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Red Lobster #734 <br />Grand Island, NE <br />Eachibit °°A" 2 0 0 9 0 5 8 3 3 <br />Le ai Descri tion of PREMISES <br />~„~s~o~a ~~I ~~' <br />~D~ <br />A tract of land comprising a part of Conestoga Mall Fifthn5ubdivision, <br />situated in part of the East Half of the Southeast Quarter (E1/2 SE1/4) of <br />Sectign Twelve (12), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10) West of the <br />6th p.M., in the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska and more <br />particularly described as (allows: <br />Beginning at the southwest corner of said Conestoga Mall Fifth Subdivision; <br />thence N 00 Degrees 00' 0Q" E (Assumed bearing), along and upon the west line <br />of said Conestoga Mall Fourth Subdivision, a distance of Three Hundred Thirty <br />and Twenty Five Hundredths (330.25) Feet; thence S 89 Degrees 2].' 12" E, <br />parallel with the south line of said Conestoga Mall Fourth Subdivision, a <br />distance of Two Hundred Nine and Fifteen Hundredths (209.15) feet; thence S <br />00 Degrees 00' 00" W, parallel with the west line of said Conestoga Mall <br />Fourth Subdivision, a distance Three Hundred Thirty and Twenty Five <br />Hundredths (330.25) feet to a point on the south line of said Conestoga Ma11 <br />Fourth Subdivision; thence N 89 Degrees 21' 12" W, along and upon the south <br />line of said Conestoga Mall Fourth Subdivision, a distance of Twq Hundred <br />Nine and Fifteen Hundredths (209.15) feet to the paint of beginning. <br />