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.'--~. <br />41 ~~ <br />~_) <br />200906613 <br />EXHIBIT A <br />DESC~PTION: tae South Half of tba Northwest Quarter r5 ]./2NWX/~4) and the Northeast <br />Quartet (1VE114) of Sec~onElzven (1]), Tawnshi~iT-~c G~North, Rax48e Twelve (I2) West <br />of the 6"b k.M., Hall County, Nebraska E7cCEPTING a tract of land located in part ax the <br />Southwest Quanex of theNoxthwest Quarter (5W1/~NW1/~4) of ScctionEleven (11), Towsiship <br />7we?ve (],2), North, Ra~e',~+elve (12) West ofthe 6tla pM.,13[all Count]'_ l~ebraska, and mare <br />pazticularly descaribed. as follows= Cnyamemcjx~, at the West 1,/4 cnmcr of Seckiom Eleven (11)_ <br />Tv~wztship'~elve (12) Nortb., Range Twelve (l2j W, said poitlt also being the point of <br />beQQinniaga, thex-ce on an asswoped bcazin~ of NOO°00'00"E upon and along the west lime o£ tlas <br />N~Jl/4 a di.stauco a£933.39 feet; thence S 5$°56'?4"E parallel with the;outh li~ae of said Ir'Wl/4 <br />a distance oz 33-00 feet to floe East sight -of way (ROW) lime o£ Cameznn xns~d; thecae <br />cwn3iu~tting S 88°5'24"E paxallol with said south lane a distance of 900.9$ acct; thence <br />500°00'Oo"W parallel vrith said wear liv~c a distannce o£ 933.39 fcct to said south lixic of the <br />NW 1/4; tt-ence N$S°56'24°W upom and alvx~g said south line a distance of 900.39 feet to said <br />East ROB. Ling the7xce cantinuiug Ns$°56'24"W a distance of 33-00 feet to the pauat of <br />be~iyinynrr - <br />a <br />