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~, <br />20090G90G <br />Exhibit "B" <br />Notification of Hazardous Substance Storage, Release, or Disposal <br />Tract ~2 . <br />Name of <br />Wazardnus Date of <br />'~ property Substance(s) Storage, Remedial Ac1ao~ <br />', Description Stared (S), Release, or <br />', Released tR), ar Disposal <br />pis need D <br />'The infarmatian contained in this notice is required under the autf~ority of regulations promulgated under <br />section 12D(h} of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Liability, and Campensatian Act <br />(CERCLA ar'Superfund') 42 U.S.C_ fl3520(h). This table provides information on the storage of <br />hazardous substances far one year or more in quantities greater than or equal to 1,DD0 kilograms ar fire <br />hazardous substance's CERCIA reportable quantity (which ever is greater). in addition it provides <br />information on the known release of hazarcious substances in quantities greater than or equal to the <br />substance's CERCLA r rtable uan ' .See 4D CSR Fart 373. <br />