred
<br />Fifty and Eighty Nine Hundredths (650.89) lest, fo o point on the east line o/ said
<br />South Ha// of fha Northeast Quarter (Sl/2NE!/4); thence running 500'01'D8"W, on
<br />the east line of said South Half o/ the Northeast quarter (Sl/ZNf1/4), o distance
<br />of Dne Hundred Seventy Eight and Eighty Three Hundredths (178,BJ) lest, fo the
<br />ACTUAL paint o/ beginning and containing 4.184 acres more or less o/ which 0. l64
<br />acres more ar less is presently occupied by public road right of way. Naf 4.020
<br />acres more er less.
<br />D~~i~t/on
<br />owner of the land Joscribed hereen, has caused same to be surveyed, subdivided, plotted
<br />and designated as R DUANDT SUBOIVI51ON; HpII County, Nebraska, os shown on the
<br />accompanying plat therea/, and does hereby dedicate the road right of way os shown
<br />thereon to the public far their use /arever and the easements, if any, as shown thereon
<br />for the locafiaq construction and maintenance o/ public service uNlifies forever, fogelher
<br />with fha right of ingress and egress thereto, and hereby prohibiting the planting pl trees,
<br />bushes and shrubs, or placing other obstructions upon, over, along or underneath the
<br />sur/ace o/ such easements; and that the foregoing subdivision as more particularly
<br />described in the description hereon ps appears on this plat is made with the /ree consent
<br />and in accordance with the desires of fha undersigned owner and proprietor.
<br />WITNESS WHE EOF I have a//fixed my signature hereto of Crond !stand, Nebrosko, this
<br />- ~ day of off ., 2009.
<br />o/ua+t{r~.' lP A.
<br />rry an ersono epresen a na
<br />a5t ~e n Nabro ~ v~"ul~.~
<br />County O/ Nall
<br />On the 2~ dpy o/ ~rt~„" 20179, before me~~ _
<br />o Notary Public within pnd for spid County, personalty appeared JERRY gUAN~D , Perso~nol W
<br />Representative of the ESTATE OF RALPH C DUANDT, tv ma personalty known fo be the
<br />identical person whose signature is affixed hereto, and that he did acknowledge the
<br />execution thereof fo be his vglunfary pct and deed and the voluntary act pnd deed of said
<br />Estate.
<br />/N WITNESS WHERI.Of; l hove hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my officio! soul
<br />of Crond Island, Nebrpska, on a dote last above written,
<br />My commission expires, f 3rd,,.
<br />•' IVO[Oiy/ /e NNfNA NCU1ff.8AldNd~W+
<br />ou1Yl0. PaReeRlgp
<br />WmaL f~1.IJ.91~
<br />NEBRASKA ShaelNa. lO1l
<br />