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.. <br />• .. <br />200905924 <br />A tract of land consisting of part vt the Northeast Quarter (NE1/4) of Section Nixteteen (19), Township <br />Twelve (12) North, Range T'welve(12) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska and more particularly <br />described as follows: <br />Cvmu~lencittg at the Southeast cornet of said NE1/4; tltegce va an Assumed Bearing of N04°20'38"E along the <br />East line of said NEl/4 a distatce of 1668.23 Feet to the Northeast corner of a Timothy J. Aitken Survey <br />dated 10/].0/2005, said point also being the point of Regittttit-g; thence along the Nort1~ line at said Aitken <br />Survey 385°18'52"W a distance of 33.10 1±'eet tv the point o£ Intersection of said North line and the West tine <br />vi' County Road Right-of--Way (R.O.W.); thence along said North line 585°40'15"W a distance of 551.38 Feet <br />to a Northerly corner of said Aitken Survey; thence S30°53'41"W along said North line a distance of 84.40 <br />Feet; thence departing sand North line NOS°48'31 "W a distance of 1128.25 k'eet to a. point vn tba North lute of <br />said NEl/4, said line also being the South R.O.w, J1ne of State Highway 2; thence S87°36'31."E along the <br />North line of said NE1/4 a distance of 284.71 Feet; thence departing said North line S70°54'39"1 along the <br />South R.O.W. line of State Highway 2 a distance of 105.05 Feet; thence N75°18'16''E slang the South R.O.W. <br />line of State Highway Z a distance of 102.73 p'eet tv a point on the North line of said NE114; thence <br />587°36'31 "E along said North line a distance of 129.15 beet; thence departing said North line slang and upon <br />the South R.O.W. line of State Highway 2 SZ2°2$'01."E a distance of 136.'19 Feet; thence 504°20'38"E a <br />distance of 320.00 Feet; theztce N85°39'22"E a distance of 70,00 Feet to the poit+t of intersection vt' said South <br />R.O.W. line and the East line v# said NE1/4; thence S04°20'38"E along said Eas4 line a distance o£ 533.9$ <br />Feet to the Point of Beginning. <br />_. _ __ _ __ <br />~~~ <br />