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24Q9Q58Q4 <br />h. The Property must remain in dryland agricultural production unless prior writt~ or <br />approval is granted by the District to alter this prohibition. No crops, hay, gr <br />shall be graven on Property. only those items <br />other plants that could be subirrigated <br />~~ ,+ " 2" and " 3"'maybe grown on the property unless prior <br />listed on Exhibits 1 , <br />written approval is granted by the District. <br />i. No use shall be made of the Property which will consume groundwater, <br />including, but not limited t, the following: <br />(1) No pits ar other excavated areas that would expose or consume ground <br />water shall be allowed; <br />(2) No mining, sand or gravel operations shall be allowed; <br />(3) No industrial, commercial, a~cultural or residential development shall <br />occur an the Property unless prior written approval is granted 6y the <br />District.. <br />3. This Conservation Easement shall be perpetual. It is appurtenant and runs wrth the <br />land as an incorporeal interest in the Property and shall be enforceable against any owner ar <br />other person having any interest in the above described Property including the Grantor, all <br />persons or entities holding any interest acquired through the Grantor and all Grant's heirs, <br />successors, assigns and personal representatives. <br />4. It is the Cnantor's intent, through'this Deed of Conservation Easement, to permanently <br />transfer and surrender any rights that they or their successors, heirs, assigns or personal <br />representatives may have t irrigate or subirrigate the ~ and water four any uses on the Properly <br />permanently prevent the development and use of any grog <br />or off except those specifically permitted by Paragraph 2 above. The fact that the well or wells <br />an the Property have been decommissioned, reduced in pumping capacity to SQ gallons per <br />minute or less, or are no longer used t irrigate the Froperty cannot be used t supply an offset to <br />allow irrigation of any other land or any other water use or t justify construction of a new water <br />well as a replacement. <br />5. Upon any breach of the terms of this Conservation Easement by the Grantor, the <br />Grantee may, after reasonable notice to the Grantor, institute suits to enjoin any breach or <br />enforce any covenant by ex pane, temporary, and/or permanent injunction either prohibitive or <br />mandatory. The Grantee's remedies shall be cumulative and shall be in addition to any other <br />rights and remedies available to the Grantee on Easement, the Grant ~ hall reimburse the ve <br />breached any of the terms of this Conservah _ <br />Cnantee for any costs or expenses incurred by thelGra teeNo fa~lure o~~ p~ v the Granteelto <br />attorney's fees to the extent perrrutted by applicab <br />enforce any term of this Conservation Easement shall discharge or invalidate such term or any <br />other term hereof or affect the right of the Grantee t enforce the same in the event of a <br />subsequent breach or default. <br />3 <br />