. , r REwRE~®RpED
<br />2oo9o~s3~s
<br />cc) "Leader" is w~rLs ~r~aa . ~.A, 2 0 0 8 014 3 9
<br />Lender is a NATIONAL, ASSQCIAT~ON
<br />orgataized and existing under the laws of THX [TNITEty STATES
<br />L.ender's address is P•O- SOX y.i701, ~, N.7 0710147Q1
<br />Lender is the beneficiary under this Security Tastrut~ent.
<br />[~) "Trustee" i$ U» S . TRIIST CBI~!'FANY N. A
<br />211 30P FIFZ73 AvEN08, POk2'1'T~aLitD, OR 973Q$
<br />(E) "Note" menus the promissory note signed by Sotrawer and dated JAmQAazY 3 p . ~ 0 0 B
<br />'X'lre Note states that Harrower owns Linder sxxT~e T$ov~A~ Arm o0/~oa
<br />I)allars
<br />(U.S. ~ * * ***~o, 000, oo )plus interest. Harrower has ptr~aised to pay this debt Fn regular Periodic
<br />__ 1'aymGUts and to pay the debt in full not later than 'ARCS p~.. 2A~8 ,
<br />iyz,~;~.~'`-4~ ~) '~~P~J" means tl-e property that is described below under the hCading "'T'ransfer of Rights in the
<br />„
<br />nrtY,tl~~p~~. o~Loan" means tine debt evidenoed by the Note, plus interest, any prepayment
<br />~~ ~ . ~- urges and late charges
<br />~~ ° db6e nd~r the Note, and all sums due under tl~uis 58CUt`ity Tnsrruxnent, plus interest.
<br />~~'~i{ 'ders" r~reans all Riders w this Security lnstxumetat tlxat are executed by Harrower. 'The fallowing
<br />~'~'~:'~~~' ~' are td be executed by Harrower [rJaeck box as applicable]:
<br />'~'' Fa ~ ~' u,
<br />- ~"~ i'~ 4 • Adjustable bate Rider ~ Cgztdaminium Rider ~ Secpnd Horne Rider
<br />~~'~"~ n.~~~ Balloon Rider Planaerl Unit T?evelopment ltidcr ~ 1-4 Family Rider
<br />irAG~p~' ^ VA Rider 0 Biweekly Payment Rider th ) 11~yi
<br />- E-~ 1~[TI~, s~ ADIlE,NDUM
<br />(>) "AppTitable Law" means all controlling applicable kedexal, stake and local statutes, regulations,
<br />ordinances and admia,istrative rules and orders (that have the effect of law) as well as all applicable Liuaal,
<br />notz~appealable judicial apinipns.
<br />(~ "Comnrnnity Association Dues, Fees, and ~#ssessmer,~ts" means alI dues, fees, assessments and other
<br />charges th$t ace ;reposed on Borrvwe; or the lroperty by a condominium 'ssociatiou, homeowners
<br />association yr similar prgatrizatian.
<br />(K) "Electronic Fwnds Transfer" n~aus any transfer o~F funds, other thaw a transactiq>A originated by
<br />check, draft, or similar paper instrtrur~nt, whieb, is initiated through afl electronic tcrzninal, telephonic
<br />instrument, cgtnputer, ar mag~aetic tape sa as to order, instruct, or authorize a tuaancial institution to debit
<br />or credit an account, Such term includes, but is not iimitcd to, paisrt-of--sale Transfers, automatecR teller
<br />machine transactions, transfers initiated by telephone, wire trs~lsfers, and automated clearingb~,ause
<br />transfers.
<br />¢) "Esarorw Items" means those items that arc described itr Section 3.
<br />(M) "1Kiscellaneons .Proceeds" rrreans any compensation, settlement, award of damages, or proceeds paid
<br />- by any third party (gkirer than insurance proceeds paid under tb~e coverages described in Section 5) for: (i)
<br />damage tq, or destruction qf, the Property; (u) comdcmoation or other taking of all or any part of the
<br />Property; (iii) conveyance in lieu of candcrrmatian; or (iv) tnisrepresontatiar~ of, or omisaians as tq, the
<br />value and/or condition pf the Property.
<br />.. (N) "Mortgage Insurance" means insurance protecting Leader against the nonpayment of, or default on,
<br />the Loan.
<br />/'' ~~- ~ti
<br />~~ 6(NE) 100051 pegs 7 eF i S Form 3028 h /D1
<br />