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r , <br />2oo~os341 <br />purposes as I could do in my own proper person a,f personally <br />present, it being my intent to grant to my said attorney a general <br />power to act for me and in my behalf, and not a limited or special <br />power, limited to the specifa.c acts herein described. <br />19. Power of Attorne Becomes Effective U on Disabilit or <br />Inca acit of Princi al; Continues in Effect After Princi al's <br />Death Until. Notice. Pursuant to the provisions of the Nebraska <br />Probate Code, I declare that this power of attorney shall become <br />effective only upon my disability or incapacity,' but not until <br />then, and that the authority granted herein shall continue during <br />any period while I am disabled or incapacitated. The term <br />"disability ar incapacity" shall mean my inabila.ty to make or <br />communicate responsible decisions concerning my property or person, <br />and disability or incapacity commences upon certifa.cation by my <br />attending physician that I am unable to handle my affairs. <br />Pursuant to Nebraska Probate Code, all authority conferred herein <br />shall continue after my death until notice of my death shall have <br />been received by my said attorney sa that said attorney has actual <br />knowledge of the fact that S have died. Any action taken in goad <br />faith by said attorney during any period while it is uncertain <br />whether I am alive, before he received actual knowledge of my <br />death, or, in any event, taken during the period while I am <br />disabled or incapacitated, shall be as valid as if I were alive, <br />competent, and not disabled. <br />SN WITNESS r~IHEREOF, X have signed and acknowledged this <br />instrument this ~ day of January, 2001. ~j~ <br />Helen E. Allan <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br />ss: <br />COUNTY OF HALL ) <br />On this p day of January, 200., before me, the undersigned, <br />a Notary Public duly commissioned and qualified in said county, <br />personally came Helen E. Allan, known to me to be the identical. <br />person whose name is affixed to the foregoing instrument, and she <br />acknowledged the execution thereof to be her voluntary act ahd <br />deed. Witness my hand and notary seal the e and year last above <br />written. <br />GENERAL NOTARY•Sfa-e al Nebraska <br />III GALEN E. S'TFHLIK ary Pub1iC <br />My Comm. Exp. May 1, 20Q2 <br />POWERS\ALT.AN2.DPA <br />5 <br />