<br />To De osit Mone s Wit raw Invest,_and Otherwise _ _
<br />~ -- -~ <_ ~ Deal
<br />with Tan ible Pro ert Ta deposit any moneys which may came~to
<br />his hands as such attorney with any bank ar banker in my name, and
<br />to withdraw any of such money as he sha11 think fit in the payment
<br />of any debts, or interest, payable by me, ar taxes, assessments,
<br />insurance, and expenses due and payable or to become due and
<br />payable on account of my real and personal estate, or in or about
<br />any of such money in my name in any stocks, shares, bonds,
<br />securities or other property, real or personal, as he may think
<br />praper, and to receive and give receipts for any income or dividend
<br />arising from such investments, and to vary or dispose of all and
<br />any such investments or other investments for my use and benefit as
<br />he may think fit.
<br />10. To Vote at Stockholders' Meetin s, Execute Proxies, and
<br />Otherwise Substitute for Owner.. To vote at the meetings of
<br />stockholders ar other meetings of any corporation ar company, or
<br />otherwise to act as my attorney or proxy, with power of
<br />substitution, in respect of any stacks, shares, bonds, debentures,
<br />or other evidences of ownership, or securities, now or hereafter
<br />held by me and issued by or on account of said corporation or
<br />company and for that purpose to execute any proxies, limited or
<br />general, or other instruments.
<br />11. To Execute Deeds, Bi11s, Notes, and Similar Instruments.
<br />E"or all or any of the purposes herein stated to enter into and
<br />sign, seal, execute, acknowledge, and deliver any contracts, deeds
<br />or other instruments whatsoever, and to draw, accept, make,
<br />endorse, discount, or otherwise deal with any commercial or
<br />mercantile instruments.
<br />12. To Deal With the Internal Revenue Service. My attorney
<br />sha11 have authority to represent my interest in any dealing with
<br />the Internal Revenue Service and to have authority to receive
<br />confidential information, to deliver confidential information to
<br />the Internal Revenue Service, and to enter into any compromise or
<br />settlement agreement with the Internal Revenue Service as may
<br />affect any tax liability, a:nterest or .penalty owing to the Internal
<br />Revenue Service by the principal.
<br />13. To Make Gifts and Implement Estate Plan. To make gifts
<br />to reduce my estate or for charitable, religious or educational
<br />purposes. To continue any plan of gifts T have initiated. To
<br />follow and implement any estate plan that 1 have farmed. Gifts may
<br />be made to my said attorney if my attorney is a member of my family
<br />and would otherwise be deprived of an equal share.
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