<br />
<br />
<br /> THE STATE OF NEBRASKA 2 O O g O{~ ~+•24
<br />
<br /> Grand Island Independent
<br /> Notice of Trust",e Sale Independent
<br /> K&M Filename: PIEBRNOI
<br /> The following described prop- THIS FIRM IS A DEBT COL
<br /> LEGAL AD NETWORK arty will be sold at public auction LECTOR AND ANY INFORMA
<br /> to the highest bidder on TION WE OBTAIN FROM YOU
<br /> P.O. Box 88910 00118/2009, between the hours WILL BE USED FOR THAT
<br /> of 9;00 a.m. and 5:00 p,m. PURPOSE.
<br /> ST LOUIS MO 63188 (10:00 a.m.) at the main en-
<br /> trance of the Hall County Court-
<br /> s house, 111 West 1st, Grand Is-
<br /> I land, NE 88802:
<br /> REFERENCE: 10092657 THE WEST 112 OF LOTS 7
<br /> 20004738 AND 8, 'BLOCK 2; IN SOUTH
<br /> L -
<br /> Notice of Trustee's Sale The following described ro ert will GLAND 1tLAND ;AN AD p p y TION To THE -CISY OF O-
<br /> be sold at public auction to the highest bidder on 06/18/2009, GRAND ISLAND; HALL
<br /> between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. (10:00 a.m.) at QOUNTY, NEBRASKA, A.P.N, .
<br /> the main entrance of the Hall County Courthouse, 111 West # 40DO935$1
<br /> 1st, Gran All subJeat to any and'all, (1)
<br /> r®pl estate taxes, (2) special as-
<br /> Terri Trejo being first duly sworn on his/her oath, deposes and a~eama tita',aaaemente, cnv-
<br /> onante, restrictions, ardlnances,
<br /> says that he/she is the Legals Clerk of the Grand Island and resolutions of record which
<br /> affect the property, and (4) un
<br /> Independent, a newspaper printed and published at Grand paid water 011191, (g) prldr mort
<br /> gages and trust deed of record
<br /> Island, in Hall County, Nebraska, and of general circulation in and (0) around lease9 d( record.
<br /> The purchaser Is rasponelble
<br /> Hall County, Nebraska, and as such has charge of the records I "for all fees or t qu, Thlm,aale is
<br /> r
<br /> and files of the Grand Island independent, and affiant knows of i to made title, or condition any warranties as
<br /> p-
<br /> his/her own personal knowledge that said newspaper has a arty,
<br /> bona fide circulation of more than 500 copies of each issue, I 5Y' Garry McCubbin, Trustee
<br /> NSBA#22084
<br /> has been published at Grand Island, Nebraska, for more than 12400Q40 li McCud, LC
<br /> I 12Clive, Blvd... ,S Suite 555
<br /> 52 weeks successively prior to the first publication of the St. Louis, MO $3141
<br /> (314) goo-02014
<br /> annexed printed notice, and is a legal newspaper under the First Publication 08/10/2009 , fI-
<br /> statutes of the State of Nebraska; that the annexed printed nal 06/07/2009
<br /> Published In the Grand Island
<br /> notice was published in said newspaper.
<br /> I
<br /> 05/10/09 05/17/09 05/24/09 05/31/09 06/07/09
<br /> I
<br /> i
<br /> I
<br /> I
<br /> TOTAL COST: 106.71
<br /> AD SPACE:
<br /> Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me this 8 th day
<br /> of June, 2009.
<br /> 1
<br /> My commission expires L"\' ,20
<br /> r
<br /> Notary Public
<br /> GENERAL NOTARY -State of Nebraska
<br /> My Comm. Exp. April 2, 20 10
<br />