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q (~ ~ ~".~ <br />• ~g~ m ~ ~ z ~ s ~ ~"~ ~ ~ <br />- t rT1 y -~ ~, c. ~ <br />s.~ ~'? <br />~ ~ O Gl (1 ~ x ~ ~ ~; a r~ .i [~ ~ <br />N r~ 6` Q. ~ ~ ~ ~ rr..°i ~ 3 r ~ C.r, i ~7 <br />- _ ~ ~ <br />TRiJSTEE' S DEED <br />Garry McCubbin, Attorney at Law, 12400 Olive Blvd,, Ste SSS, St. Louis, Missouri, 63141, hereinafter <br />referred to as Grantor, as [successor] Trustee under the Tnist Deed hereinafter described, far valuable <br />consideration, hereby grants and conveys to Wells Fargo Bank, NA Grantee, without any covenant or <br />warranty, expressed ar implied, all of the following described real estate: <br />LOT TWO (2) IN BLOCK FOUR (4) IN CHARLES WASHER'S ADDITION AND ANNEX TO <br />THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA, <br />This conveyance is made pursuant to the powers conferred by a Trust Deed wit}1 power of sale recorded <br />on 10/21/2005 , in the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska as Document 020051046fi wherein <br />Estate of Jim I. McKnight Heirs at law of Jim I. McKnight Maria E McKnight is Trustor, and <br />Washington Mutual Bank, FA is originally named Beneficiary, wherein the Tnistor granted and <br />conveyed to the Trustee, an the trust therein expressed, the property above described to secure, among <br />other obligations, payment of the indebtedness and after the fulfillment of the conditiens specified in the <br />Trust Deed authorizing this conveyance as follows: <br />(l) Breach and default were made under the terms of the Trust Deed in the particular set forth in <br />the notice of default hereinafter referred to, which default continued until the time of the sale. <br />(2) There was filed for retard en 08/1S/2008 as Instrument 02008-07074 a notice of defaulC in <br />the Register of Deeds of Hall County, N. ebraska, arrd of election to sell the property to <br />satisfy the obligations secured thereby and thereafter notice of the filing of the notice of <br />default was sent in the statutory manner to all persons entitled to a notice thereof. <br />(3) That thereafter the Granter executed its notice of Trustee's sale, stating that it, as Trustee, <br />would sell at public auction to the highest bidder the property hereinbefare described, fixing <br />the time and place of the sale as 10/31/2008 at between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 <br />p.m. (10:00 a.m.) at the main entrance of tl~e Hall County Courthouse, 111 West 1st, Grand <br />Island, NE 68802 and caused copies of such notice to be published once a.weck for five <br />~p , ,~i7 <br />ilui~~~~i~~~~1~~ln~g~luguA~~pn~ <br />