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2009oooos <br />CORNER NE1/4 <br />TION 14~T11 N•R11W <br />Np 1r2" IRON PIPE IN <br />H. PAVF.MF.NT <br /> <br />.i <br />r O <br />i 4 <br />a <br />- ~ <br />I I <br />CORNER NE7;4 W <br />CTION 14•TI9N•R11W ~ <br />'UND 1;2' IRON RIPE IN ~ <br />U <br />PH. PAVEMENI ® <br />v • INDICATES I p" IRON PIPE FOUND <br />c • INbICATES PK NAIL WITW METAL DISK PLACEb IN <br />ASPH. PAVEMENT. (pISK IS STAMPEb "I- S 5571. <br />O -INDICATES 1; 2" IRON WITH PLASTIC CAP PLACED. <br />(CAP IS STAMPED L S 557). <br />~gRASr <br />_; l ~~ LS-557 <br />Lea b. Wagner, Registered Land urveyv No. 557 q ~ <br />. `FF~OSI~RV~~~ <br />~• WAGN <br />Rt. "RECORDED DISTANCk ANp/OR ANGLE ON SURVEY BY LEE D. WAGNER, <br />L, S. NO. 557, UAT'Eb AUGUST 22. 2001 (CAAP TRACT NO. 318( <br />R2.. RECORDED DISTANCE ANUrOR ANGLE ON Sl1RVEY 6V LEE D. WAGNER. <br />L. S. N0. 557. DATED AUGUST 2A. QD01 (CAAP TRACT NO, 31AI <br />A. ~ ACTUAL DISTANCE ANOrOR ANGLE <br />CORNER SEil4 <br />TON 14T 11 N-R11 W <br />JD'D J HOSTLER" ALUMIPIVM <br />IN ASPH. PAVEMENT <br />IENT <br />"REFS <br />14-T11 -R11W <br />LI~C~L. DESCRIPTION <br />A Iract of land comprising part of Iha Norihevs! quarfer (NET/4), p paN a/ Iha N^rihwasi Auer/ar (NWT/4), a paH of <br />the Souihwesl qua Her (SWf/4), and o paH of the 5aulheas} quarer (SEf/4) tr1 Sacflon Fvurieen (14), Tawnahlp Eleven (11) <br />Nvr1h, Range Eleven (11) Wasl of iha 6Th p. M., Hpll Caunfy, Nabraskd, and more paHlcularly descrlbed as f^llows: <br />8eglnning pl Iha northeast c^rner o! said Narlheosl qupHar (NE 1/4); }hence running westerly, along and upon iha north <br />line of said Nvrlheosi Ouarlbr (NET/4), a dlsiance of Two Thousand Slx Hundred FHfy Dne and Forty Eight Hundredths <br />(2,651.48) feat tv"the nvriheasl corner o1 sold Northwest tluarter (NW1/4); ihenaa de flecifn right 40'00'47" and <br />running weaferly, o dlslanca p/ Three Hundred S(xly Two and Seventy Flve Hundredths (~62.7S~fea1 }v the centerl(ne <br />of a eaunfy road, said polni also being Iha nvHhevst corner v1 o portal referred fa as TRACT NO. 31A" on a survey <br />dated August 28, 2001, by Lee b. Wegner, L 5. Nv. 557; thence daflaciing left 89'35'23" and running svufhsrfy, <br />along and upon sold cvun}y road cenierllne, which Is also the epgt Ilse o1 sold "TRACT N0. 3fA", and also being along <br />and upon iha east line ^1 ^ portal ra(erred 1a as "TRACT ND. 318" vn v survey doted Augus} 22, 2007, by Lee b. <br />Wagner, L. 5. No. 557, a disltrnca ^f Flve Thousond Twa Hundred Elgh}y Three and Slxiy Ana Handradihs (5,283.61) <br />feat 1v the sputhegst corner of said TRACT NO. 318", sold pains also being on the south line v1 said Svufhwes} <br />tluaAar (SW 1/4); lhencv deflecling left 90'21'26" and running eaalarly, along and upon the south Ilne of sold <br />Souihwesl quarter (SW7/4), a dls}once of Three Hundred Six}y Four dnd Sixteen Hundradihs (364.18) feel to the <br />southwest corner of sold ~Souihevs} quarter (SE1/q); Thence daflociing right 00'08'58" and running evslerly, <br />vlang and upon iha sauihr line of said Sputheasf qupHar (SE 1/4), a dlsiance v1 Two Thousond Six Hundred <br />Filly Two and Savenly Faun Hundradihs (2,852.74) (eat to iha svu}hevsi corner o1 sold Svu}heasl quarter (SE1/4); <br />Ihenca dallac}Ing left 89'48'58" and running northerly, along and upon the east line of sold 5auiheasl Qupr/er <br />(SE1/4), v distance of TA.v Thousand Six Hundred Fvrfy Seven and Seven Hundradihs (2,647.07) foe} 1o the <br />southeast corner of sold Northeast quprler (NET/d); thence deflecling toff 00'00'd1 ° and running northerly, <br />along and upon the east Ina of sold Northeast Ouvrier (NE1/4), a dlsiance of Two Thousand Slx Hundred F^rfy <br />Six and Elghly Fpur Hundr d}hs (2,048.84) feel fo the point pl beg7nning, excepiing Therefrom, a parcel slfuvlod <br />in a part vl said NoHhev~ Ouvrier (NET/4, In a paH p1 said Northwest quarter (NW1/4), in o paH a1 the sold <br />Souihwesl 4uariar (5W1/4), and In a paH p/ sold 5putheast OuaHar (SEf/4), and being more paHlcularly descrlbed <br />as follows: <br />First to ascaHaln the pp(n of beginning, start a1 the nprlheasi corner of saldNprlhepsl Ouarier (NE1/4); Thence <br />running westerly, along and upon the north I(na of sold Northeast 4uaHer (NE1~4), a distance ai Flve Hundred Eighty <br />Five and F^riy Two Hundradihs (5$5.42) teal; Thence deflecling laic 89'35'58' and running southerly, a dlslanca of <br />Seven Hundred Elghly and FHiy Three Wundradihs (780.53) feat }v Iha ACTUAL pplni pf begfnn(ng; thence conilnuing <br />southerly, along and upon iha previously descrlbed course, a dlsiance of Three Thousand Eight Hundred Seventy Nine <br />and TbIHy Two Hundradihs (3,879.32) feet; Ihenca deflecling rlghi 90.58'07" and running westerly, a dlsiance of <br />Ona Hundred 51x}y ih rea and 51xty Three Wundradihs (183.83) feel; Ihenca doflaciing tali 4T23'25° and running <br />south westerly, a dlslvnce vl Four Hundred Twaive and Flve Hundredths (412.05) feel; thence de hecling rlgh} 43'01'17 <br />and running westerly, p dlsiance of Twenty Two and F!(}y Six Hundradihs (22.56) feel; thence daflacling left 39'28'22" <br />and running south was}arty, a dlslanca of Three Hundred Eighty One and Farfy Five Hundredths (381.45) tees; thence <br />deflec8ng right 41.48'12' end running epslerly, a distance of Fqur Hundred Twanfy Nine end Seventy Nlne Hundredths <br />429.79) leaf; thence deflecting rl hi 46'09'21" end running n^rfhwasiarfy, o d151vnce of One Thousand Twa Hundred <br />.ighfy and Fvrly Slx Hundredths ,280.46) feel; }hence delleci(ng right 44'53'06" and running northerly, a dlsloncr <br />of Three Thousond Seven Hundred Twenty Three end F7f1y Six Hundredths (3,723.58) feet; thanc® deflecling rlgh} <br />59'59'28° and running noHheastsrly, a dlsiance of One Thousond Flfly Fvur and Foray Nlna Hundred}hs (1,054,49) <br />fee}; ihance deflecling rlghi 29'16'44" and running easterly, a d!s}once of Fvur Mundred FaHy Nine and Eleven <br />Wundradihs (449.11) feu}; ihance dellaciing rlghi 45'42'40" and running soufheosiarly, v dlslanca pf One Thousand <br />Eighteen and Ninety Slx Hundradihs (1,018.96) teal 1v the ACTUAL paint of baglnn(ng and containing 219,985 acres, <br />more yr lass. <br />sold Tract, lass exception, containing 746.922 acres, more ar Jass, of which 14.525 pcr65, more ^r lass, Is presently occupied <br />by public rood right of woy. <br />1 hereby cerllly iho} to the hest of my knowledge end belief, }he accompanying plat ls. from an accurate survoy of the <br />descrlbed properly made undeY my supervision. <br />EXHIBIT A <br />A PART OM THE NEl/4, A PART OF THE SEl/4, A S~"Xd`~. <br />PART OF' THE 5141/4, AND A PART OP THE NNA/q s <br />Op SECTION 14-TtIN--R11N tlF THE eT}I P-M., ; os-IV-avae <br />HALL COUNTY, NE8RA3KA <br />LAND SURVEY <br />TRACT N0. 32 <br />~BENJANIIN & ASSOCIATES, INC~ <br />ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS <br />R. 0. BDX 339 -PHONE 382-8486 - ARBA CODE 308 <br />CRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA 8$802-0339 <br />OLD PbTASH HIGHWAY <br />