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09/01/2009 TU13 14:34 8AR 402 471 4429 UCC SECR$TARY OF STATE -~-+~ Hdll <br />5191 Department of the Treasury -Internal Revenue Service <br />Form bb8 (Z) <br />,aa~. , D-2000) Certificate of Releaxe of Federal Tax Lien <br />Area: Serial Number For Use b Recording Office <br />SMALL BUSINE53/SEEP EMPLOYED AREA #4 NE s.~ e~ st•+. Jann R 6a1^ - ucC ce~r1 <br />Lien Unit Phone: (800) 913-6050 544612109 <br />I certify that the following-named taxpayer, under the requirements of section 6325 (a) <br />of the Internal Revenue Code has satisfied the taxes listed below and all statutory <br />additions. Therefore, the lien provided by Code section 6321 far these taxes and <br />additions has been released. The proper officer in the office where the notice of 9809608001-9 Pas ~ ~ <br />internal revenue tax lien was filed on May 20 WILLIS SHOE AND BOOT INC , A c <br />Filed: 09/01!2009 09:25 AM <br />2 0 O 9 <br />is authorized to note the books to show the release of this lien for <br />these taxes and additions. <br />Noma of Taxpayer <br />WILLIS SHOE AND BOOT INC, a Corporation <br />Residence379 N WALNUT ST 2 0 0 9 0'719 6 <br />GRAND ISLAND, NP 68801-4513 <br />COURT RECORDING INFORMATION: <br />Liber Page UCC No. Serial No. <br />n/a n/a 9909597].85--5 200903939 <br /> Tax Period Date of last D for Unpaid Balance <br />Kind of Tax landing Identifying Number Assessment Refi~ng of Assessment <br />a b c (d] (e) f <br />941 12/31/2008 47-0821358 04/06/2009 05/06/2019 5787.89 <br />******** *****~**** ************* w*****~t*** ************ **************** <br />Place of Filing <br />Register of Deeds <br />Hall POBOX 1692 Total $ 5787.89 <br />Grand Island, NE 68802-1692 <br />This notice was prepared and signed at CHICAGO, TL <br />the 19th day of August 2009 _ <br />Signature <br />X003/OOS <br />i <br />on this, <br />Title Director, Campus Compliance <br />Operations <br />••~~.-• ..~..........o ..• v•••~.m w~.u~uncvu uy yew w 17161{ AUFI1VWItlp9111Ef1LS IS 110E eSSerlilal W Ir16 Vallpliy pi 46riITICdIe pi 11818858 pT <br />Federal T®x lien Rev. Rul. 71-466, 1971 - 2 C.B. 409! Form d68 (Z) (Rev. 10-2000) <br />Part 1 - RE[ARDING OFFICE CAT. NO 600261 <br />