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<br /> <br />200905882 <br />1XHIBIT "A" <br />LgGAL DI;SCt11PTI0N <br />A kract of land ctrnrpriaing a part of Lath One (1) and 'I've (2) Island and pert of the <br />land between the meander linen of the tint:kh C1renQel nE the Platte River, all being <br />In 3rction '1'hi.rty Twe (3Z), Trrrnnltip P,Ltv~n (11) Hetth, Range !(ins (9) Meat of the <br />bth 1'. H., Bali Country. Nebr:+nka, and mare particula~cly descr#.hrd as fnl.l.own: <br />tleginning at the point of intersection of the south right of way line of U. 3. <br />Highway 110. 34 with the east line of sold Lot One (1) Island. paid point being <br />Irony (40.0) feet south aF the northeast carnrr aE said 1.ot Un,e (1) ltlland; thence <br />5 Ol' 37' Ob" R (eseuned boating) along and open the east line of said Lot One (1), <br />Island, s distance of Ttra pundred Twenty nod Ninety Three tluudredthe (220.93) Sett; <br />theses !1 87' 45' 15" W a distance of Rl.ght hundred Nighty Six aixd Sixteen <br />8uudredtha (886.16) feet; thence 5 11° 46' 03" it a distance of Twn hundred Sixty <br />and 'Ltrenty Seven >lundredths (260.27) Eeet; thence 5 46' S3' S9" W a distance of <br />'t'hroe guradred fifty Seven and P.igbty four iluQdredthtl (357.84) fact; thence S 5Z° <br />40' 46" a distance of One hundred Thirty and Twelve Hundredths (130.12) feet; <br />khence 5 23' S8' 08" R, s dietance of Two >Lundred Yifteen and Six tlundredthe <br />(215.OG) feel, thence S 51" 08' 11" {J, along end uptrtt the northerly lina_ of the <br />#toplet of Lot 8leven (11)~ Neadnrlark listatta 5ubdivitlivn, a distance of Seventy <br />Mine and fifty Nino hundredths (79.59) feet: khence 5 AG" 51' 49" W sloop, and upnn <br />thu nnrtlterly line of ssicl Replat, s. distance of One Hundred Ton and pifty Six <br />hundredths (110.56) feet: thenw:e N 73' 07' O1" W alaag and upon the northerly liar. <br />of said t#eplatk. a dietance of >;lgltty Ts:o and Otao Tenth (82.Ip) feet; threes S 87' <br />24' S9" W elaag and upon the northerly line of said Replat, at distance of Seventy <br />Soveq +1nd Twenty Seven 1luudredthg (77.27) feet; tlronce 5 43° 53t t9" W aloctg and <br />upon the northerly lino aE said tteplet, a dietance of One hundred Trrenry and liigbty <br />five qundredtha (120.85) feet; threes 5 01' 07' 27" E slang and upnn the westerly <br />line of tlaid Replat, a distance of One hundred fifty 'Ibroe and Forty Right <br />HuradrtdtFxs (153.48) feoC to the nort#xreat corner of I.a[ Eleven (11) Mendawlxrlc <br />gstatea Subdivision. which is oleo a paint on the south line of t~a~id Lot Two (Z) <br />- _ _ _. _ <br />island; trance 8 90' OQ' DO" i1 along atzd upon the south iiaie oi' said T.ot-~a (ZT -- <br />Island, a diatsnce of four hundred fifty Five and Four Tenths (455.#) foot; theaco <br />N 36' 13' 78" 1;, a dietaaca of Orne 'Chausand Five Hundred Eighty Two and Seventy <br />Eight Hundredths (1,582.7A) feet to the paint nE intersection of khe prolongetiaa <br />a~ the earth line at amid l.nt One" (i) teland with the r;tutcrlitle ai nc~ North <br />Channel of the Platte River ,end alas being a paint an•the south right of ray line <br />of d. 5. Highway lYo. 34; thence S 87" 59' 12" B ~rldng and upnn said highway right <br />of ray ],ins a dietance aF Una Thouagad Use Ilutldred Party and 1'hirky 'ltiro hundredths <br />(1,14q.32) feet to the point of beginning and containing 17.942 acres, mono ar <br />laser of • U.1S7 acres, cw-ra ar loss. ie presently occupied by public road <br />right of ray. <br />